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Out imaging the moon!

Looking spectacular and SharpCap working a dream. I'm going for a mosaic from panes of 750 frames each. Atmosphere is boiling away though.

Anyone else out tonight?


- TheThing.

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Just wondering whether to risk it - it's just cleared up after some really heavy showers (been doing the sun/lash down rain all day). It might have to be grab and go on the patio (I can't move the obs roof quickly enough if it suddenly starts to rain...)


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Same here Helen.....no rain yet but some pretty angry clouds.

I've got everything ready to go, and plastic sheets ready if I do get a chance.

I looked outside at about 2.30am last night, and it was going through a clear spell...Aldebaran was just up, the pleides, were at a decent altitude, and Jupiter was dazzling....I found out today that they're turni ng all the streetlights off at midnight GMT now on the residential roads, which explains how wonderfully dark it was ;)

Fingers crossed for tonight.


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The sky is clear overhead. Cassiopea is lovely, Cygnus is good, Ursa Major is cool with Mizar shinning away.....

Towards the south is nothing but clouds....

Towards the west is nothing but clouds.....

What to do!!!

I have just run the extensions out to the obby just in case, but it might just be the occasional glimpse through the binos.

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There are clouds around here too (North Somerset) but enough clear sky to allow me 1st light with my new-to-me ED120 Pro - at last !.

Just picked out Comet Garrard for the 1st time too :rolleyes:

This may not last long but it's darn nice to have something to look at ;)

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Well it was worth the risk. The imaging is not going to plan, but I've just been gawping at the best sky for ages - the Milky Way is just visible and that doesn't happen often!! Jupiter is glorious and those seven sisters are back in town ;)


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Had a good night with the scope, got a reasonable image of Jupiter and my first ever sight and image of Uranus ;)

Typical though that as I was packing away the ISS is visible near jupiter... I'd have tried to image if I'd known that it was visible... I must remember to check Heavens Above before I start.

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I had a feeling it was going to be clear tonight so got the mount setup at about 9:30pm and polar aligned just before all the clouds rolled in..

A few beers later and after a bit of grumbling at the sky and standing out in the field facing down the wind god it cleared up to be almost perfect at 1am.

Decided to keep it simple and am trying for my first proper image of M31 with a 200mm lens.

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The sky was pretty clear for me last night around midnight, a few big clouds but they shifted across the sky pretty quick. My project for this month on my distance course is about jupiters moons so i was able to get my scope on that nice and early.

I attempted to see Uranus but I didnt really prepare haha just scribbled down a rough location on a piece of paper from looking on stellarium :rolleyes: Its certainly a target now i know its up and where its likely to be.

Also, the moon was out nice and bright in the opposite part of the sky to where I needed to look which was a nice change. ;) Lovely and clear


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I had patchy cloud last night and the moon was still washing out a lot of the sky so I went out behind the house where it blocks the moon and spent some time looking at M31 and trying to find other Messier objects in that area. The sky was really too light for finding anything faint, but I did see a handful of meteors including a couple that left lovely trails. It was actually quite nice to get some use out of my ST120. I spent a fair while working on imaging Saturn with the Mak in the spring and the frac hasn't really seen any action since.

Once the moon had set I spent a while just sitting trying to learn my way around some of the summer constellations. There seems to have been precious little opportunity so far this year.


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