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Hi there just wanted to come in and say hello to everyone on this board,it's my first time on this board so please bear with me,I have always had a fascination with the solar system and stars and planets,I used to make solar system mobiles when I was a child and do my own little projects:p ,my dream was to become apart of nasas and Be a space traveller that was a dream of mine but never can true. I just love everything about the solar system and beyond that to,I'm glad I found this message board as I want to start star gazing but I really dont know where to start down to the equipment I need or anything if anyone can help me I would be so great full,or know of any apps that might help me that would be so great,I can't wait to start and see what I find up there in the sky,and thank you in advance for any help ,can't wait to start speaking to other like minded people :D x

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Hi there :D Yes it looks like an amazing site Hun just hope I am able to get help on where to start and what equipment I need etc,I've been watching stargazers show on bbc2 last 3 days and it's really really got me interested again,it's just all overwhelming where to start as the sky is a very big place,the images that where being shown was so amazing blow my mind,hope you manage to watch it, it was amazing to see such sights,anyways welcome and I'll look forwarded chatting to you x

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the bbc 2 stargazers was AMAZING thats what has really picked up my interest. i have always had an interest but never had the time but now i have more time to put into my own interests and i cant wait to see where it takes me. as you say the sky is such a big place and it has so much knowledge to offer. now all i need to do is not b scared to press a wrong button and get lost on this site lol

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Hi there stu thank you for your advice,I take it binos mean binnoclears? I wonder how people are able to take those amazing pictures also,because I don't think or know if u can take pictures with a telescope or not,it's nice to speak to beginners as well as maybe we can all help each other If we need it,it's so very exciting to what you can do cant wait to get started :D and Lorraine Hun yes the shown was amazing it should be on every week like what the sky at night was when I was young many moons ago,just amazing information and images on there over the last 3 nights purely amazing :) x

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oh the pictures from the show.... truly stunning. not sure about taking pics with a telescope but im sure on tuesday nights show i think it was they attached a webcam so you could see, so my thinking is webcam can take pics normally so i cant see why you couldnt if attached to a telescope but maybe im wrong :S lol

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Yes thay did say something about a webcam,I'm guessing there's so many items you can use but for now I just want to start with the basics :D and see how i go with that,I'm a little scared as I've never done it before but hopefully I'll get the know how :) x

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You will guys. You sound like I felt a few weeks ago. There's some useful stuff on the beeb web site - type astronomy into their search box. Best thing for me has been the book with pictures showing you how to find things and at what time of year, as well as the star chart. Tho being from an engineering background I do love a chart :D

Take a deep breath and dive in, it's great.......

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Hi Saturnstars and welcome to the forum.

You can indeed take pictures using a telescope and camera, it can be quite expensive that way, but it is also possible to use a webcam attached to the eyepiece of a scope, which is cheaper. An equatorial mount would be required & the scope would need some sort of motor drive on the mount to track the object being photographed. The photos on Stargazing Live were long exposure photos, mainly taken with DSLR cameras, although I think the prize winning Jupiter picture may have been done with a webcam?

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Hi and welcome to the forum. Sargazing Live has created a lot of interest and to that end, there are many events that are going on during the week and at the weekend. It would be great for to go along to at least one to have a look at what people are using (not always expensive) to establish for yourself a benchmark to help you decide on what you will need to show you the kind of detail you are after. Also, seeing this gear up close will give you an idea of how long it takes to set up, cool down, how easy it might be to store or even to transport to dark observing sites if you live in an area affected by light pollution. Observing through scopes is fairly straight forward but imaging can be quite a different ball game and very much depends on the object that wish to capture. Planets and the Moon being so bright, means that exposure times can be short and so a simple webcam can do the job. Imaging Deep Sky Objects (DSO's) like galaxies and nebula require very accurate tracking because they are faint and far away. With these objects, imaging starts with the mount and that is where it can start to get expensive. Thankfully, many programs used to help process the data to help create the final image are free but there are one or two that are not so bare that in mind too. Hope that helps.

Clear skies in the meantime


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