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Scope Storage?

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Howdy all

After having received my skywatcher 200p Dob I was a little shocked at the size of the thing! after the initial excitement its time for the practical boring stuff...storing the scope

The best place for me to store it would either be in the shed or garage but didn’t know if this is a good idea especially in the harsh winter months.

Where does everyone store their scopes?

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So long as it's secure, you keep covers on that will keep out dust and creepy crawlies (you only want one spider in there) and it is dry a cold shed or garage is ideal as, when you get it out, it won't need cooling.

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If you find space for an old wardrobe, or office cupboard, in the garage/shed that would be useful. The cupboard is a good defence for accidental knocks. It might even stand a nudge from the car. Rely on dust covers for the scope to keep dust off though. The extra space can be used for eyepieces, folding table, mount/tripod, 2nd scope, 3rd scope. I think you get the drift.

If you have power in the garage, then you can use a hair dryer to warm up the scope to drive off moisture after a session.

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I bought a motorcycle cover from Halfords and keep it in the garage. It's secure and doesn't take that long to cool down

Good call! how much did that set you back? the wcope covers i have looked at are around 40 quid

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Mines kept in the shed. Apart from it being the only place for storage it's also really close to where i set up. Only got it in late feb so don't know about winter storage but i'm confident it will be alright.

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Hi Franco,

Bought my scope end of January during all the cold weather and keep it in the garage in a cricketer's kit bag wrapped up in bubble wrap.

Stays nice and cold so doesn't take too long to cool and is secure.

When I finish an observing session I bring it in, leave it pointing down with the end cap off to dry out until morning.

Seems ideal.

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Perhaps time to add a note about what has happened to my garage/shed stored scopes.

I have owned several scopes new and used. All have had at least some time in a shed/garage.

The only degradation that I have seen has been to 'bright and shiny' metalwork. That is things like supposedly stainless steel tripod legs that start to show rust. Or screws becoming tarnished.

The obvious precaution is drying off / warming everything after use to drive off moisture. That is scope, eyepeices, mount, tripod, etc. When replacing screws/nuts, I generally look for proper stainless steel replacements. As a minimum I put a little bit of grease on screw threads and (if appropriate) other metal parts.

There was one exception to all of this. I once bought a 2nd hand scope that had been house stored. Everything sounded good. What I did not realsie was the owner considered his scope to be an ornament or display item. it was left permanently assembled on display! Whoever was responsible for dusting in the house chose to leave this alone. Fortunately it was a simple refractor so could be dismantled for cleaning quite easily.

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