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Jupiter Sept 15th I could weep!

Space Cowboy

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Talk about frustration! I should have had the best Jup shot ever...seeing was great, no wind just a hint of mist and Jup was as steady as a rock sitting there like a ready made stacked image. Only problem was my xxxxxx equipment let me down....cigar lighter cable which has an extension lead decided to cut power twice so kept losing tracking. Also the Alt gear tension has loosened as this is a new mount so Alt movement was jerky. By the time I'd got Jup centered on screen the freaking cloud was coming over. All I've got is this one image taken through cloud. I reckon visibilty was down to 50%. I've stretched the histo till it squeaked just to make a useable image. At least GRS was not on show else it would have been a Samaritans job!


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Must have been frustrating, but gremlins can attack you when least expected. However, you have a great shot of the big guy. Superb detail pole to pole. You're turning out some real nice pictures of Jupiter, and the future is good for even better opportunities as it climbs to opposition in October, and a 50 arc second disc to exploit :(.


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Stuart- cracking image . I tell you why, cos these things as you know are sent to test us and stretch us. We realise our shortcomings and endevour to get over them and in the process learn a lot . For the data you got look what you squeezed out of it. When it really counts you'll be right mate !!:(

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On the subject of cutting power when you least want... I've noticed that several extension leads I have seen are poorly matched and wobble a lot in the mount socket. My CG5GT has a typical 3.5mm power jack socket, but power jack plugs can have different sized central conductor holes, with 2.5mm and 2.1mm being common. The fit of the central pin is crucial to the overall stability of the connection. It seems that a few extensions I have seen have played safe, by supplying the larger central hole, and compromising the integrity of the connection.

Worth checking that aspect and making a lead up with the correct pole size. Whilst doing so, it seems to make sense to check the amp rating of the power cable matches the maximum amperage that your mount could demand (and that your supply can easily output the amperage).

Folk told me my CG5 GT would be noisy as heck and sound like a coffee grinder. I use it with a regulated 7amp supply from Maplins and a Ring brand car battery starter when mobile. Since making sure that adequate power was available and delivering it via my homemade fused leads with high amperage capability, the mount functions remarkably quietly. It was a tough job getting the thicker cable into the 3.5 plug though.

It is possible that the male (centre) contact in the mount socket can become crimped in use, leading to a sloppy fit and this can be carefully prised apart in most cases to get a solid contact again for a quick in-the-field fix.

Jeeze, I never realised I'd end up writing a thesis on this... Hope I haven't bored anybody too much :(


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I understand how you feel, it happened to me too. spent two days banging against rubbish weather, tried to make space on my pc for data, and the camera wouldnt run properly losing half my frames ( thats when it was running ) its just too much, i agree stuart. seeing was much better. Thats your best so far, small consilation i know. one thing though, think about this, you will get another night like this. you now know what that camera can do. look to the future. there will always be setbacks in this game. try to learn from it, and sort the problem that caused it. Trust me stuart, i know how you feel, as i feel the same. trying to savage somthing now. from 2400 frames on the blue lost 1400 argh

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Its happened before ( always under good seeing ) sometimes feels like a curse. so i get your comments, totaly. I have salvaged something.But not as good as it should be. Even though im a old hand at setbacks. we never stop feeling gutted for a while. its human nature with all the hard work, and rubbish uk weather. Just try and sort those problems, youll be back in style soon im sure

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Great image.

if it was easy, you wouldn't get the satifaction when it all comes together.

Which camera did you use? The SPC ? or the DMK ?

Which scope?

Thanks mate! Taken with DFK and Auto Dob at 60fps 1/61 sec though only managed less than 90 sec before clouded out completely.

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Its happened before ( always under good seeing ) sometimes feels like a curse. so i get your comments, totaly. I have salvaged something.But not as good as it should be. Even though im a old hand at setbacks. we never stop feeling gutted for a while. its human nature with all the hard work, and rubbish uk weather. Just try and sort those problems, youll be back in style soon im sure

Cheers Neil. Trouble is these good seeing moments are like hens teeth. I knew there was going to be trouble when the cat ate my lucky rabbits foot!:(

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Under ideal conditions your going to get something great, its easy to see that, it looks to me like your work load is quite low, etheir that or quality is inconsistent. ( that can also come from a low work load ) as ive noticed only 1 or two shots from a session. I assume its hard to get the planet on screen and tracking ? if that is so.

starting much earlier, and getting the bugs sorted before jupiter gets high up will get you on top of the game. using just single colour. you should be aiming for at least 10 or 15 reasonable avis per session with at least 5 or 6 with similar quality.

I know on this occassion clouds have come over. your tracking was playing up last time.

But all the more reason to get out on jupiter much earlier, and work the problem. if you get a good night, i know you will be pleased you did.

Its very much worthwhile fighting for your shots, as they are starting to show some really good detail.

Dont want to annoy. ( constructive advice often means that im adraid ) But i prefer the colour of the top image. Apart from a slight equatorial brightening, the levels look better too.

The bottom image looks better for smoothness. As there is grain on the white coulds on the fIrst image. if you dont go through these processing trials. and tribulations. you wont hone your skills and get any better. And make no mistake your getting a lot better. Actually on the verge of a shot that will make you weep, only on this occassion it will be tears of joy.

So its good to be seeing you do this. over the years, i would wake up in the morning look at my processing, and say, what was i thinking. did that a lot ( still do ) the point is our eyes learn. and we dont get tricked as easy, when we learn.

Dont get me wrong there both good shots. Not sure if its the higher levels, but the bottom shot has more blue.

I think the top shots colour is damm nice, not a lot in it, but looks bluer to me on the bottom one.

if you can get the balance on top but with more frames i think thats it. John h would often mention things to me, i would step back and think, yeah hes right. we get so caught up often we need to step back the way, a onlooker can. Hope im helping not just annoying.

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Clouds annoy me Neil not constructive comments.:)

I've had 4 sessions so far with the new cam, 1st one seeing was great but clouded out before could start imaging. 2nd session got about 10 avis. 3rd one got around a dozen shots but onion rings ruined most and then this last one got just the one shot through cloud.

I'm sure when Jupiter is high before midnight I will have longer to image but I don't like setting up too soon because of dew as I don't use any heaters.

If there is ever a completely clear night forecast I may venture into more ungodly hours but its been so unpredictable I've been leaving it till after 4am.

I gave the 2nd version here much more saturation. The image is barley visible after stacking and after stretching levels it loses most of its colour. Trying to make a silk purse out of a sows ear lol

Without the cloud this shot would have blown my others away for sure!

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No i know, i can see that. but i will stress, urge my best nights are ones where i got jup early, and watched the seeing improve while i got better and better, at focusing. cooldown improves the images too. Though like you dew is a problem for me as i dont use heaters either, infact using a fan which i do, often makes it worse, when its moist i try to cool the scope with the cap on. if your cooling for longer thats not a problem anyway. I try to keep the cap on between capturing, and not. A dew shield will help a little. John h uses foam around hes secondary which he says works well. I know you have reasons not to start early. Hey i do too. But if you can cure those. or at least minimze them. i think its good advice. you will have to decide if you think thats so or not. anyways good luck. look foward to your next outing

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Cheers Neil. Yes I've got a big green camping mat dew shield both on end of OTA and around the strut. If I didn't have to be up at 5.30am for work 7 days a week I'd be out for longer but alas I have to keep body and soul on an even keel :)

Saw Jup above the roof tops at 10pm last night which is an encouraging sign! :)

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