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Eyepiece Collection 2011 * Warning Televue present *


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Hey all,

I thought I would share my most recent shots of my current eyepiece collection for my dobsonian. The recent newcomer is the 35mm Panoptic that I had to dig a cave for :) and the 2x Barlow that I had to squeeze in!


A shot to help anyone considering these eyepieces for size comparison, yes the 35mm Panoptic is a beast compared to the 6mm BGO!


So with:

35mm Panoptic

24mm Panoptic

13mm Nagler

8mm Plossl

6mm BGO

2x Barlow

In my 200p, I can now get the following magnification spread:










Not that I would use those highest magnifications, but it would be nice if the weather even let me try...

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Absolutely beautiful collection Adam. I own the 24 Pan, also the 31 type 5 and 17 type 6.....all are magnificent. I use them on a 12" Dob, 2.5" and 4.5" apos....so, i found this combo useful across all my scopes.

For high power I went with 7 and 10mm Pentax XW's.....these are simply incredible eyepieces, and certainly give the TVs a run for their money, IMHO. With 2X and 4X Powermates, I have a wide range of mags covered...


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Thanks guys, the praise means a lot :)

Shane I will push the mags on those objects after I whack them in Stellarium, cheers.

Mark you coming to Kelling? I can let you loose with the 35mm, for me it has rather a temperamental eye placement that you may want to try before you buy.

ps. I don't think my SLR is giving me focused images very well these days :)

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Mark you coming to Kelling? I can let you loose with the 35mm, for me it has rather a temperamental eye placement that you may want to try before you buy.

Unfortunately not this year. Got too much on and we have a 4 month old baby which is not a fan of camping yet :BangHead:

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Does it, why?

Well, I was just being polite. But if you want a real reason it's because I have taken a while to collect the second hand eyepieces into a set that works well together and others might appreciate.

There is also the fact that I have made the effort to take pictures for the forum members to get an idea of what size some eyepieces can be. So, praise is welcome...

Hi Adam

How do you get on with balance when using the 35mm Pan it's a hefty old lump of glass, for a small Dob?

Very nice collection you've got building there though.

Regards Steve

It's good thanks Steve. After some discussion with members on here I went with the lunchbox on a strong magnet, filled with weights. I can adjust it easily and I cannot find a knife holder which might be more helpful...

Going to Kelling?

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Does it, why?

for the same reasons that would make you feel thankful for comments on your equipment.

because its polite, as Adam has already mentioned.

if you don't wish to say so thats up to you but why be so critical? :BangHead:

btw that collection is looking good Adam, thanks for the update on your new kit, its always nice to see what everyone is using and the changes they have made ;)

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Well, I was just being polite. But if you want a real reason it's because I have taken a while to collect the second hand eyepieces into a set that works well together and others might appreciate.

There is also the fact that I have made the effort to take pictures for the forum members to get an idea of what size some eyepieces can be. So, praise is welcome...

Okay, thanks. It just seemed 'odd' as I read your post.

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for the same reasons that would make you feel thankful for comments on your equipment.

because its polite, as Adam has already mentioned.

if you don't wish to say so thats up to you but why be so critical? :BangHead:

I asked a question and Adz was kind enough to answer.

If you want to see criticism then here you go....

Adz, my Virgo OCD cannot help but state that your picture would look so much better if you rotated your eyepieces so the names are uppermost. I also take issue with the untidy allen keys which would benefit from individual slots in the foam (in size order naturally). Finally, you seem to be missing the card which says 'for sale to Twotter at huge discount'.

On the plus side, top marks for making a little cutout in the foam to allow space for the screw on the side of the laser collimator.

How's that?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys. Just had a monster session for around 6 hours total! Its been a long time coming since the previous 8 weeks I have had nothing!

Each eyepiece seems to play their role perfectly and I am very glad with the choices I made in buying. You are right, it would have made sense to rotate with the televue mm showing but it was about to rain!

I will be getting rid of the Allen keys also from the case, probably put an OIII filter in there instead. Since m57 is looking absolutely stonking at the moment.

Clear skies

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Good shout on the O-III filter Adam, it will give some great views of the veil Nebula that make it worth the price alone.

Funnily enough it doesn't seem to help with M57, but seems to improve nearly every other planetary and diffuse Nebula.

Glad your eyepieces compliment one another well that's the Mark of a well thought out collection.

Regards Steve

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Good shout on the O-III filter Adam, it will give some great views of the veil Nebula that make it worth the price alone.

Funnily enough it doesn't seem to help with M57, but seems to improve nearly every other planetary and diffuse Nebula.

Glad your eyepieces compliment one another well that's the Mark of a well thought out collection.

Regards Steve

Cheers Steve, I bought the Castel 2" that Russ recommended, can't wait to try it out. I have never seen the veil before :) I will try it out on the dumbell and m42 when it rears its head.

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Hi Adz,

Were did you buy your case from? I am looking to upgrade from my Quality Street tin.:)



Hey taffy its the maplins case here

Flight Case with Foam : Flight Rugged Cases : Maplin

they must have got hundreds of customer purchases of that one just from this website alone!

Don't buy it at that price though, it regularly comes down to 15-20 in a 'one time offer' sale :)

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