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Rain, rain, endless rain.


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FOR SALE: Hat stand, can sometimes be used as a telescope. Nearly new.

I told that joke to somebody at work and they didn't have a clue what I was on about. I said I'd try it on my online astro-buddies.

I decided to get a telescope to help me through the deep dark winter months. I thought it would make a nice change from my usual winter pastime of hibernation, but the fact I have a telescope that I can't use is really starting to **** me off; it's been raining constantly for about 5 weeks where I live. The thing is I enjoy cricket in the summer, so I'm obsessed with the weather in the summertime as well. I think I might be developing some kind of meteorologically related neurosis.

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I know how you feel. I got back into astronomy about 2 months ago and the number of clear nights since hasn't reached double figures. :)

I propose a boycott of all new purchases until something is done about it!

I liked your joke by the way.

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I know how you feel. I got back into astronomy about 2 months ago and the number of clear nights since hasn't reached double figures. :)

I propose a boycott of all new purchases until something is done about it!

I liked your joke by the way.


Being a self confessed nerd I keep a weather diary. Since mid October we have had eight nights where its been clear during evening hours in my part of Nottingham (Radcliffe On Trent) such that I can get to bed at a sensible time for work the following day. An investment of two or three thousand pounds that you can use 20 times per year is an expensive hobby :(

Over on the other thread going on at the moment about the rain I do take the sentiment about rain being nice on board - I lived in the Middle East for several years so I know only too well. But it does get very tireseome in the UK and Northern Euroipe generally when cloudy, dismal grey and rainy weather goes on and on !!!

Oh well, smile anyway ;) it ain't going to change and with global warmign is probably going to get worse :o


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Not only is the rain a problem, but the wind is too. We've had some clear spells but it has been so windy it's impossible to get any observing done. Plus the weather's making a right racket so I haven't got a decent night's sleep either. :)

I agree. I've lost 2 nights sleep this week alone with the wind. It even kicked off again last night.

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I am definately starting to think that this year is exceptional. When I think of this time last year nearly every night was clear. Very cold though. In Glasgow it seems to have been raining every day for months. The forcasters have invoked the old standby 'the jetstream' to explain the recent weather

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I'm a newbie to this telescope ownership but I am also fed up of the weather - I live very close to the Irish Sea and am getting fed up of being blasted by salt and the constant rain/sleet/hail. I've only managed to use the telescope for half an hour since I bought it!!! I've also got a new wide angle lens for my camera at Xmas and hoped to get some good landscape shots - but I haven't been able to use that either:mad: I was all excited with the new scope and camera lens looking forward to crisp winter days and clear cold nights - now I'm feeling a bit sad about it all:clouds1:

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