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Any idea what this is?

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Hi everyone :)

I was going through my astro pics to free up some hard drive space & I came across this pic. I hadn't noticed this before if you look all along the right hand side just above the tree line you can see a faint green glow.

Can anyone tell me what this? I really want to believe that I unwittingly captured the aurora but I'll bet it is something much less exciting!



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Hi guys.

It probably would've helped if I had included that info!

The picture was taken at 55 degrees north & is facing North. The only light pollution from Edinburgh is to the west, the area that the picture is of doesn't really have any light pollution. I also have other pics taken the very same night in which that portion of sky is pitch black.


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I was hoping it was an aurora but I was reluctant to believe it until I had checked.

Its typical though, the few times there was a chance of seeing them I tried to take pics but saw nothing. Then it turns out I managed to take a pic of aurora when I wasn't even trying!!

Still, I'm chuffed!:)


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From the constellations I would say that your photograph is looking more or less north westwards. This would have the aurora extending a fair degree to the south - it seems to get as far as Pegasus. I am not sure whether this is possible at your latitude. Any ideas from aurora experts out there?

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Thanks guys,

I very happy with that pic.:)

I was just taking a pic of the night sky with Pegasus in it & didn't even notice this at the time. I was literally just about to delete the photo when something stopped me so I had a closer look & there she was!

The funny thing is, we were out for most of the night but none of us saw it. I would imagine thats because its so faint on the pic & would have been so faint to our eyes that we wouldn't have been able to see it.

I think I'll have to go through all my old pics now to see if I missed anything else!


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Hi Steve,

That looks much better with the histogram balanced. Can I ask, which program did you use to do that? I have Photoshop pro, would that be any good?


Hi Jeff,

Yes, I used PhotoShop PS3. I opened the 'Histogram Palette' and set Channel to 'Colours' then set to using 'levels' to adjust them all to the same level whilst watching the histogram.

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