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Status Replies posted by JB80

  1. Where is the comet setting in DSS?

  2. Jupiter and the Moon last night were delightful and oh boy, what a sun we have this morning...I'm roasting :-)

  3. Epoxy will grind of the top of the tiles on a mirror grinding tool, right? I've made a mess :p

  4. Mag 6 earthquake here!!

  5. Any astro events in London in November?

  6. Any astro events in London in November?

  7. Organised Computer, Organised Mind. I hope anyway

  8. Being quite lost trying to process widefield - with a lens - images: hundreds of stars, serious vignetting and weird colour artifacts O.o

  9. Ahhh... Camera tripod is broken and I can't get auto blend in PS to work.

  10. Ahhh... Camera tripod is broken and I can't get auto blend in PS to work.

  11. Eurgh!... hello windows 8

    1. JB80


      I cracked and have Classic Shell now, it helps but I still don't like where it puts my uploaded pictures off the sd card.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  12. Eurgh!... hello windows 8

    1. JB80


      I may have to, 8 is starting to wear thin on me.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  13. Eurgh!... hello windows 8

    1. JB80


      Thankfully our salesman didn't speak a lick of English so didn't have to put up with the spiel.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  14. Eurgh!... hello windows 8

    1. JB80


      I'd rather just fork out for Win7 than deal with a mac. I haven't got the gumption to learn a whole new OS although 8 is pushing it.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  15. Eurgh!... hello windows 8

    1. JB80


      True, at the moment I'm not straying far from the desktop anyway and it's fine.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  16. Eurgh!... hello windows 8

    1. JB80


      Annoying! I have a few links for some stuff to make it like 7. I don't know it's just different, I'll persist for a while or until the wife says change it.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  17. Eurgh!... hello windows 8

    1. JB80


      Yeah, 8gb with 2TB Hard drive. It's a step up in specs but has less output options on the back. Still at least the thing doesn't switch off every 10 minutes.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  18. Need a new PC, any recommendations?

  19. Need a new PC, any recommendations?

  20. Need a new PC, any recommendations?

  21. Moving shouldn't be this stressful.

  22. This is getting silly now, it's almost June and the wood burner is still getting lit.

  23. Perpetual twilight now until mid July.

  24. Heart goes out to those in Oklahoma tonight xxx

  25. Well ive just ordered the new scope - CPS 925 GPS XLT- should be here soon :-)

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