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Everything posted by Deadlake

  1. I have a STL file to print a iPhone holder to mount puck adapter. This is to allow my phone to be held some distance from the mount so the phones compass etc will bot be interfered with by the metal of the mount. I can then use an alignment app to align with Polaris as a neighbours tree blocks direct line of site. Moving the mount results on other trees getting in the way. I uploaded the file to 3dprintuk however the puck adapter costs £2 to print but their minimum charge is £38. Is there any where else that allows for smaller 3D print runs? Thanks
  2. This is a good question, e.g. LZOS made in Russia imported into Germany and then resold, how that works under rules of origin I don't know. Take FLO, buy from Baader in Germany, warehouse in UK, sell abroad. Will this be Percy Pig scenario?
  3. For B2B import is tax free, but paid at point of sale in the UK. If you are buying from TS in Germany two options I see: TS is registered with HMRC and you pay the UK Tax at point of sale. TS does not charge you local Tax and you pay on import. Questions, presume its up to UK buyer to pay tax in import is TS not charging local tax on a sale? Are the teething issues going to be fixed soon? No, every one is focused on Corvid vaccination program so no bandwidth. We voted for this right? Rant -> As far as people saying anyone who wants to trade will just get it done, all the paper works has been moved from the centre so it doesn't exist for a company to having to be repeated by each company themselves. If a large company like M&S cannot get Percy Pigs made in Germany, imported to a warehouse in UK and then re-exported to Ireland sorted out then I doubt that small companies will be able to trade. I don't see companies throwing away equipment like clothing companies are, I just see cross border trade going to be hard selling directly to customers. And if you live in NI, treated as EU now from April for trading products now: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-55768788
  4. Took some time to find them after they where discontinued, just have to wait to some clear skies!
  5. CN might be a better place to ask, quite a few AXJ users on there. Wish I could tell you more about my AXP2, however only 4 clear nights since it turned up last November.
  6. Why the APM max load over say the AZ-100? Do you need a hoist to mount the scope?
  7. Given a weather machine is not possible at present, the next step would be one for these: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/SOFIA/overview/index.html Can then just fly above the cloud's.
  8. Came back home, clear skies, scope night reported clear to mid night. Just popped outside and all clouded over, just Mars being bright enough to be seen. Maybe next year at this rate....
  9. Single or dual? I think there is space for a single alt-az mount with tracking.
  10. True Rowan could, however they are busy with motorised tracking. Wonder what the weight would be like for a smaller version? Curiously Zero has all the fixtures to add push to go, which would make the zero amazing. For me I have an LZOS 130 in bound, too heavy for the zero so will have to go my SXP2, which is not far off AZ100 in weight.
  11. The scope tech is considerable lighter then the AZ100, that’s what you are paying for. With a carbon tripod the weight with the Zero is 5 kg. For the AZ100 and tripod is around 17 kg. Having said that, once the AZ100 has tracking motors attached I would take a look.
  12. I wonder what happens in the new year? Astro stuff is not going to be a priority and food is, more delays and what will be the new tariffs. Well unless importing from Japan, then no change...
  13. Cheers. I didn't notice that. Will try it out when the weather clears. Having said that, the Baader is meant to be a step up on the APM from some one who owns one, this one: https://www.baader-planetarium.co.uk/shop/baader-polaris-i-25mm-t-2-illuminated-measuring-and-guiding-eyepiece/
  14. Looking for a reticle eye piece to use in a finder with a 90 degree erecting prism. I like either Vixen and Tak reticle eyepieces but they don’t make 90 degree finders. I have an APM reticle EP, but to me the cross hairs are a little fuzzy compared with the Vixen finder scope. The other option is the Baader finder, but wondering what other options there are? Anyone used any of these: https://www.apm-telescopes.de/en/optical-accessories/eyepieces/reticle--astrometric-eyepieces/apm-reticle-eyepiece-20-mm-70-1.25.html https://www.baader-planetarium.co.uk/shop/baader-polaris-i-25mm-t-2-illuminated-measuring-and-guiding-eyepiece/
  15. Slim pickings, it changes so quickly. Last night was meant to be clear, by 9 am when I was going to get setup it has clouded over and scope nights said a no go. Tell me this is rare for this time or year, spoilt over the summer.
  16. I use scope nights, it's been wrong once in current memory. As far as the weather, its bad, but good for my bank balance 😃.
  17. This could be a new interesting scope for NV. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=103346594423278&story_fbid=318484316242837 near to relaese, but is 260 mm, Flat field, f5 and had reported 95% transmission . However I'd wait for a field test before I went any further. Planewave make one similar to this but 3x the cost.
  18. How much weight does it save you over the steel tripod you have?
  19. What about 700 nm range (red)? Agree for larger aperture SCT looks the way to go, EdgeHD series looks like less maintenance than other mirror based systems. At lot of RC scopes have quartz mirrors which aids with cool down, but for NV less sensitive to acclimation.
  20. Googling for mirror transmission for reflectors comes up with limited hits, for instance I wondered if an Epsilon would have a higher transmission. NV I believe is not so sensitive to the green/blue frequency bands, do we have transmission values for the red band that NV is sensitive too?
  21. You forgot to mention collimation and acclimation. 😀😀😀 Actual quite scary number of threads on CN around collimation.... put me off RC types...
  22. I think the next 2 weeks are a write off. Apparently this winter is go to as cold as the ones 10 years ago. Whether that is a help or hinderance I have no idea... After the summer, this weather is such a change...
  23. Does anyone own a Boren-Simon newton and use it with NV?
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