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Status Replies posted by JB80

  1. Icky, Hazy, yucky solar effort today. Bleurgh, time for a siesta.

  2. Icky, Hazy, yucky solar effort today. Bleurgh, time for a siesta.

  3. Icky, Hazy, yucky solar effort today. Bleurgh, time for a siesta.

  4. House offer accepted...fingers crossed I won't get gazumped for the third time... :)

  5. Waiting for Lunar X, great conditions

  6. theres only so much peppa pig i can take on rain days!!!

  7. Warm evening out, around 16ºC. Really quite peaceful sitting under the ghostly light of a passing Jupiter and Moon.

  8. Hope this wind dies down, beautiful day but too windy for the scope to go out.

  9. Hope this wind dies down, beautiful day but too windy for the scope to go out.

  10. have we got an APOD here? we should do...

  11. have we got an APOD here? we should do...

  12. Time to do some wrapping. Needed to wait until everyone fell asleep so they don't see what I've got them. Well, that's my excuse for browsing here and FLO for well over an hour :D.

  13. Christmas shopping grrrrrr

  14. I'm in Lunar stacking hell. Both Regi's didn't work and Avistack is taking hours.

  15. My first attempt at a website is now live - http:\\www.caradonobservatory.co.uk

  16. Gosh, I hate my red torch...why am I still using it?!!!

  17. just purchased my skywatcher 150pl

  18. Any thoughts on the Starwave 70ED? Anybody have one?

    1. JB80


      That's the thing, I was originally thinking a Borg 50, then got caught up with the Starwave and now I have found a nice little Baader 66.

      I get sidetracked too easily. :D

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  19. Any thoughts on the Starwave 70ED? Anybody have one?

    1. JB80


      It's too big for what I want to use it on, and if I'm honest the 70 maybe too but I don't think so.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  20. Any thoughts on the Starwave 70ED? Anybody have one?

    1. JB80


      Thanks for the links, what concerns me is the 80ED seems to suffer from blue halos and CA, the 70 is only just released and I can't find much info on it.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  21. Any thoughts on the Starwave 70ED? Anybody have one?

  22. Blazing hot day today. Eclipse is in progress. Really quite pretty :-)

    1. JB80


      Cheers Qualia, I will enjoy.

      Shows over here now.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  23. Blazing hot day today. Eclipse is in progress. Really quite pretty :-)

    1. JB80


      Off to the beach after the eclipse and a nap. Won't have any time to process today. Spain has it's ups. :)

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  24. Blazing hot day today. Eclipse is in progress. Really quite pretty :-)

  25. I should really trobleshoot some solar imaging in time for tomorrows eclipse, might just enjoy the day instead.

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