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man on the moon here we go


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If this is deemed to be too risque, then I will understand if it is stopped immediately.

Fraid it is heading in the "risque" direction...

Try to keep the political statements/references out of this thread (kind of hard i know considering the subject)

I don't want to start deleting posts..

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I think I may have re-started the political direction...oops!! :D In my defence I didn't offer a political opinion just the facts of the situation back in the 50's and 60's.

Anyhoo, moving on apolitically. We went to the Moon. Case closed! :)

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i personally didn't see it live but iv watched vids of the landing and vids that it was all fake.

my view is that it had to have happend like a few have already said there was to many people involved surly if it was faked someone would have come out by now and said so thats just too big a cover up to keep covered

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Perhaps we should enter into the spirit of the thing, Is Shergar being held at 'Area 51 ?

Is the ' Bermuda Triangle' really just a tax Haven ?

What is the Truth behind Sir Patrick Moore wearing a monocle ?

This could be fun !

Cheers Frankl

Alll entries must be prefixed with' It's common knowledge that........'

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Quote from: barkis on Today at 16:32:41

"If this is deemed to be too risque, then I will understand if it is stopped immediately. "

response from Jamie the Mod.

"Fraid it is heading in the "risque" direction...

Try to keep the political statements/references out of this thread (kind of hard i know considering the subject)

I don't want to start deleting posts.."


Pretty innocuous statement by barkis but then we see big brother rear it's ugly head. Have seen more of this sort of overzealous policing on this forum of late and find it all a bit OTT mind you i better watch what I say or I may be deleted. :)

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No one was deleted, Jamie only said it was 'headed' towards politics. IMHO it better to head these things off before they have a chance to develop than have political rows flaring up in an astronomy forum every 5 minutes.


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I think your a little out of line with that Gary.

We delete only in extreme cases - normally it's something like Jamie has just done - a shot across the bow so to speak.

We are an astronomy forum, no politics are allowed - sometimes it just sort of happens and then we have to put a stop to it.

Discussions like these have gone too far in the past and we don't intend to let tis one go down that route.

I have a question for you.

Do you like it here? yes? I'm guessing yes as you've posted a few hundred times yourself. The reason that SGL is a happy place and everyone (99% of the time) gets on is because of the work of the Admin, GM and Mod team that issue these subtle reminders when things are about to go too far.

Please remember this.

We do what we think is in the best interest of SGL - we don't always get it right, but we try.


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It is common knowledge that Sir Patrick suffers from astronomers squint. A rare affliction among

astronomers that causes prolapse of the non-observing eyebrow. A monocle and I wear one for safety

reasons,supports the affected eyebrow.

That was an easy one but who is Shergar and what is Area 51?

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That was an easy one but who is Shergar and what is Area 51?


Shergar was an EXTREMELY valuable horse, that went missing without trace back in the 80's or 90's I think (can't remember). This horse was probably the most recognisable horse ever and no one ever saw him again - lots of conspiracy theories about that one.

Area 51 is the secret military airbase in Nevada where they have REAL UFO and Aliens :) Type Area 51 into Google to ready moor (type it into Google Earth for a map of it :D )


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A very disproportionate response Ant but not a suprising one, any other mods out there want to get on their high horse? Have a look at the original post and tell me what the big issue is with the opinion stated?

I have a real issue with this type of heavy handed approach, we are all adults and can all "suffer" to see one persons opinions in type. I do not need protecting from someones views (political or otherwise) to keep me happy, that is the very point of visiting a forum, somewhere that can hold an open debate and exchange of ideas. Politics are relevent to the discussion in hand and the point was a valid one, so i fail to see the problem.

And to answer your question "Do you like it here?" , yes most of the time. However that is down to the wonderfully diverse range of opinions, skills, knowledge and humour that 99% of the individuals on SGL exhibit - never had it down to the work of the censors but hey, that's just my opinion.

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Quote from: barkis on Today at 16:32:41

"If this is deemed to be too risque, then I will understand if it is stopped immediately. "

response from Jamie the Mod.

"Fraid it is heading in the "risque" direction...

Try to keep the political statements/references out of this thread (kind of hard i know considering the subject)

I don't want to start deleting posts.."


That is what I take particular issue with


We have very few rules - that is one of them. End of Story.

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I don't think anyone needs protecting I'm sure we're all robust enough look after ourselves but the decision was made pretty from the start of SGL that those two bugbears, politics and religion, would be kept to an absolute minimum on the forum and we would concentrate on astronomy as much as possible, there was even debate on whether to have an 'Off Topic' section at all.

I'm sorry if you feel this is heavy handed but as I said in my last post, it's easier to stop things at source than to try and draw an arbitary line in the sand. The forum is VERY easy to moderate , with no major bust ups and I think one of the main reasons for that is that we stick to astonomy as much as possible.


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Since I am the one who knowingly wrote the post that has caused a slight friction, I would like to apologize.

I realized whilst writing, that it was borderline stuff, and would probably draw a warning from Jamie, who was perfectly right to do so.

I should have censored myself and did not, therefore his response was perfectly valid.

I am sure Gary had no intention of turning a fairly innocuous few words into anything personal. I would request that the matter not be referred to again in the interest of harmony within SGL.



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Seems fair enough to me that the rules state, quite clearly, no politics.

What Gary is alluding to is that nobody needs protecting from other's views, but I think he misses the point. It's not that the politics is offending anybody, it that it is just banned, end of.

Tell you what, question time is on later, lets have a go at watching that, its not banned there and so we can all shout at the telly as mych as we want to. You'll hear me shouting "pants on fire" from barnsley, as usual. :)

Captain Chaos

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Tell you what, question time is on later, lets have a go at watching that, its not banned there and so we can all shout at the telly as mych as we want to.

So I'm not the only person who does that???? :)

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You will hear no more on the subject from me, I have vented my spleen it is an empty organ. Mind you- was not even aware that religion was also taboo- lucky you didn't get me started on that track, I blumming hate those religious nutters. :)

all my love


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I was a young teenager when Neil Armstrong said those immortal words and I can remember it was the single biggest event of the time. Everyone watched the apollo missions, especially from apollo 8 to 11. Interest from the general public and media waned a little during apollo 12 but the ill-fated apollo 13 mission grabbed the general media's attention again. By the time of apollo 17 (the last one), the general public had generally lost interest but I watched it all being completely nuts about space travel and astronomy even then (probably more so than now).

Looking back, I do remember that absolutely nobody doubted it was real. The conspiracy theory about NASA faking it all has grown around the birth and expansion of the internet. I find the whole thing deplorable and an insult to the thousands of lucky individuals who were involved, especially the astronauts.

Conspiracy nuts :) 'Capricorn One' was an entertaining fictional movie about a first manned Mars landing and not based on any truth but I believe this particular film helped to fuel the frankly ridiculous rumours.

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