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Go'on I'll join the club; First image (M51)


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First attempt at this imaging malarky so be nice. Some issues like not long enough exposure (can only get 20 sec subs with my current setup) Focus is a little off. Manually stacked in Astroart (because of drift) and processed in Photoshop (curves and levels). Total time 15 x 20 sec subs.

A poor workman blames his tools however I do stuggle to get longer subs even at this time I have to reject over half of the frames. My polar alignment needs work too

Kit used

Startravel 120

motorised Eq3-2 mount

Skywatcher autofocus



(all second hand)

Any comments gratfully recieved

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First image? That might get you into some deep spending trouble Rob, but hold your horses. You could spend loads of dosh and not do better than your first image, the kit you have has some serious potential judging by your first go at it. Stick with what you have, it will give you some great results with practise based on this image. I went the "need more kit" route when I could "only" get stuff like you have. It turns out that I was carp at using the kit but I've progressed (a little) due to help and advice from here. Show your mates, your family, in fact anybody at all because you should be well proud of that.

Get polar aligned and you'll be flying. Great start Rob., you are going to do well with the imaging.

Captain Chaos

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Dont listen to other people Rob, what you want to do is remortgage your house and purchase an AP1200 mount with a C14 and a takahashi Sky90 guide scope.......... :D

In seriousness, fantastic first image, I look forward to seeing your later shots when you have more experience!

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You're prabably right, I should work with the kit I've already got. However got my eye on a EQ6 goto mount currently on UK Astro; 8 months old and asking £650 for it. The blokes also selling a 180mm Skywatcher pro mak for £330. Now those 2 coupled with a ED80!!!!.

Arhh! Kit fever!! :D :D

But ......

It is my 40th year and the missus has given the OK.

AS to this polar alignment. Is it really as hard as I find it.

Even when I think I have the mount tracking OK I still only keep less than half the subs, as I get star stretch. I guess this is due to the mount not running evenly. (Now back to that Kit)

As to the image processing I found the articles in PA very good and I bought Ron Wodaski book 'The new CCD astronomy' as a download from www.newastro.com

heavy going but a good read

I'll post my 'other' first image M101 taken on the same night. There were a few earlier ones but they were far too bad, no alignment or focussing

Thanks for all the votes of confidence


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Well if you really are allowed, go for it. The price is definitely right for that kit so you could always sell it again, maybe even make a quid doing that.

Polar aligning is easier with the better kit as it tends to stay where you put it and track better. The "lack of polar alignment" could be lack of tracking accuracy with the 3/2 mount, probably a bit of both.

Captain Chaos

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