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"Serious" astronomy

swamp thing

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I have met some "serious" Astronomers, but they didn't seem to get out much, and neither did their kit.

On the other hand, I have met a good number of you lot, and this for me is the way I like my observing, sociable and fun.

Have a look at George Alcock,

George Alcock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

he is one of my hero's, he had some binoculars and a sun lounger and he had a great time observing, making some amazing discoveries along the way. He didn't called himself a "serious Astronomer", but he put a lot of full time people in the shade.

As already mentioned it's a marketing ploy to either get you to think the gear is better than it probably is, or to make you think that in five minutes flat you will be master of all you see.

On a similar tack, I purchased a cheap set of high level LED brake lights for additional red light down the dark site. They claim to be "Super Intelligent", that's me done for! :D

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Serious is I suspect a term for those that spend an extra 10 minutes getting their EQ mount a bit better aligned.

Or someone that buys a Sumerian Oprics scope for transpoort rather then a Skywatcher.

Or they decide that they will get TV plossl's rather then GSO plossl's.

Is a serious astronomer someone that buy's an EQ6 rather then a HEQ5 knowing they may never use that extra that the EQ6 provides, but they know it is there even if unused.

Could "Serious" be a term for diminishing returns? Buying an Orion Optics Dob instead of a Skywatcher? Will the serious astronomer ever really see that small improvement? Probably not but they will be more content knowing that it is there.

I would say that "serious" is a term for an observer/imager that knowingly buys equipment that is in excess, often in a small way, of what they actually need or can use. It means that they do not need to consider "Should I have saved and bought B instead of A and got that little bit better performance?"

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I agree, but when companies who are making / selling expensive kit use a term like "for the serious astronomer", by 'serious' they probably do mean "Willing to shell out the cash to buy this". :D

Yeah, fair enough - but that's just marketing spiel. Same applies to "pro", presumably used to imply professional. I doubt many professional astronomers use "pro" kit and any that do certainly not in the course of their profession!

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Don't forget the second definition of "serious" :

Demanding careful consideration or application

Good one. ;)

I see nothing wrong in taking a hobby (an issue, job... anything) seriously. But an awful lot of folk seem to take themselves very seriously these days. One only has to visit the blogs, twitterings, of the celebrity world... :D

Life is a "serious business" these days... Or so we are TOLD? Being competitive, never settling for "second place" - Even in the most trivial and pointless. Oh God, it's TV "Masterchef" again! :D

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I'm serious about getting the best results I possibly can, and in consequence have spent a small fortune in pursuit of that extra 'something' (and drive around in an old banger because of it....we're far from rich!)....but for me when I'm out imaging, being serious about getting the best results is loads of fun, and better gear means more fun.....I certainly don't take myself seriously,, and have very little time for people who do.



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I'm serious about getting the best results I possibly can, and in consequence have spent a small fortune in pursuit of that extra 'something' (and drive around in an old banger because of it....we're far from rich!)....but for me when I'm out imaging, being serious about getting the best results is loads of fun, and better gear means more fun.....I certainly don't take myself seriously,, and have very little time for people who do.



Oh you're awesome Rob! :-) great post!

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