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Everything posted by ONIKKINEN

  1. You can use Starnet++ with any processing software because it is an external app. You just feed the input image to starnet and it spits out a starless image, which you can then open in Gimp as a layer to the source image (and create a stars only layer which can then later be combined to the starless when processing has finished). You can get it here: https://www.starnetastro.com/ Although the site appears to be down at the moment, at least it wont open on any of my devices.
  2. Thats a really photogenic spiral galaxy. Not impossibly small either, may have to try to get some time on this myself.
  3. Thanks, try it out on some dodgy Moonlit night where the loss of a night is not so big a deal. 2-panel mosaics are pretty straightforward in PI or APP, and you could bin x2 to make up for the less time per panel problem, which would still result in an appreciable image size in the end. Thank you, I have looked into NSG for PI, but have not bought it yet. My current strategy is to shoot an even number of subs of all the panels per night, so the gradients dont get to be significantly different from panel to panel as they were taken under very similar conditions- for example for this one i did 5x60s per panel and ran the sequence 3 full times. I am hoping that does the trick, but i expect to need NSG sooner or later since a night could easily be cut short by inaccurate forecasts or a dozen other reasons why plans dont always work.
  4. Absolutely, not at all a waste of time.
  5. Mosaic of 6 panels, 15x60s each to a total of 1h30 taken on Thursday night under a full Moon with my 8'' newtonian and the Antlia Triband filter. Not the best image of the Heart nebula ever taken, but its an image nonetheless. Have planned on imaging this for a while now, just have not had the right opportunity to start. Sacrificing a full Moon night to find out how much work there is in mosaicing 6 panels of a region with very little actual dark background seemed like a decent idea, since the full Moon will not allow good data to be taken anyway. Was a bit of a chore, but PixInsight and the Photometric mosaic script worked just fine so now I'm far more confident to move on with this whenever a decent night arises (next autumn, maybe, who knows). -Oskari
  6. Did you run it through SPCC? You can input the filter bandpasses in it and get as close to right as possible. I think it should result in a deeper red, could be wrong of course as i dont have this filter.
  7. Gradient from the sky, from both light pollution and Moonlight but in your case at bortle 4 the 60% Moon is a larger contributor to this than the light pollution Background extraction will get rid of it, but i think you already got that since the gradient is gone in the processed image.
  8. Smart sharpen or unsharp mask in Photoshop would be my first choices, applied with masks on the starless layer where you want them, so you can ignore the background that has nothing to sharpen and will only gain noise from this. You may also want to try that for the star layer, if you would like your stars to be more hard (matter of taste i think, although i like yours). Something like 1.5-->2 px width for the filter and then dial it in with the percentage Texture and clarity in camera raw or lightroom is more of a contrast tool, not exactly the same as sharpening but you might want to try that too and see how it changes the image. There should be some detail to the very bright core if done right - but it is tricky to do right i will say and most images have the core saturated. I have shot M42 only twice, and i think both times the images sucked and yours is better but this is what the core might look like if it were not blown: As for how to blend that with the main image you'll need to get creative. You could use the blend mode darken for example, and tweak the core layer in a way that it blends nicely to the surroundings. Another way would be with layer masks - or by simply deleting the core with the color range tool and having the unblown layer below. Many ways to skin the cat, but all will need some experimentation.
  9. First proper image, stacked from 3 nights, new to the hobby, did i read that right? 😲. I think i should ask you some advice on how to do all this! Seriously, you've skipped like a year or two of an average imagers learning path - quite impressive. The image is spectacular for a first shot like this (and actually its a good image even if it were your 50th one), i really cant find anything specific to critique about it. Couple of small things that could be improved, but no big deal. The core is blown, like it is often in M42, you could try to take some shorter exposures just for the core and mix them in with this one to recover the saturated parts. If your raw lights are not saturated then you can recover the core by simply not stretching so hard, but you'll likely still need to play around with layers to blend the core to the rest of the image. And maybe the nebulosity could use a touch of sharpening, but this is often a matter of taste so up to you.
  10. The credit for the tight stars in the cluster should go to BlurXterminator for sure. The data isn't at all special at roughly 3.6'' fwhm. Pre and post BXT below: Not used BXT for globulars before, but looks like the tool is perfect for them based on this short image.
  11. The Globular cluster M3, 120x60s with an 8'' newtonian: Taken under a full Moon on Thursday night under decent seeing but a little windy, although BXT hides the issues from this issue so no major issues with that. Flats did not work for this one, i suspect because of light leaks from the full Moon and the fact that i had set up on clear ice (alternative was to shovel half a meter of snow, no thank you) which would act like a mirror shining the very bright Moonlight through the bottom of the scope. The bottom was covered with a spandex/fabric type dust cap which is a little bit transparent, and i guess a bit too much light found its way through to ruin the flats. GraXpert rescued the image in the end and content aware fill removed some dust spots that remained. Processing in PI and Photoshop, overall very simple to process apart from the bad flats trickery. -Oskari
  12. This is an excellent image, to my eyes at least. Saturation and colour seems to be in a good place, i really like the vibrant blues you have here. But more importantly i think saturation and colour especially with narrowband is a matter of taste and opinions will differ on that between different people. Cant please everyone, so try to please yourself when processing and work with that.
  13. Indeed, i for one am very interested in how it works out in the end. Mine has seen 3 winters and has been rained on twice, and is generally always used outside the recommended 80% max humidity mark so i am expecting trouble one of these days.
