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It's been a long time,... (I missed this forum)


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January 16th, 2012

It has been nearly 2 months since I last gazed at the stars. As each night filled with clouds passed, a small part of me ached and succumbed to darkness. December sneaked by without revealing any sky splendours yet I rejoiced about being reunited with loved ones. My return to the north was one filled with many teaching responsibilities making stargazing difficult. That January night, the skies seemed to come out and embrace me as I brought out my telescope to acclimate to the cold.

Since this felt more like a reunion than mere exploration, I decided to gaze at sights I knew well but stirred strong emotions from the past. The first was Venus, the first planet I found and observed with my telescope a long time ago. Looking at this planet like it's first observers from earth did in antiquity, I marveled at its beauty. I resisted thinking about its hostile surface and tried to imagine exactly how early astronomers saw this planet. Aphrodite, Goddess of love and beauty,.. With time we now recognize it as something totally different. Mind you, does that translate to our view of love and beauty today? Can danger be beautiful? Is love, a state of mind and emotion, devoid of danger?

Tell me now,.. Does this look dangerous to you?



(I know,.. there are far better pictures out there but,... I just had to try right?)

With an atmospheric pressure 92 times more prevalent than earth's, an atmosphere consisting mainly of carbon dioxide and clouds of sulfuric acid,.. you should. Then again, we say that a sunset is beautiful as well but I wouldn't go strolling around on it's surface either. Love? We all know the perils yet we still venture forward. So Venus,... shine bright, your title is well deserving!

Jupiter was also shining brightly but was quite camera shy so I tried my luck with something that pushed the limits of my small point-and-shoot technology. It was with this picture of the Orion Nebula that I packed up my equipment and returned to the warmth of my living room. It just doesn't get any better than this:



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Nothing wrong with nebulous and fuzzy! It's just,.. what it is! :D Thank you for your encouragement Double Kick Drum!

Yes, it's definitely been a long while Alan and I could go again tonight but the weather station reports -39 with the windchill tonight. I want to chance it but,...

brrrrr! :)


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I'm not mad and remained indoors tonight but I must say,... I made it out once in -45. I wanted to see my first comet (Lulin) and did! I also experienced frostbite though. I guess I am crazy because if you'd ask me if I would do it again,.. I would! :D


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Glad you're back, I always enjoy reading your posts.

I am in the middle of a stargazing drought. Didn't get out over the festive season, and now i'm having to pull 10-12 hour days every day at work for the last month or so, finishing at 10pm etc. It really feels like i'm missing a friend, very strange.

Can't wait for my reunion. :D

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Thanks Jimmy, that is awfully nice to say. I understand what you mean by "missing a friend". There's something quite strong about being out there isn't it? 10-12 hour days? Will you be doing this for long? I hope there is a real long vacation coming to you soon!


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The family "issue" is actually going very well! As for more stargazing,.. it seems we are in the middle of a "white out" right now with local blowing snow and high winds. It's too bad because it was announced yesterday on the news that we are to be witness of some great sun activity in the next few days. My region, being in the north, would be perfect for some amazing auroras but,..

clouds always ruin everything don't they?


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