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Everything posted by Hawksmoor

  1. Beautiful night but sadly not really dark.  Did go out for a couple of hours with my big bins and my 66mm. ED. Altair Doublet Refractor mounted on a photographic tripod. Had some very nice widefield views of Saturn through the Altair scope with a Teleview 2.5x Barlow and Panoptic lens combo. Nice to get a quick look at Antares between roofs but the sting too low for me to see.  Same eyepiece - Barlow arrangement provided quite a splendid view of M16  'The Eagle Nebula'. Have to say the little Altair scope is excellent value for money and with a field flattener performs very well photographically as a DSLR camera telescopic lens at a fraction of the cost of a comparable Canon lens.

    All in all a nice way to wile away an hour or two on a warm summer's night. Pound for pound I still rate eyeballing Saturn in real time as one of the best astro-treats on offer.

    Night night all you stargazers wherever you are.

    George about to nod off in a balmy Oulton Broad.

  2. Been busy during the day with DIY and the evening cloud cover has been a bit patchy, so have not had the scopes out - but instead I have used my bins when the sky has cleared. Thought the sky at dusk  on the 15th June looked like there was a possibility of Noctiluscent Clouds - so I set up my DSLR on a photo tripod and waited. Sadly no high level blue clouds appeared so I took a few random photos of the sky. As it turns out I captured one of the brightest satellite flares I've ever seen.  It was moving across the sky from South to North.


    Flare_2 copy.png

    1. Hawksmoor


      Looked up what was in the sky over Lowestoft at the time. Could have been one of two active Russian electronic surveillance satellites.?

  3. Michael I really like the concept of a " dyspraxic slug "- I might try and draw what one of these could look like. Dyspraxia runs, albeit erratically, in my family. Ps: Splendid piece of kit whatever it does? regards from George in Lowestoft currently contemplating the benefits of a cheese scone.
  4. From the album: Jupiter

    The evening of the 25th of May 2017 was steady and clear. This image was taken with my QHY5-11 colour planetary camera and my 127mm. Meade Apo refractor with a Televue x3 Barlow lens. Probably the best image of Jupiter I've managed to capture with this set up. Further improvement without further expenditure will require learning how to derotate using Winjupos.
  5. From the album: Comets, Meteors and Asteroids

    Early hours of the 27th May 2017. Comet Johnson sporting a nice translucent tail. Meade 127mm. Apo. Altair Astro 0.8x field flattener and reducer - unmodded Canon 600d DSLR all on a NEQ6 mount - guided exposures using QHY5-11 camera. 5x4min exposures at ISO 1600 plus flats - stacked etc. Lovely transparent evening only brought to an early end by twilight and the dawn chorus.
  6. From the album: Saturn

    Taken with my 127mm. Meade Apo and QHY5-11 planetary camera in the early hours of the 26th of May 2017. I was very pleased to get any sort of image of Saturn between the roofs of my neighbours' houses. This required a fair bit of processing but overall I'm quite pleased with the result.
  7. Two consecutive nights under the stars with my telescope and could have gone for three in a row but needed a bit more sleep as grandchildren will arrive tomorrow.  

    Night night stargazers.

    George 'tired but happy' in Lowestoft.

  8. Watched the ISS go over three tiimes in one night, got some very noisy video of Saturn when it briefly appeared between the roofs of our neighbours' houses (by heck it appears lower than Antares), took some better video of Jupiter with all the Galileans strung out on one side, had a quick look at Comet Johnson and then it was twilight again.  Nights 'up north' dont last long this time of the year, serves us right for living on a tilty planet.:happy6:  Mind you it was lovely to see the summer Milky Way again running through Cygnus and right across the sky. If the weather stays good, I might have another night with my scope under the stars. Two nights in a row - woo-hoo!

  9. Well I've set up my scope and I'm sat in the garden with bits of glass, cameras, wires and laptop waiting for it to get dark. This twilight malarky hangs about a bit in late May!

  10. Thanks for your kind comment Adam. Yes I think it is probably football proof but we have been known to underestimate what our grand children can achieve when left to their own devices. Good job we love them. Regards George
  11. Sorry I have not replied before but I have only just noticed your kind comment. I have a Meade 127mm. Apo Refractor which I have used recently to image Jupiter and Comet Johnson using my new pillar mount. It works quite nicely and makes using my scope a lot easier. I also have nine young grandchildren who come and play in my backyard so my old tripod used to get nudged and moved on a regular basis requiring polar realignment every time. I have a smaller mobile set up- imaging rig and take it down to the Lowestoft Fish Labs carpark on Pakefield cliffs. Its a great location for catching images of horizon hugging objects (excellent for early morning images of comets , Mercury and Venus). Best regards George
  12. Well the weather turned out better than the forecast and as I didn't get 'wellied'' on cocktails I decided to trust myself  in the garden with my 11x80mm. bins.  Such fun!. :icon_biggrin: Managed to see Callisto far out in its orbit around Jupiter, two comets : 'Johnson'  not far from Delta Bootes and '41P' low in Lyra, and three Globular star clusters M13, M92 and M5. 