  14. That sucks, may have been a simple fix to just swap out the boards. But i also understand the other side a little bit. Surely they are also interested in what exactly went wrong with yours and would like to inspect the unit, and like you said if the problem doesnt go away or comes back later (such as if the pcb was a symptom, not the source of the issue) then there is a chance of more backlash for customer support. Used to work as a car mechanic and this kind of situation was a minefield to navigate around. Some customers would state that they have diagnosed part x and y to be at fault for some electrical problem and didnt want to pay for diagnostics. Lo and behold the parts were not the source of the problem and now they want refunds. Moral of the story is that often the best service customer support can offer is no support for self diagnosed issues, at least in the long term. Sucks for everyone, but statistically sucks less for the manufacturer/supplier.
  15. Another version, with a manual colour calibration this time: Its wasn't quite as straight forward as simply SCNR the green away and call it a day (skill issue, most likely) to get the yellow flame but here it is anyway.
  16. It would look like the usual flame with a manual colour calibration + SCNR, i know because i did that a year ago when i didnt yet have PI. Will post a version sans SPCC later today or tomorrow. But i think the lack of yellow is "real" (whatever real means with narrowband imaging) because the filter does not really pass any yellow. The bandpasses are roughly 35nm in the deep blue, OIII, and Ha/SII so no yellow or orange is passed.
  17. Thanks, its the filter + SPCC in PixInsight that leads to the red flame, at least i think it is. Didn't do anything specific to the red channel that would give a red look to things that aren't supposed to look red (like a red curve etc). Interestingly, the flame is more yellow before colour calibration takes place: So i think one could get the "usual" looking palette with a more manual approach to colour calibration instead of SPCC.
  18. Thanks, Binning and resampling to 3.6''/px helps a lot and NoiseXterminator took care of the rest. I apply NXT with masks and layers to where i think its needed most at several different points in the process including before, between, and after stretching. Thank you, i think i see what you mean. I often push sharpening too hard and only spot it a day or two later when my eyes are "used to" looking at the new image. I softened some parts a bit to take the edge off. Doesn't look worse at least to my eyes so probably an improvement.
  19. The Horsehead and Flame nebulae shot with an 8'' newtonian, a Rising Cam IMX571 OSC camera and an Antlia Triband RGB Ultra filter: 42min per panel to a total of 2h 48min over 3 nights, first of which was in December 2022 and the 2 others in the past few months with one of them resulting in just 6 minutes per panel due to 12m/s winds throwing the scope around - this is a tricky target to image from 60 degrees of latitude so data trickles in at a pace of an hour per year it seems. Be lucky to reach my 10h target by the end of the decade! Binned x4 and further reduced by resampling to 80% close to the end of the process. Mosaicing by PixInsight with BXT ran in correct only mode before (works flawlessly, absolutely pixel perfect mosaic!), the rest of the process mostly in Photoshop. Comments, critique welcome. -Oskari
  20. I used to be quite stressed by the idea of going out to image, but repetition and more experience took that away. Also planning for every possible situation so that i dont have to do any headscratching on site. I have a primary target, a secondary target, a bad seeing/high wind target, a good seeing target, and many "reserve" targets that i have already created sequences of so there is pretty much no chance that i have to decide anything on the go. Im pretty sure i have more than a hundred dark site trips by now, so there are hardly any new obstacles to cross, or at least no shocking surprises to ruin a night. Weather is the one thing i cant help and its just a fact that needs accepting that 10-20% of all trips are a waste of time. So, planning and experience is what helped me with the anxiety.
  21. Both are amazing, but i think i very slightly prefer the second one.
  22. I dither once every 20 minutes at the moment with an IMX571 OSC camera which is very clean to begin with so there is little need for dithering. Calibration with a bad pixel map and a matching dark takes all the hot pixels out and so far seems to work well. Used to dither more often, but it just takes too much time off imaging with how long my mount usually takes to settle down afterwards so have tried to reduce it. If the camera used is not so clean, like DSLRs and some other older models with some fixed pattern noise then i think one should dither more often (dont know about the 183 if its the case). Also if there is significant cone error or polar alignment error (resulting in field rotation) then dithering might be a good idea to break the pattern that can emerge from that. Try dithering say once every 10 minutes and go towards either direction from there if there are issues with walking noise or some other pattern noise emerging.
  23. There is another option to binning that also reduces sampling rate by a factor of 2 with OSC cameras, the CFA split method of handling data. With CFA splitting you split each raw calibrated but not debayered sub into their 4 source channels: 1 red channel, 2 green channels and 1 blue channel (for normal RGGB/GRBG bayer matrix cameras - almost all of them). This way you reduce the load when stacking to only 1/4th of RGB stacking for the red and blue channels, and half for green. The total time required to stack stays the same since you will be doing 3 stacks to get a composited RGB image, but if your PC is struggling and you are going to be binning x2 anyway then this might be a worthwhile option.
  24. The target will be about a milliarcsecond in apparent diameter, so will appear like any other dim star. But from a magnitude point of view i dont see why not, just need to spend some time on it. Plenty of magnitude 19 stars can be seen in an image with some time spent on it, and i think my magnitude record is somewhere in the 22 ballpark, but that took over 30 hours from good skies so probably not what you're looking for. If you tried this, you should take as long an exposure as you possibly can and stack without rejection (so that the rejection algorithms dont discard it if/when it moves between subs a little bit but not sure how quickly it would move at this distance).
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