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Sun images 1st May

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Chubs, the 16HR does FITS images which are stacked in registax. Although the exposures are in 1/100ths of a second, the download of each 2Meg. image takes around 15 seconds so you only get about four frames per minute. The worst bit is getting the image evenly illuminated across the disc and still getting some detail. The PST has a tuner ring which changes the pass frequency slightly to show up detail on different parts of the disc. When imaging the whole disc it needs to be set such that the brightness is the same across the disc or you have no chance in getting a nice image.

Once stacked the images are moved to Photoshop to get painted with the colour and reduced in size for posting.

You can use a webcam, then its business as usual.

Captain Chaos

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Calm down guys, they're not that good. On the close up you can see the belly button fluff in the top right hand corner, that's no solar phenomenon! :D

Captain Chaos

What on earth are you doing, playing with your belly button whilst processing your images. Is it some kind of Photoshop plug in we haven't heard about yet.?

Ron. :)

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