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Saturdays Sun - Filaproms & Flares


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Lovely blue sky first thing this morning so decided to grab some images. Lots happening on the sun today; filaproms, filaments, flaring and prominences... Taken with the DS40 @f21, DMK31.


full disk by Mark Townley, on Flickr

I decided to have a look at the filaprom with the 2.5x powermate...


filaprom by Mark Townley, on Flickr

And also the proms on the opposite limb...


proms by Mark Townley, on Flickr

Before I knew it the sun was back in the trees again and my observing session was cut short...

Hope you like!

Mark :(

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Really great images Mark. I like the term filaprom, describes it perfectly :-). You really get a feeling in 3 dimensions of how the filaments are looping out from and back to the surface.



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Thanks Kev & Stu! :(

Lovely work as usual Mark :o Is there a hint of Newton rings in the top half of the main disk?

Yeah, I has some probs with the flat today - haze / high cloud was creeping in as I was imaging, causing uneven illumination in both the panes that make up the mosaic and also in the flat. The net result was the banding was never completely removed.

I'm really lucky to be able to iamge. Previouslly could only image from march thru october, however a neighbour has (finally!) cut down an oversize eucalyptus tree in their garden and this has left me with about 45mins window in the morning when I can image / view the sun. I'm hoping he cuts the other two down as this would give me even more sun time during winter months...

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Looks like you've missed getting the focus though.

Yeah, it's a bit soft on the powermate shots. A combination of the low sun and bad seeing, and also oversampling images in such situations doesn't help...

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