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Broken Motor

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Hi All,

I think I've narrowed down the fault with my motor. After a process of elimination I think it's the handset itself thats broken. Emailed Alan at Sky's the Limit (who sold me the scope) this afternoon, and within an hour he let me know a replacement was on it's way!

Alan really does provide a First Class service, I'd recommend him to anyone


Really nice bloke too.


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Good result!

Now there's a Astronomy/Photo shop in Devon - Mmmmmm Let me think - staff have no time for you, sell you anything, won't let you borrow stuff and give you duff advice and worst of all never buy you lunch!!!!!!!!

Sound familiar Steve!!! :clouds1: :clouds1: :clouds1:


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.... Don't assume all customers are angels!

A lady put a boxed telescope on the counter that she had just bought from the catalogue shop up the road (you know the type).  She wanted me to set it up and give a demonstration.  I asked her wether she had asked the catalogue shop to demonstrate it "Of course not!" she said "everyone knows they don't know what they are talking about".  

A chap came to the shop and asked me to give a full demonstration of an LX90.  "I hope you don't mind" he said.  "Not at all; why should I mind" says I.  "Its just that I won't be buying it from you - I buy everything on the net".  

My favourite (not!) are those who want me to handle a warranty repair because the on-line supplier has dissapeared or doesn't list an address and won't answer e-mails. 

Thanks for suffering that ... I feel better now :clouds1:


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People who buy from 'cheapo' importers need to realize 'if you live by the sword....' I would n't have the cheek to ask a guy who I hadn't bought the scope off to sort out any problems......!


I would Gaz but i would also expect to pay for the help.

Its like when you buy a car and after a while it might need something replacing or repiared

you would then go to someone to help with the problem.

But i can understand your fraustration Steve.

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