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South west astronomers, put your scopes away


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The seeing is going to be rubbish for the next few days, and I'm afraid it's all my fault. Get out tonight if you can, because delivery is scheduled for tomorrow.


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James, what have you been buying? You know the rules that exist in the west country which clearly state, that any spare cash must be spent first and foremost on the consumption of cider! I hope the authorities don't find out.

C'mon, I know you're dying to tell us what you got yourself.:)


(...now seen desperately packing his car with astro kit)

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James, what have you been buying? You know the rules that exist in the west country which clearly state, that any spare cash must be spent first and foremost on the consumption of cider! I hope the authorities don't find out.

I am lucky enough to have a number of cider apple trees and a press that I bodged myself. In the workshop I have somewhere over 500 pints of cider that has been fermenting over the winter. I really should get around to racking it off the lees and letting it clear now.

C'mon, I know you're dying to tell us what you got yourself.:)

I've had a hectic first few months of the year work-wise when I'd thought it was going to be very quiet and that's meant I've had far less time than planned (ie. almost none whatsoever) for doing stuff that makes the work worth doing. Partly way of an apology to myself for not actually doing much other than work for the last four months, I talked myself into the last C9.25 that FLO have been offering a discount on. (It's also partly to drive the motivation to get an obsy built, as I've promised myself it will only be a "special occasion" scope until such time as I have done so.)


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Congratulations on a very good scope - and no doubt at a good price. I think your in need of celebrating this new scope with that supply of 'apple juice' that you've got stored away! Now if you need anyone to come and help you count those bottles........

Clear skies


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Looks like it could be clearing here. There are bits of cloud here and there, but a reasonable amount of clear sky too, and I can see to the end of the Quantocks about ten miles away, so the visibility isn't too bad.


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Just looked outside, it's cloudy...thanks very much.

Enjoy your new telescope. It should give you some cracking good views

Liz :)

Cloudy in West Wales as well ;)



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Clear here NE of Honiton too but my mount seems to have jammed. Pretty cold too so I've given up for tonight and will look at mt mount tomorrow.

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James, by "special occasion" do you mean "not cloudy"?

Could be :)

Actually, it was pretty good when I went out at around 10:45 this evening. There was some cloud and I had a bit of a struggle getting polar alignment for a while, but it eventually moved on. Failed to find the supernova in NGC3972, though I think that's probably asking a little much of my scopes anyhow. Attempted some imaging of Saturn as it appeared far better than it has for ages, at least until 1am when it started doing a jellyfish impression.

A very pleasant change from the majority of April...


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The seeing is going to be rubbish for the next few days, and I'm afraid it's all my fault. Get out tonight if you can, because delivery is scheduled for tomorrow.

Let's hope the curse isn't powerful enough to turn the cider cloudy too...:)

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