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Everything posted by MalcolmM

  1. I fear I may have misaligned the smartphone adapter The problem today was trying to persuade my phone to use the correct exposure settings to bring out the prom! That coupled with dashing indoors trying to find the adaptor and the pressure of the approaching rain clouds Malcolm
  2. Those are great photos @Stu. I tried with the Smartphone holder you pointed me towards but by the time I had it all centered and ready to shoot the clouds had appeared and the next shower was starting!
  3. Thanks for the heads up on this. Just managed a quick look between showers in a Lunt 50 with 7.5mm Tak LE. Here's my quick sketch Interesting to see it changing shape over the observations.
  4. From my perspective, I think you have to be careful to avoid a one size fits all recommendation. There are so many input variables such as budget and so many output variables such as what quality of the final image you are after and how much time and effort you are willing to invest. I can only give my perspective (which many would probably classify as not really AP) which was an unguided alt/az mount, SW strartravel 102, an unmodified DSLR using 1 second subs and DSS and Gimp. I was really pleased and amazed at my results, though they were pathetic compared to images posted in this forum. But my point is, it worked for me! The important thing is that recommendations need to reflect the reality and the expectations of the questioner. Malcolm
  5. I used to have this setup. If I remember correctly there is a small dovetail attached directly to the OTA with a couple of small nuts and bolts. You could do this yourself if you removed the focuser module. When I put an upgraded focuser on (which was much heavier) I had to move the dovetail to the rear of the OTA so that the scope would balance properly. That involved removing the focuser module, drilling a couple of holes and moving the dovetail. The only sticking point I can think of might be the 'built on' dovetail may have had a curved surface so that it mated snugly with the tube. Malcolm
  6. I also have the WO Binoviewers. Sometimes I can merge the 2 images without trying and sometimes I just can't seem to no matter what I do! I found the more I used them the easier it was to merge the images however, I have not been able to figure out why! When I was having trouble I played with the IPD, rotated the eyepieces and tried to relax into it all and often this worked. When it all comes together the views are fantastic in my experience so if I were you, having achieved focus, I would try persevering with a little more faffing around before writing them off. Good Luck! Malcolm
  7. That's the mount I would (will ) be pairing them on Malcolm
  8. Before I was introduced to Takahashi (thanks to many on this forum) I was considering a C6 but the thought of dew straps and/or shields ruining the look of the scope let alone the need for power or doubling the length of an otherwise short OTA ... I'm with you Malcolm
  9. I have to admit to a severe case of Takitis! So it's a Tak or nothing! And I know that is not exactly rational thinking but I have hugely enjoyed not only using my Takahashi scopes but also owning them A number of people have commented on the Mewlon giving very 'refractor' like views and as a refractor man I like the sound of this @Stu Roger Vine says in his review he thinks Tak use an oversize mirror in the section about lack of distortion at the field edge. To quote "I believe Tak may use an outsized mirror to help" I'm convinced now the Mewlon will give me great views, I'm just a little concerned that I'll have very few nights where conditions will allow it to out-perform the 100DC. And the cool down time bothers me a bit as many of my observing sessions only last an hour or so, so I would need more preparation for my sessions than I currently allow! So no decisions yet! Thanks for all your interest, Malcolm
  10. Thanks @HollyHound, I had actually read your report before, but enjoyed reading it again. I'm finding it very difficult to come up with a reason for not getting one Your dual setup looks great! Malcolm
  11. You could consider a 60CB with the option of the 76 objective unit; best of both worlds Malcolm
  12. Great report @paulastro and fabulous pictures, especially the closeup! I was observing that area the other night and it's lovely to see such a detailed photo. Fantastic drawings @mikeDnight. That same session I started to try and draw what I was seeing and gave up. Far too difficult for me. I really appreciate the skill involved in producing sketches like yours. Malcolm
  13. I clicked the like button. If only there was a 'like very much' button! Very impressive sketch.
  14. No, I haven't I'm afraid. FLO says 7 to 10 days on their website. I am still wavering, it being yet another big outlay! But it does look fabulous I currently use a 100DC with a 60CB side by side and would love the option of the 4" with the 180. Malcolm
  15. Take a drill to a Tak? Shock horror! I certainly would not be that brave What you say sounds sensible to me. If you want to cool a cup of tea you blow on it Thanks again, Malcolm
  16. Thanks @dweller25, that's very interesting and exactly the sort of information I am looking for. It sounds like a wonderful scope. I started laying the groundwork with my partner last night on a romantic moonlit walk on the beach I told her it was a beautiful thing, I'm not sure she knew what I was talking about! I had read that they can take a bit of time to cool but I thought that with the open tube and not too extreme UK temperatures it would not be too bad, so I'm very interested to hear you needed active cooling for 40 minutes. Thanks again, Malcolm
  17. Calling all Tak enthusiasts I think I have read just about everything I can find on the 180c in this and other forums and a very good article by Roger Vine. Most people seem to rate it very highly. I am very very tempted with one (I would almost buy it based on looks alone!) but I would love to hear from people who have used both and can give me a comparison based on real practical experience, not a theoretical comparison. I think I understand the shortcomings of the 180c. I am not considering other makes, I am not considering a 210 or a 250. I have an FC100DC so.... In your opinion, would the 180c provide a big enough step up in lunar/planetary/small DSO views in UK Bortle 4/5 skies to warrant the expense of buying one? I would envisage dual mounting it with the 100DC, and it would be for visual use only. Many Thanks, Malcolm
  18. The TOA full image is stunning!
  19. Thanks @PeterStudz, some more good advice I'll try. Malcolm
  20. Thanks @Stu , I'll try your technique. I've been holding off upgrading my phone for 4 years now as it does what I need it to do but maybe now I need to rethink Malcolm
  21. Forecast was for cloud, looking outside there was cloud so I watched some good ole BBC. I was totally unprepared for when I saw the moon in the skylight. But I grabbed my FS60 in Q mode and was outside in 20 seconds. Seeing was ok through some light cloud and there was some lovely detail on the terminator below Mare Crisium with a 4mm TOE in. I started to try and draw the view, gave up as there was just too much fine detail overwhelming me and then remembered my Orion Steadypix had arrived which I had ordered on a tip from @Stu - thanks! Quite fiddly to get the phone centered and quite fiddly keeping it in place. And then one of the side clips pressed the reset button!!! I'm not convinced my phone (very old moto g plus) is perfect for the Steadypix! One restart later and I had to remove the rubber eyecap from the TOE in order to get the eye relief right and a decent FOV on the phone. A couple of pics later and I thought I had everything right and in good focus, good exposure, pressed the button, the timer counted down 3 ... 2 ... and the battery died!!! Anyway here's a couple of pics I got just before the phone died. I think that's Langrenus, Vendelinus and Petavius. Unfortunately they do not do justice to the fabulous views visually from the FS60Q, Langrenus had a lovely double peaked shadow of it's central mountain on it's far rim, but I know with practice I can do better but I had great fun trying Thanks for looking, Malcolm
  22. Looks fabulous @Fedele. I am very envious I would be very interested to hear how your Mewlon compares with your FC100DL. I think the Mewlon looks a gorgeous scope and could be very tempted (I have a 100DC and love it and think it might be great mounted alongside a 180c ) Good luck with your new scope, Malcolm
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