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APO Scope for imaging

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Looking at buying an APO for imaging and general use. I have looked at Celestron, Skywatcher and WO. Some reviews are not overly impressed with the focusser. I have also been looking at an INED70 from Germany and an Astro Professional. Any advice and opinions would be most welcome. This purchase will have to last me a long time so I want to get it right.

Thanks in advance

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I have a SW 120ED, it is a very good scope for imaging, shame about the operator!! I have recently looked at how parfocal my LRGB filters are, and they are spot on. I understand this is as much a testament to the scope as it is the filters.

The focuser was pretty dire though. Took that off and put on a Moonlite. I have an Equinox 66 as well, but have yet to connect it up to see whether that focuser is better than on the Evostar. Time will tell!

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I'm using a C80ED (same optics as the SW ED80) and that comes with a poor rack and pinion focuser. I'm still using the stock focuser (with some teflon tape mods and the original Synta grease) for imaging, it works fine. I've been using it like this for at least three years I think. Anything can be used if you're prepared to make the most of it.

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I have the Meade 5000 ED80 APO which i'm very pleased with. The newer version comes with a dual speed focusser. The optical quality is excellent, the only negative is that the supplied dovetail mount doesn't seem to fit anything, so had to mod it. I've also DIY modded an electric focusser to it.

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A picture is worth a thousand words. The picture shows the corners of a frame shot with a Canon 450D and the Meade 5000 80mm APO triplet (corrected with the Sky Watcher Field Flattener). Not perfect (you wouldn't expect perfection for £280 secondhand) but pretty good.


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Thanks all for the posts, broadband has been down hence the delay in this reply.

A good choice, I think. Some experienced folks like Ian King and Steve Richards are enthusiastic. I've yet to see one but someone will no doubt appear here bearing the goodies one of these days...

The Feathertouch was a very good move. I do have one of those on our TEC and, boy, it's a peach.


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I have purchased a WO Zenithstar II 80mm ED second hand from Veracocha and have to say it is a lovely bit of kit. Haven't had my first light with it but can't wait. Two weeks off at Christmas, surely we'll get one or two clear nights!

Thanks for all the help and advice.


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