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WO 2" Diagonal - Any thoughts

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I am considering upgrading my 1 1/4" diagonal that was supplied with my C8 to a 2" and I like the look of thw WO diaelectric (£115 from the sponsors). Another advantage of this one is that it can also be used without the supplied SCT adapter in a crayford if at some point in the (near) future I get an 80mm refractor (poss SW equinox).

Does anyone out there have any thoughts on this diagonal or any experience using it with a C8 or refractor?

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I had this diagonal and loved it. the build quality is superb and it's a classy and very robust item. I am not convinced the view is much better than the much cheaper 2" unbranded diagonal I have now though.

my only criterion this time round was compression fittings. I got my current one used for £35. I'd buy a used WO one if you can wait, you'll get one.

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I have the WO dielectric diagonal for my CPC 925 GPS. Although the sides are carbon fibre it is actually quite heavy. I only really use it when I'm using my Moonfish 2" eyepiece. Most other times I use a standard 1 1/2" diagonal and really can't see the difference in performance between the two diagonals. When I use my focal reducer I find that most of my eyepieces won't come to focus with the 2" diagonal.

To be honest, I don't think I'd bother with the 2" diagonal if I was starting from scratch again, but now I've got it I intend keeping it for the few times I use my 2" eyepiece.


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Hi, visually you probably won't notice much of an improvement however as mentioned it's the build quality that sets it apart from the supplied diagonals.

Also I would like to add that the equinox refractors are very nice, not that I am biased :)

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I've owned a couple of William Optics 2" dielectric diagonals and both were pretty good. I've now got a Tele Vue Everbright which is superb but pretty pricey and a Revelation 2" Quartz dielectric which cost well under £100 new and I'm very impressed with - just as good as the William Optics in my opinion. In all fairness there was virtually nothing to choose in optical quality between the 3 brands I've mentioned though.

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Hmmm i have had a look at the revelation and it says it's a "quartz" dielectric . i thought they were more expensive.

What is the build quality like on the Revelation.

I also assume that I would have to get either the SCT fit or the standard fit and wouldn't be able to use it in both as you can with the WO + SCT adapter ?

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I would subscribe to the view that the is no real difference between say the WO brand and Revelation (assuming the 99% reflectivity) and if it exists it is negligible given that the human eye is also part of the light path. I have the 2" WO Carbon Fibre model and I chose it mainly because of its attractiveness (...sad but true :)) but also because being a 2", you have the choice of 2" and 1.25" eyepiece (courtesy of the adapter) whereas having only a 1.25" means just that, restricting your self to only using that size. Whatever you brand you get, I would recommend a dielectric, ONLY because you can clean it without any fear of damaging the surface. John above mentioned the 'Everbrite', it isn't cheap but I believe it has the advantage of being machined from a solid block, so there's no danger of the diagonal unscrewing itself from the focuser.


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I agree with all you say James. although I bought a cheapie and one advantage is that you have no fear of taking it to bits to apply flocking to the interior. Trouble is doing that means that the reflections in the drawtube are now more apparent! That's next when I can be mithered.

On the non CNC ones you can always apply some araldite or similar to the threads and this makes it less likely to 'turn out'. The fact you are not constantly turning the diagonal is yet another advantage of alt-az mounts!

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Shane, some nice ideas there. I have never heard of flocking the inside of a diagonal before to help maintain contrast - another job to do 'IF' the clouds comes in! :) One of my focusers doesn't rotate and so there I was, thinking that I had released the diagonal, turning it this way and that when in fact....you can guess the rest.

Many thanks


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Hi Alan,

Try looking through your scope with & without the diagonal in place, if you can't see any difference there's no point buying a premium diagonal, if you can, then there is.:(- Jupiter might be a good test object.

I have a Revelation 2" quartz, well built,Excellent VFM IMO, not as aesthetically pleasing as the WO mind :), but then you're not buying it to look at are you?? :)

I Don't think you'd go wrong with either TBH.

Like the WO,The Revelation can be swapped between 2" & sct nosepieces should the need arise.

Hope that helps.

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Thanks again for the responses

looking through my scope without the diagonal sounds like a good test and I will try it tonight (ever the optimist), jupiter will be pretty low in the sky and I shoudn't have to adopt a contortionist position to view it straight through

Will the revelation connect directlly to my SCT visual back screw thread as well as standard push fit ? The photo's in the ad's show two types - one for SCT , one for non-SCT

I would like to be able to use it with a refractor in the future

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Hmmm i have had a look at the revelation and it says it's a "quartz" dielectric . i thought they were more expensive.

What is the build quality like on the Revelation.

I also assume that I would have to get either the SCT fit or the standard fit and wouldn't be able to use it in both as you can with the WO + SCT adapter ?

The build quality of the revelation is exceptional - it is one of the few on the market where the body is machined from a solid block of Aluminium.

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Hi There,

As from above you will find that most of the 2" diagonals will give a quality image. I have revelation dielectric a couple of meade uhtc's and one from Skies The Limit that was sent to me in mercy when I was in swales on hol so I could use my grab&go scope .. long story. However this cost £5, bits of silvering missing off the optical path but its great!..

So yes Wo are fab but have a look around in the for sale / used section !.

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Will the revelation connect directlly to my SCT visual back screw thread as well as standard push fit ? The photo's in the ad's show two types - one for SCT , one for non-SCT

I would like to be able to use it with a refractor in the future

No, the nosepieces are interchangable but you only get one with the diagonal.

So you'll have to buy the other nosepiece seperately.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I finally got the chance on Thursday night to try out the "straight through test" without the diagonal.

I did notice an improvement in image quality but not exceptionally. I was using a Hyperion 8-24 mm zoom on Jupiter still at 1.25". Maybe with a 2" eyepiece it would have been even better.

I have decided to go with the WO and ordered it last night from FLO, i think it will sit well with my Equinox

Many thanke for all your responses

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