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What telescope do you most regret selling?


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My very first scope was a little 2.5 inch reflector. ( I think ) Actually, I was so young, I really didn't know what I had, but I DO remember seeing the rings of Saturn for the very first time, so it must have been a pretty decent little scope. I didn't sell it to someone, but somehow it slipped out of my hands, as so many toys of our youth! I remember, and long fondly for that scope more than any other scope that I have owned since that time!

Jim S.

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My very first scope was a little 2.5 inch reflector. ( I think ) Actually, I was so young, I really didn't know what I had, but I DO remember seeing the rings of Saturn for the very first time, so it must have been a pretty decent little scope. I didn't sell it to someone, but somehow it slipped out of my hands, as so many toys of our youth! I remember, and long fondly for that scope more than any other scope that I have owned since that time!

Jim S.

I'm in the same boat, except i know exactly where mine is, i just can't get to it :)

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All of them.

regret my ed80 because I had no time to do photography.

I regret selling my Meade 10" sct because it was so good on the planets and m101.

I regret my Schmidt newt because it was a brilliant scope and with sensible mods the best all rounder reasonable money.

However, due to work commitments and other things such as children, I have had 3 12" dobsonians and they let me observe pretty much anything quickly.

I miss my Meade the most at the moment but if I didn't have a dob to drag out I'd miss that

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Oh, my Helios 4" f5 startravel scope (although the mount was hopeless) and perhaps also the Prinz 660 (a 3" f16 refractor in a huge wooden case). Oh, and the Tal2M with electric focusser and modernised power supply bits.

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