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Looking to replace my Televue's...any suggestions?

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Hi All

I have decided to sell my Naglers as I intend to get more into imaging. I don't want to give up visual observing altogether but I no longer see the point in owning premium glass to have the occasional look at the moon and brighter DSO's. I'm thinking of going for BST explorers as I was happy with the TMB clones I had and the Explorers are said to offer the same view just that little bit wider at 60'

I know it's pretty much a pointless question to ask advice on as there are not many good budget EP's out there but just wanted to get the opinion of those who have them.

Thanks in advance.

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Your crazy spaceboy

The bsts are great value

Sent from my A101IT using Tapatalk

It's not a light hearted decision CG and no doubt they will be missed but it doesn't matter how much you spend on glass it's not going to show you something that's washed out by LP. ;)

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Your Televue's what, are you trying to replace?

He has said his Naglers.

I might be tempted to move back to Tele Vue plossls myself. I've owned a couple of sets in the past and enjoyed them a lot before catching the wide field bug.

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What FOV do they have John? These go for around £50 S/H don't they? I'm just thinking the ER and FOV is pretty good on the BST's.

The TV plossls are just 50 degrees (apart from the 40mm) and have the normal eye relief for plossls of around 80% focal length.

If you want a bit more of both I reckon the BST's would be a good bet or, in the shorter focal lenghts, the TS Planetary HR's which are TS Services (Germany) version of the original Burgess / TMB Planetary and the best performing of that type that I've tried. The TS Planetaries have the blue screen printing on them and can be picked up for as little as £25 used.

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blimey, you made that decision quickly!

I hope you manage to get things sold for the right price and end up where you want to be.

for what it's worth, I always preferred the BSTs to the TMB types. TV Plossls are excellent but I find the eye relief of even the 11mm more fussy than e.g. the 7mm BGO.

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That's the danger of peeking thru these big scopes!!!!!

Your not wrong. I As much as I enjoyed the views in the short time I had at the big dob EP I can't help but regret now knowing what I'm missing out on. It is shocking how much brighter every thing is and because of this detail it's so much easier to make out detail. OK I could wait and see if a bigger dob comes up at the right price but then it's the whole inconvenience of trying to man handle such a large instrument every time there is a break in the clouds. I know imaging is no substitute for seeing it with your own eye's but I can't see any other alternative TBH. Even under crappy LP skies I'm getting to see more detail in images of DSO's than I could ever see through the 250PX under dark skies. Who knows if I would have made the same decision if I had not looked through a big dob ;)

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Hi Nick

Having a large scope at your disposal doesn't mean you have to use it every time you observe.

All to often people on forums expect you to use it all the time or according to them you've "wasted your money" on a white Elephant because "you don't use it".

This is absolute nonsense. You use it when it suits you.

I don't use my 16" every time I observe anymore than others with 5 different scopes set all of theirs up every time they observe. Yet no one says they've wasted their money cause they don't use em.

You use it when it suits you.

How many forum users set all their scopes up every time they observe......none.

But when I do go to dark skies ( for me as often as possible) a big scope reslly kicks serious butt.

Remember: if it's yours, it's yours all night every time you choose to use it not just for a quick glimpse but hour after hour of fantastic viewing.

I would not swap this for anything.

That is why my next scope will be bigger. Not because I use it every time but because I can use it when It suits me.

If that's a waste of money I'm a monkeys uncle.

I am not saying your decision is wrong by any means, but just because you don't use a scope every time you observe doesn't mean it's not worth owning one.

Regards Steve

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My problem is that I am a big fan of DSO's. They're not everone's cup of T as more often than not they all look like the same little featureless grey smudge. I know nightfisher would rather look at the moon that search for fuzzy patches and many others are happy sticking with planets and the occasional OC. From what I can tell anyone who likes faint and fuzzes either have big dobs or imaging equipment. For me the big dob idea went out the window due to portability so that only leaves the imaging.

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