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its arrived

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after thinking i wouldnt get my scope this side of xmas i've just taken delivery of my ed80 apo and heq5:D:hello2:

need to pop out now but will be opening it all as soon as i get back. cant wait.

and the rain is easing off a bit and a few clear patches of sky so maybe, just maybe i may be able to get to try it out later.:)

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just opened up all the boxes and everything was well packaged. first impressions was how well made everything is, compared to the old eq4 i've been using.

the scope itself, well, wow, looks a fine piece of kit i must say, i went for the package so the scope came in a flight case so it can be safely stored away together with all the other bits and pieces.

right, i'm off to set all this lot up now. will put a few pics up later hopefully.

heres hoping for some clear skies tonight.:)

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contrast Tony, it came. If it clouds over, just jump over the Irish sea, clear as a bell here. Jupiter and Venus putting on a show for the kids. Can't go out as I'm dying with flu/chest/blocked nose etc, typical !

Happy Christmas.



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Congratulations tony.

That should keep you busy for a while.:(

You can't have clear skies on delivery day surely.:)

Regards Steve

oh yes i can:p its a bit cloudy with a few clear spells inbetween:). its nearly all set up in the kitchen atm, not going to bother polar align and everything today just going to get it outside and manually move it around.

just popped my head out the door and its blowing a gale out there and freezing cold but i can see jupiter is shining nice and bright so i think i'll just home in on that for a quick visual to see how it compares to my old helios.

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didnt get much time really, damn clouds, and with the goto not connected it was a real pain moving it manually and by the time the cloud had gone jupiter had gone from the eyepiece, perhaps i should have took the time to setup properly but it was so cold and windy. looks like it'll be a relatively clear night again here so i'll get everything set up correctly later and and hopefully get some proper viewing using the goto.

but for the very limited viewing i did get, wow, really crisp and clear. cant wait now to get it all set up properly.

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