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Been kinda down lately, think it might help?


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I was considering breaking out the scope if the clear skies hold, even though its 20 degrees outside, Will the moon interfere? That and, I haven't taken the scope out in many moons, mostly because of weather, and was wondering if it might help just a little with the foul mood ive been in lately?

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I find just being under the stars without a scope quite soothing sometimes. If you take the scope out just take it easy and pan around the Orion area with your lowest power - plenty there to put a smile back on your face I reckon :)

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Certainly can't do any harm. I find it often helps me to wind down after work (i work in a kitchen so STRESSSS RAWWRRR). It's nice to just sit in the dark, just you and the universe, maybe contemplate the distance and sizes involved, the meaning of it all, how it all came to be, and the lengths of time taken. My favourite one is to think about the journey the light has made - All those hundreds of millions of years, blasting through the void at unimaginable speeds in complete uninterupted silence (darkness and silence are both heavenly concepts to me, since i work 12hour days in a kitchen, and share a room with someone who likes to watch TV until 5am).

Take the clear nights while you can get them, at the very least the fresh air will do you good, will make you sleep well, and it'l give you time to think about and figure out any problems you might be having in life.

All the best, hope things improve for you soon.

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Certainly!! I love to sit under the dark sky, even when its cold, and just watch the sky slowly spin around me. I tell everyone... that to me, astronomy and stargazing is a time for me to let my imagination flare. I have a huge imagination and I always wonder if somewhere out in that vast universe maybe there is another being staring up at their own night sky wondering about the same things I am. What kind of fantastic worlds that might be out there. I live scifi/fantasy so I always wonder if out there somewhere there maybe a world where stories come to life. Some people my laugh at this but I find it so peaceful.

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Know how you feel mate. (try IT support of tills for stress!)

Here its not so much the cloud, but the wind. When its been clear theres been a gale howling. Youd need a brick biult scope to get it steady.

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Sometimes I chill out by simply lying on a sun-lounger(well wrapped up of course), and just gaze up at the stars.......Amazing :)

Strange that's what I used to do. My young (at the time) nephews used to ask what I was doing and the reply was "moonbathing" strange how they just accepted it. When we were abroad they used to join me and I often showed them the constellations.

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Its a nice relaxing feeling being ouut under the stars and for me personally my problems seem to be insignificant (if only for a few hours at least) when I start to think where I am in the universe.

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