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Young Crescent Moon and Venus


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See I can still rip my fingers from World of Warcraft for my astronomy and weather!

Tonight Venus and the 15 or so hour old crescent moon are a really nice display in the western skies.


And a close up of the young moon


I'm getting use to this camera at long last!


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I¬m proper ****** off right now, i got the Moon and venus in a really possition in the sky.I`ve been waiting ages to see both of them.

And my mum has got the flippy radiators on and my camera has gone flat again.All i keep doing to that camera is recharging it.And i ain`t no more cause it`s doing my head in.

I would go outside but the moon would be to low down and i`ll be froze. :)

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See I can still rip my fingers from World of Warcraft for my astronomy and weather!

Tonight Venus and the 15 or so hour old crescent moon are a really nice display in the western skies.


Not to pick nits, but today's Moon will be ~36 hours old, not 15. We had a lovely opportunity to see a 23 hour Moon yesterday, but I missed it-working. :)

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