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M1 reworked


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Thanks for the comments on my first 'posted' image (M57) on this forum, it was appreciated.

As it was suggested more images would be welcome, I thought I'd 'post' this one too.

Its an M1 that I took several months ago, but used a recent 'cloudy night' (not difficult to find), to have a 'fiddle' with it, using Noel Carboni's 'Astronomy Tools' in P/Shop.



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Amazing detail, that must be a tricky one to get right?

No, I wouldn't say that it is a particularly difficult object to image. I had good success with it, in the early days, when I was very much 'feeling my way' with this imaging lark. I think in this respect, you never actually finish learning, which makes this hobby so fascinating (more often frustrating :x).

Its always nice when you get a reasonable image out, but we never make too much 'noise' about all those that end up in the 'Recycle Bin', and I've dumped more of my images than I care to remember.

I would point out that this particular M1 image, as taken when M1 was about as high and well placed as it could be, which does help a lot.


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I've had more than one go at this myself.....I, like you, had to rework it.

Yours I believe has the advantage of more exposure - you're very modest mate - I know how hard you've worked to achieve that image. Nice one.

I won't hi-jack your thread by attaching mine!!!



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We have all binned, (and by binned I mean ashbinned Dave) none more than me back in the old HP5 and tri-x days.

But now and again a good one pops up and that cancels out all the baddies. Well mate, you got a good one there. Sure you worked on it, but you can only improve what you got in the first place. You got to be very happy with that result. It would keep me ecstatic for years.

Keep doing this, and we will all enjoy looking at them.

Ron. :police:

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