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Is that Jupiter?

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I'm totally new to astronomy, so forgive me if this seems like a silly question...

That really bright object in the sky, east of the moon...probably the brightest thing in the sky...is that Jupiter that I'm seeing?

(at the moment, I'm only using basicaly a "toy" telescope made by National Geographic...but I'm saving up and I want my first real scope to be the 8" Dob by SkyWatcher...but at the moment, this object just looks like a bright star with the 20mm lense, or a small bright disc with the 4mm).

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Have a look at it with binocs if you have some - when you get the focus sharp you'll see all four of it's closest moons (unless one's behind the planet) - you'll get a better view. Certainly sounds like Jupiter from what you say - congrats :p

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Jupiter is slightly west of the moon. A really good program is stellarium (google it). It an interactive map of the sky and is useful.

Hope this helps

Stellarium is a fantastic tool! So glad I found that.

We joined the realms of novice astronomers on Christmas Day - and I thought I was looking for or indeed looking at Sirius. And suddenly thought 'why has she got 2 thick bands running across her??'. It took me a while to realise I was actually looking at Jupiter. Saw her moons too.

Very much a WOW moment!

Normally, work wise I'm on the other end of the scale - peering down a microscope!

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Thanks everyone. Amazing feeling to be watching something that's so far away from us. Literally can not wait to order my first real scope. Might have to invest in some decent gloves too, as I've just discovered how bitterly cold it gets this time of night.

Bit confused over the whole East/West issue though...Things rise in the east and set in the west, right? So going by that, the object I've been looking at is East of the moon (slightly higher in the sky than and to the left of the moon).

I think I may have spotted one of the moons, it looks like a pin-***** sized star to the left (east?) of Jupiter in the scope. That's about all I can make out with this scope, but considering it is essentially just a toy, I'm very happy...it's certainly left me hungry for more in depth views...

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Hi Gloris - As the other person said about Stellerium, download that and in the settings get it to show Cardinal markers (or something), that shows E,W,N,S etc, and it shows you where the moon is and that it is in the West. Jupiter is just left to that.

But yup it's blumming cold out, I had 5 layers on tonight and a scarf around my head!

When we saw the moons we saw 3 above it and 1 just below it. Or it might have been the other way around (it's inverted for us).

The moon looks great tonight. Just like in the text books haha

Have fun :p (we're not far from you btw, we're in Witney)

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I think perhaps you're just confusing your West from your East? West is left and East is to the right of an object. So Jupiter is West/left of the moon (at least tonight it is).

Everyone - is that right? Or am I confusing myself here?

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In astronomy - you'll find yourself looking South if you're watching Jupiter, Plieades, Orion, moon etc rising and setting. So East will be to the Left, and West will be to the right :p

(Remember to change round when you look to the North lol).

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Ah, i thought that might be jupiter too. ive got an app on my iphone that is supposed to say where everything is, but it dont quite match up with the moon so dont know how accurate it is. anyway it said jupiter was to the left of the moon so i tried looking at it and just couldnt see it clearly. :icon_salut:

I tried every eye piece but just couldnt focus on it. i dont suppose for one minute that my telescope is any good, but it was a freeby so cant complain :confused:

i could see the moon crystal clear though, was very impressed with that.

its a lot harder than it looks this planet spotting lark :p:D

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The planets are easy - but although it looks clear tonight, the transparency is very iffy. High whispy clouds are blurring stuff a lot and constant focus is a bit of a challenge. Barlows will only magnify the effect btw :p

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The planets are easy - but although it looks clear tonight, the transparency is very iffy. High whispy clouds are blurring stuff a lot and constant focus is a bit of a challenge. Barlows will only magnify the effect btw :p

Concur with that, and thats just through bins!

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Saw Jupiter quite clear last night and it's moons although it was rather windy where I was so not so easy to stay focused :icon_salut:

I agree, the wind was playing havoc with my little scope, hopefully this shouldn't be such a problem when I get my Dob :p

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