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NG7000, -5 out of 10


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Not sure if I'm pleased or not ?

On the plus side its the first time Ive taken an image that's just so full of stars, that's amazing however I think I'm a bit off target and I expected more for nearly 3 hours such is life i guess ?

Taken with the kit in my signature with the addition of a Coma Corrector

Image Details

Lights 34 x 300 Secs, Darks 18 x 300 Secs & 15 Flats - Total Time - 2 Hrs 50 Mins

Thanks for looking


John B


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Super Job, the stars are tight and have nice colours, the taget is massive so you will need to panel up the image or smaller scope, the guiding is very good at over 1,000 mm BTW..

Well done :)

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If you take a look in the Imaging Help section I've superimposed your image in the Nebula to show you where you are......Its going to take a lot of work to mosaic the whole lot.....best of luck!!

Appreciated yes a lot of work to do the lot - good project for the next couple of months mind


John B

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