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It's arrived! From 4" to 11" :D

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Just like someone else round here, I've also just upgraded, also after about 2 years! I've now gone from a NexStar 4SE to a C11+CG5 combo.

Finally, something that looks like a 'proper telescope'! :) I'd have to say, I think the instruction manuals that come with the mount and OTA are pretty poor, full of references to things that don't apply or tally with the C11. They very much have the feel of a document that has been translated from one language to another and not checked properly. When paying the sort of money that these things cost, you'd think that they could supply proper, appropriate instructions!

I got home to find three boxes in a dining room, two large and one small. The items were certainly very well packaged, although, I did laugh at the 'Fragile!' label attached to the boxes containing the counter weights! :D

Unpacking, I was somewhat amazed at just how many boxes were inside the other boxes and how many bits I kept discovering. Eventually, once I'd got it all out, I had a look at the parts. My intial feelings are that the diagonal, finder scope and EP all seem a bit pants for something this expensive. Plastic certainly seems quite prevalent in some places.

On the plus side, the OTA - OMG!!! ;) I couldn't stop grinning! It's not too large, IMO, and not too heavy. I like the fact that the cap is a bayonette fit, rather than the push/pull type. I do feel though that the handle is a bit too close to the dovetail, making it a bit awkward when fitting the OTA to the mount.

Fitting the finder was a pain, as the instructions given don't match the scope! Initially, I tried fitting it on the right hand side (as looking from the back) but found the screws were too small. Then I discovered that there were longer ones on the left side, so I fitted the finder there.

The dovetail is either made of something rather soft, or the fixing screws on the mount are extra harsh. Already, the bar is covered in marks!

With the mount assembled and the OTA on, I tried balancing it. This was easy! Being slightly large, the scope comes with 3x11lb counter weights, which were easy to install and adjust.

Fitting the polar scope to the CG5 was again made harder than needs be, due, once more, to poor instructions. However, again I worked out what needed to be done and eventually got it installed.

So, it's all assembled and waiting for a clear patch of sky, so it can be used in anger! :p For my first session, I might not worry too much about aligning it and all that stuff, rather I'll just aim towards things to have a quick look to see what it's like. When I can be sure of some good, clear skies, then I'll take more time and make an effort to align properly.

My overall impression so far, I love to OTA, the tripod seems pretty sturdy, the mount seems reasonable, if rather loud as others have noted, and the instructions are poor (a 5 or 6 out of 10 at best). All-in-all, I'd give it about an 8/10 for the whole package an experience thus far. It would have been higher but for the poor instructions and some rather cheap materials and components.

Pictures (lots!) to follow soon.

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Well done mate, I'm sure that your going to enjoy your new beast of a scope.

You can move the finder scope to either side, just swap over the long screws, mines on the right.

Also I find it easier to put the scope on by pushing it up into the plate, as you say when you come down onto the plate the handle gets in the way

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Sounds a great scope and a big upgrade from your last one :)

Be sure to allow plenty of cooling time (unless the scope is kept at or near outside temperature. "grab and go" viewing with SCT's can be a little frustrating unless they are properly cooled !.

I'd be interested in your views on how well the CG5 copes with the weight and focal length of the scope - looking forward to 1st light reports :D

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The dovetail is either made of something rather soft, or the fixing screws on the mount are extra harsh. Already, the bar is covered in marks!
Do it up nice and tight though... If it looks like it's slipping (heaven forbid) don't forget the ultimate sacrifice! :)
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Are using the setup purely as an observing one Chris, or is an imaging career intended with the new toys, and Do you have an Observatory to set it up in?

I see it's a fastar compatible OTA, so great potential there, although perhaps you feel you've spent enough fo the time being :).


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Are using the setup purely as an observing one Chris, or is an imaging career intended with the new toys, and Do you have an Observatory to set it up in?

I see it's a fastar compatible OTA, so great potential there, although perhaps you feel you've spent enough fo the time being :D.


Err....my wife feels I've spent enough for some time to come! :) (not that that normally stops me)

At present, it will be mainly observing, with possibly a little bit of webcam on planets, and possibly I might stick the Nikon on, just to see what happens. I have already paved the way to upgrade the mount to something like either a NEQ6Pro or CGEM, so 'The Wife' is expecting that at some point.

I have also mentioned that my chainsaw is getting twitchy towards the big ash tree, and possibly the sweet chestnut in the back garden, which would conveniently clear a space for a possible observatory of some description. If it weren't for the amount of sawdust I make in the garage, I'd have considered looking to convert that in some way to make an obs. I'd be quite happy to adapt the roof! ;)

As for the fastar compatibility, I have already mentioned this to 'T.W.' so she is aware that it could be in the future plans. :D As I've explained to her, astro photos could make a nice side-line to the photographic business and would also be a good extra for use in school. :p

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Hiya Mate I told you not to buy it:D ,but now iv seen it ,it looks a beuty, Enjoy it butty you deserve it. clear skies:headbang:...................kev

Cheers, mate! It actually sits quite nicely, next to the 4SE in a corner of my study. :D So, even if I can't get outside to use either of them, I can still admire my boys. :)

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Must be something they put in the water....I've just taken delivery of a C11 OTA.

Waiting on the Bob's Knobs to arrive.

This will be fitted to the NEQ6pro mount using an ADM "Losmandy" dovetail. I'm also waiting on the Losmandy "Safety Clamp"

I've managed to modify the finder bracket on my Antares illuminated finder and now have that fitted OK.

An ADM top minirail will look after all the "extras"

(I used a Feathtouch microfocuser on the C9.25....the same would look good on the C11 -but the price!!! Ouch!)

Let's hope (and pray) that we can all get some better weather to get these scopes under the stars..

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I've heard that some people have had issues using Bob's on these larger SCTs, with them tending to need more collimation than if left with the standard kit. I'll be interested to hear how you get on and how much collimation you find yourself doing.

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