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Sky-Watcher 150 PL beginner


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Bought a 150mm skywatcher reflector last novemer. The weaher haven´t been on my side since I got it though. Rain, rain, and more rain. Since I am from the northern part of sweden I am just to a lot of snow and cold (-30c) clear skies. So this is really borring. Hopefully we´ll get clear skies tomorrow.

The moon on this picture is somewhat out of focus. Sorry for that, One of my firsts attempt.

Maid an update and I am sorry to sa that I put a picture in the wrong place. Sorry.

Månen 13 okt 1.bmp


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Thank you.

I am happy though that I didn´t buy a 250 mm pice that I loved. It would have stayed in a corner and I don´t think I would have used it. But this is small enough to fit on my balcony. I live on the 13th floor. And the elevator only goes the the 12th floor. Small enough too fit through the staircase and the elevator.

Though I would have enjoyed a GoTo scope....

Maybe next-time.


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I remember Gothenburg from when I visited about 12 years ago - it's well lit up. You may find a dew shield will help reduce stray light - and it will also help the secondary to not dew up. Plus there's allways the "flocking" option :icon_scratch:

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I am also considering a diffrent mount. Want something sturrdier.

I belive Gothenburg changed the last 12 years. I have lived here for 6 years and I still long for those crystal clear nights in the northern part of Sweden. I ws born in Boden a small town an no light pollution. Every night one could see the Milky white way and thousands of stars. And the sky was especially wounderful when the temperature was below -20 celsius. Then it was really crispclear and one could almost hear the Aurora Borealis above...

Ok you can´t hear it, but you almost think you´ll hear it. When the northern lights are so bright.

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I actually brougt the scope with me from Gothenburg to Boden in my car just before Christmas. 1350 km in 17 hours. And when I got up there, way up notrh, nothing but snow for several days. Didn´t see a star untill I returned to Gothenburg. And of course at that time the clouds where drifting in from the North sea. We´ll I shouldn,t complain, I have food and everything I need. Some people are worst of...

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