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Everything posted by Hawksmoor

  1. Hurrah! Bits of dark sky visible between fast moving cloud over Lowestoft. Managed to catch some 'M' s through my hand held 11x80mm. Bins. Great views of M13, M92 and. M14 globular clusters + open clusters: the double and M39. Milky way through Cygnus a treat. It's great to be back!

  2. I'm back from holiday now and it's raining again!

  3. From the album: The Moon

    Only had my little compact camera and a 150mm 'Poundland' tripod with me. The moon was full and low and just above my son's agapanthus at the front of his garden. I took this photo as the moon cleared the roofs of the bungalows on the opposite side of the road. Being so low it was the colour of buttermilk.
  4. From the album: Other Peoples Photons

    M101 Pinwheel Galaxy - Bradford Robotic Telescope 2015 - Galaxy Camera with BVR and UV filters (UV added in blue).
  5. Hawksmoor

    'One of those'

    I used 3 LED strips from Maplins. They have integrated resistors and a self adhesive backing, so easy to cut, fit and wire. Have tried my light box with an Eos lens on my Canon Dslr. Seems to work OK but until I try with my scopes under the night sky the jury is out. Hope your light box build goes well! George
  6. Hawksmoor

    'One of those'

    Hi Dan You might be right re the illumination. Have not used yet as weather over Lowestoft has been terrible. I also was too mean to part with the cash for a piece of white opal acrylic. Instead I utilised a sheet of 0.5mm. Plasticard which I had to hand. Probably a mistake that will cost a pound or two to rectify. I too used to use a lap top screen for flats but as I'm getting on a bit and sometimes a little dizzy, was concerned that I would drop it! Dells are not renowned for their bounce. Best regards George
  7. From the album: Mars

    As the weather shows no indication of improving this is probably my best effort for the 2016 opposition. Northern polar cap and some clouds (glad they have clouds elsewhere in the solar system) visible. I think Mars is going to be even closer to my horizon in 2018 - think I need to move south!
  8. Hawksmoor


    From the album: Other Peoples Photons

    As the weather in Lowestoft continues to be 'changeable'! - I gave up on photon collection and instead downloaded data from Mars Express via the PDS Cartography and Imaging Sciences Node. Credits : Nasa JPL and the US Geological Survey. Then I messed about with the data with some assorted software. I particularly liked this view of Phobos orbiting over the surface of Mars. I'm never going to spot this bad boy through my telescope - far to far away and far too small.
  9. Was going to do a bit of observing with my small scope as the forecast for Lowestoft was a clear night after rain. Got the rain but the clear night never materialized. Gave up and now in bed.

    1. spaceman_spiff


      I've been there!

  10. Spent an hour messing about with the perspective of of one of my images of the Moon to try and give an astronauts's view towards the Lunar South Pole  from over the crater Moretus. Clearly I have too much time on my hands.

    Moon South Pole distort.png

    1. des anderson

      des anderson

      That`s just amazing,fantastic detail,and worth the effort. Des

    2. Hawksmoor


      Thank you Des for your very kind comment!

      Best regards Georg

  11. Hawksmoor

    'One of those'

    After many a night of stretching pillow cases over the end of my telescope, no offence intended, I have finally got around to making myself a light-box for taking flats. I can only hope this will improve my images. I gleaned most of the materials from the back of my shed, added a few LEDS and a switch from my best mate Mr Maplin and attached a bungee and batteries from everyone's favourite country 'Poundland'. It doesn't look pretty but I cant wait to try it. Come on weather make an old man's evening just a little more cheery. I've almost used up the Scandinavian Noir series I recorded from the Telly. If the I don't get a clear night soon I will be forced to watch tennis or football.
  12. Been working on a homemade light box for capturing flats.

  13. From the album: The Moon

    Craters Clavius and Tycho plus many others great and small. Composite of a number of images taken with my 127mm refractor, x3 Barlow and QHY5-11 planetary camera on the 16th of June 2016 (4 days after first quarter).
  14. Messing about with Lunar images in Image Composite Editor. Looks cold in our garden but even bleaker at the South Pole.

    The Lunar South Pole.png

  15. Help! We are being overrun by snails. It must be the incessant rain?

    1. Furious pez

      Furious pez

      Haha i am over run with slugs ?

    2. wxsatuser


      Go out after dark with a bucket of salt pick em up an put in bucket.

      Do this about 4 nights on the trot and you will eradicate most of them.

    3. Furious pez

      Furious pez

      that is cruel

  16. From the album: The Moon

    Ocean of Storms. Meade 127mm apo refractor.
  17. Saturn and Mars too low on my southern horizon. Gave up at 1.00am. One blurry video of Mars and some Moon clips. Sky very light , probably time for a short summer break.


  18. Its 19:38 and looking a bit clear outside. Not wishing to tempt providence I'm trying to move towards my astro-kit, which I store in the sitting room, without making any obvious committments to 'serious viewin' with or without the 'g'. Fingers crossed then!

  19. Just watched 'The Martian' on DVD. Really enjoyable and not completely 'daft' scientifically. So I didn't start playing the banjo halfway through and consequently in partner's good books.  Now in bed, as outside it's still cloudy in downtown Lowestoft. All I need is my telescope and a star to sail it by!



  20. From the album: Jupiter

    09-06-2016 Serendipity! Pointed my scope at Jupiter just before it set behind my kitchen roof and captured a shadow transit of Io.
  21. From the album: Saturn

    10-06-2016 - Obtained through horizon murk and cloud. I hate 'British Weather'.
  22. From the album: Mars

    09-06-2016 and early 10-06-2016 not a great night as cloud turned up contrary to the forecast and what with Mars and Saturn's low altitude above my horizon, not the best of images obtained. Trouble is my neighbours' roofs are in the direct line of fire, so this year I have a short window of opportunity in which to image both Mars and Saturn. Irritatingly, the clouds appeared just as the window opened and disappeared just as it closed. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
  23.  Just got back from a holiday in Brittany. Enjoyed some nice although small views of Mars and Saturn through my Altair Astro 66mm. Refractor.  Viewing these planets this year from a lower latitude really helps. If the weather is kind this week, I will try to image them from my backyard through my larger scope. Hopefully both will appear sometime through the night between the roofs of my neighbours' houses. Such fun!


    1. RichM63


      Glad you had some decent views.


  24. I'm wondering whether another mouthful of cake will result in an irreversible gravitational collapse of my energy depleted body?

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