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Everything posted by MalcolmM

  1. I really hope you are correct here @Stu. I've ordered one primarily for FS60CB/Q/76 objective unit combo but was dubious whether it would deal with the 100DC at high magnification. It's a lovely looking mount! I've been coveting one for a year now! Malcolm
  2. I have a bad dose of Takitis and my dream scope would be a Takahashi TOA-150. However I would swap it for consistent dark skies with stable seeing. Indeed I would swap it for 1 good clear sky a week, local street lights malfunctioning and a constellation of telegraph wires disappearing in a bunch of sparks Malcolm
  3. Super setup. And another Tak convert? One of those strange coincidences; I have just spent weeks agonising over whether to buy a Vixen AP or not - I think they look gorgeous (call me vain!). Eventually decided to and then spent another week agonising over which tripod to get. I had it down to the HAL, Report 272 or Uni 8. Finally decided on the Uni 8 as Berlebach seem to have as strong a following as Takahashi! Now a couple of days later I see your setup and am thinking hmmmmmm it looks great! Touch wood (when it arrives!) I'll not regret not having an all Vixen mount. I'm hoping to use it with an FS60CB mostly, but do have the FC76 objective unit so will have a very similar setup to yourself. Anyway, I hope the clouds clear for you and you get lots of Sharp as a Tac nights of enjoyment! Malcolm
  4. Hi @Surfer Chris I'm at work at the moment so can't get you a better picture but here is one from another post of my 60CB which might give you another comparison on how tight the clam shell should be. If it helps, I shall try and get a photo of the thickness of felt on the inside when I get home. Malcolm
  5. Don't start me! I have a constellation of them over my back garden. And it's such an effort to wind up the phone! If only they would invent something like those mobile phone thingys that the original Star Trek crew used
  6. I find I have to tighten 'very' tight the clamps on both Ioptron saddle and ADM saddle when using the Takahashi dove tail bar. But it does lock ok.
  7. My partner does not 'get' astronomy but she does appreciate the fine lines of a Takahashi , so much so she doesn't mind one on display in the lounge 'ready' to grab and go. She's not averse to the odd peek through my Erfle either and makes all the right appreciative noises when I get all excited about finding another feint grey fuzzy Malcolm
  8. I think the 60CB would really compliment your 100DC. It's very different (portability and wide field) whereas the 76 will be less so. And the beauty is, as has been mentioned, you can buy the 76 objective unit later and you then have 3 Taks And then you can get the (cheap for a Tak) 1.7Q module and then you will have 5 Taks And as I'm discovering, you simply cannot have too many Taks:) Malcolm
  9. I have have just gone outside to check for obstructions as a few of you have suggested and it's possible that a washing line may have been in the way! I'm hoping to try that target again sometime if the rain and clouds ever go! I'll wait till it's higher in the sky and be careful of washing lines and telegraph lines! Many thanks for all your help and advice, Malcolm
  10. That's a great idea and I'll definitely try that as soon as I get another clear night. Last night was the first time I'd clear skies in weeks! The inverse lighthouse beams do not bother me and I'm a visual observer just dabbling in AP for fun but I'm intrigued as to what's causing the spikes! @inFINNity Deck thanks again for taking the time to help me Malcolm
  11. Hi, Just as an update I cannot see any obvious obstructions in either the camera or scope (pics attached - though very difficult to see!). Also I have attached a picture that was taken with the camera and a 200mm zoom lens. No telescope. The same artifact appears there too. Malcolm
  12. Thanks for all your replies so far. I'll check the scope and the camera for any obstructions when I get home from work. Malcolm
  13. Hi, I have never used the SW so I can't compare! All I can offer is my very biased opinion that the FS60CB is fantastic! Like you I got an FC100DC earlier this year. I liked it so much I got the FS60CB as a travel scope. It's brilliant. I love it and it gets more use than it's big sister for the reasons you mention. I actually got the FS60Q and later got the 76 objective unit as well. Somewhere on this forum I have expressed my opinions in more detail. So in summary, I would have no hesitation in saying get the Tak, but I'm biased and can't make any comparisons for you. Good luck whichever you choose, Malcolm