    It seemed to me that the coma and or tail associated with Comet 'Johnson' was more extensive than that associated with '41P' but the densest part of '41P' around the nucleus appeared brighter.

    Shame I didn't get the scope out as originally planned because I think there was an Io transit this evening.  Anyway, no moaning, all in all it turned out to be a great night for stargazing ! :icon_biggrin: 

    Hopefully, tomorrow night will be good enough to get the telescope out and look for Saturn low on my horizon in the early hours.

    George 'relatively sober' and much cheered by some top-notch binocular viewing from Lowestoft

  13. Its been a funny old day here in Suffolk. One moment sunny the next rain but hey am I depressed - not me- well just a little.  I was hoping to get my big scope out on the mount and stay up to see if Saturn cleared my neighbour's roof at the back of our yard but the weather forcast for tonight is more of the same. :hmh:  

    Any way,  I v'e had a good shed day.  Spectrometer Mark 3 continues apace.  Without the aid of a lathe Ive reduced the diameter of a round aluminium bar inorder that it will plug into my telescope's focuser.  Next step is to drill it to take the fibre optic cable that arrived through the post last week. I have no idea whether my latest design proposal  will work but thats half the fun of it!

    Good news is - BBC Weather Lowestoft says that tomorrow night it's going to be 'cloud free' Woo Hoo!:happy6:

    Just had my first ever 'Strawberry Daiquiri' cocktail - nice!

    George 'unlikely to be sober tonight' in Lowestoft

  14. Nice day but now it's raining again! Tomorrow the shed beckons, l have a plan Moriarty.

    George, soggy in Suffolk, currently and comfortably ensconced in his sleeping chariot.:happy11:


  15. I have just put a post in the wrong album. Can anyone tell me how to delete it or better still move it to the appropriate album?

    Confused of Lowestoft.

  16. I reckon you are right, his scopes were stopped down to about 25mm and they were about 930mm long- so assuming f=900mm- F36 ish? Must have had a very small FOV and not much light getting through to the old boy's eyeball. He did pretty well to see Jupiter let alone its Moons and no wonder he struggled with Saturn's rings.
  17. From the album: The LVST

    Lucky to have been in Florence for a week and to have visited the Galileo Museum. Lots of interesting 600 year old astro kit and Galileo's index finger bone in an egg shaped glass jar . Like to think the good old boy has been giving the 'Inquisition' the finger for six centuries!
  18. Hawksmoor

    The LVST

    Using Software Defined Radio to detect meteors
  19. From the album: Other Peoples Photons

    Taken with the robotic COAST telescope on Mount Teide, BVR colour filters, 1x120 sec exposure. Credit Telescope.org. A real pretty globular star cluster in constellation Sagittarius and far too low for me to capture from my Backyard Observatory. Somewhere amongst all these stars there is a millesecond pulsar.
  20. Woo Hoo!  :hello2:

    Eight years after we put up a bird-box with a web-cam in it,  we finally aquired our first family of 'birdoes'.  All a bit blurry but good fun watching the four 'blue tit' chicks being fed by their parents.  My word those little birds work hard to raise a family and we can watch them doing it from the comfort of our living room, even when its cloudy and raining! :icon_biggrin:

    Tweet dreams Stargazers 

  21. Back home in Lowestoft tonight and I can see a few stars between the clouds. Good heavens! :happy7: 

  22. It's not everyday that you get to see Galileo' s telescopes and his index finger and thumb in two glass jars! :happy7:

  23. Today, without any intention or plan and purely at random, I chose to walk along a road in Florence on which was located the house from which Galileo Galilei first observed the Medicean Stars or Galilean Moons as we know them. How lucky am I and how brilliant is this?

    George currently not in Lowestoft.



  24. Thanks for your comment. To be honest the colour intensity had more to do with my usual rather heavy handed image processing than reality. Anyway it made for a more interesting image and made the fainter areas of coma visible. Glad you got to see it in real time. I like all comets but I think this one is quite beautiful with or without 'Technicolor ' Regards George
  25. From the album: Comets, Meteors and Asteroids

    Just after midnight early in the morning of the 30th April 2017, the clouds parted over Lowestoft and I was able to image C2015 V2 (Johnson) in Hercules. I used my 127mm refractor, field flattener and Canon 600d DSLR. The image is an amalgalm of stacked 1 minute exposures at ISOs 1600, 3200 and 6400. I just love comets.
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