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Our new "Atlas of White Light Phenomena" is now uploaded


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Hi all,

This is just the start of a much larger solar project, which will eventually cover multiple wavelengths. To help me climb the steep solar learning curve, I deceided the best way to learn the terminology and solar features was to actually attempt to make a mini atlas of all the different solar features I can observe and image with small amateur telescopes. Putting this atlas together for white light was the initial step, and learning to see in my own images the defining details on the suns photosphere has given both me and my wife a huge mental and intellectual boost in our daily lives! I want to thank more than anyone else Stephen Ramsden for his immense patience in helping me getting the details right and with the grammar corrections to make the atlas as clear as possible. And of course to all of you who have inspired us to push onward with our solar imaging, and strive to make it the best it can be. Without delay, I present to you our white light solar atlas.

CCD moon and planets

Our next project will be in addition to constantly adding new images to the white light, the study of Calcium K phenomena. Thanks everyone.

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Excellent work Chris! it's very satisfying to do this, having all the info in one place is very useful for everyone. I thoroughly enjoyed my Christmas holidays last year doing the small CaK review, I learnt so much doing it especially as there didn't seem to be any info out there for the amateur. It was also therapeutic as the sun refused to come out!


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Yes Yes Yes, exactly what us solar types need. No good having some "solar100" as the blasted thing is constantly changing!! Be useful to collect all the material we end up making into a nice PDF. I remember a description of halpha features, but there were no images with it, maybe by David kneisley?



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Thaks Peter and Alexandria. The nice thing about an active atlas is that we can contiunally update it with the latest images. Such as this huge sunspot we are now viewing in such amazing detail. (photos tommorow)

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