  14. Hi, Would someone be able to tell me what is causing the spikes in the bright stars in the attached pic? This was taken with a Nikon attached to a Tak FS60CB directly. No flattener. It's 10 x 10 sec exposures at ISO 1600 on an alt/az mount stacked in Sequator. Though I have seen something similar just using the camera plus a 200mm zoom lens which might imply it is the camera itself? Many Thanks, Malcolm
  15. What drew me to Takahashi was that after much research on this forum and others and other websites too was that it seemed to me that those who owned Takahashi literally fell in love with them and many who did not own one would have loved to have one. There just seemed to be 'something' about these scopes. I bought one, loved it so much I bought another and then started on the Takahashi eyepieces and accessories So I've very definitely caught the bug! I love looking at them, through them and reading about them and reading about other people's experiences of using them! For me they are scopes for life, have a personality and I get huge enjoyment out of owning a couple! Malcolm
  16. Thanks for all your comments. With the lack of decent skies, I can only get my astronomical satisfaction by gazing longingly at my scopes, hearing others talk about their enjoyment of Taks and enviously reading about bigger Taks like the FS128 @F15Rules Malcolm
  17. Observing weather has been atrocious for me over the last few months and so I have taken to just using my FS60CB/Q and running outside to get a few minutes here and there between the clouds! I managed to grab 10 minutes on the moon the other night; I just took telescope as was and ran outside ... 'as was' happened to be in Q mode with a Tak 28mm Erfle in the diagonal. I was absolutely astonished at the amount of contrast this combination gave me. So the magnification at x21 was much less than I would normally use on the moon but the image was so sharp and contrasty I just soaked up the view for 10 minutes until the clouds came in. I never even thought to go in and get a more powerful eyepiece. I was so impressed and taken with this high contrast combination I simply had to share Malcolm
  18. Thanks for the reassuring reply @Highburymark. I do not think the tuner is loosing pressure so it's good to hear that winding it all the way in is fairly common. I'll simply have to experiment with different eyepieces; lack of clear skies has hampered me so far. I too don't particularly like the helical focuser but given that it 'does the job' and I have been very extravagant on new kit over lockdown it'll have to do for now Malcolm
  19. Hi, Does anyone use this combination (Lunt LS50THa & 3-6mm Nagler Zoom)? I find I have to rack the focuser all the way in to get focus. I feel I am probably not at 'perfect' focus because I cannot rack the focuser in any further to obviously defocus. i.e. I can only defocus on one side of the 'in focus' point. I hope this explanation makes sense! Has anyone else found the same issue? I also find I have to have the pressure tuner wound pretty well fully in to get the surface detail and proms. Is this normal? I have seen elsewhere on this forum that some people have to wind the pressure tuner pretty well fully in. I should caveat the above by saying I have only used this scope a couple of times and it took me 3 sessions before seeing the proms and surface detail. But when it all comes right the views are fascinating! I can get good focus and fantastic views with a Type 5 Nagler 16mm, but this obviously gives quite low magnification. Many Thanks, Malcolm
  20. I do the same as @Tiny Clanger for grab and go. Photo tripod, small refractor (Tak FS60CB) permanently attached, carried outside with the tripod leg sections fully closed up (or if extended, one leg folded in). I also have a 4" refractor but it gets taken out in 2 stages; tripod then scope. The combination is just too big to fit through doorways without being bumped! Regarding storage, I'm afraid I'm a drooler, so the scopes are left out in full view gathering dust Though I like the sound of @Franklin's idea of covering it with a sheet. Malcolm
  21. Sorry, it was my confusion I rushed in too quick with my reply. My own opinion; I think the FS60CB/Q is such a fabulous scope it deserves great eyepieces. It was largely due to @JeremyS that I discovered the delights of owning a Takahashi so I would be very happy to take his advice on eyepieces for them! Malcolm
  22. I must admit I have never used a 24 Panoptic but I only ever hear good things about it. I would think long and hard before selling it. It must give a pretty good wide field view with the 60CB?
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