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Everything posted by Fedele

  1. 05.07.2021 ore 04:45 - Matera Giove, Macchia Rossa, Transito di satellite con proiezione ombra sul disco. Skywatcher 120ED, Barlow 2x, ASI224, ASIstudio, AstroSurface 05.07.2021 ore 04:45 - Matera Giove, Macchia Rossa, Transito di satellite con proiezione ombra sul disco. Skywatcher 120ED, Barlow 2x, ASI224, ASIstudio, Autostakkert, Registax
  2. 02.07.2021, Matera Skywatcher 120ED, Prisma di Hershel Intes Russia, Baader K Line Calcium, ASI224 (no barlow) Skywatcher 120ED, astrosolar 3.8, IR/UR cut, ASI224, ASIstudio, AstroSurface Skywatcher 120ED, Barlow 2x, Prisma di Hershel Intes Russia 31,8. UV/UR cut, Baader Continuum ASI224, ASIstudio, AstroSurface
  3. 29.06.2021 Matera Skywatcher 120ED, Baader Astrosolar OD3.8, IR&UV CUT TS, ASI224, Barlow TV2x, Asistudio, AstroSurface (2% di 371 frames)2021-06-29-0835_5-CapObj__150r_24T_8reg.tif
  4. 27.06.2021. Matera Skywatcher 120ED PRO, serie oro, Barlow 2x, ASI224. Improvvisamente si è aperto il cielo. AstroSurface
  5. Yes. the second is with barlow, so corrupted by turbolence. rarely i m able to imaging with the 2x with mewlon. So having an ASI 224 i prefer to under sampling
  6. Mewlon 180c, ASI224 @ f12, IR PASS AsiStudio, AstroSurface
  7. Saturno, Mewlon 180c, Barlow 2x, ASI224. UV IR Cut Autostakker, Registax
  8. Giove ore 03:21 Mewlon 180c, Barlow 2x, ASI224. UV IR Cut PIPP, Autostakker, Registax
  9. Mewlon 180c, Barlow 2x, ASI224. UV IR Cut Autostakker, Registax PIPP sembra introdurre leggero rumore di fondo nella precedente immagine. qui non usato
  10. just IMPPG 17.06.2021 (Matera, Ita) Mewlon 180c, Baader ASTF 180 OD3.8, ASI 224 @f12. first image Autostakkert, IMPPG with Barlow TV 2x second image. Autostakkert, AstroSurface
  11. Hi. i m learing imaging technics. But i discover by myself, experimenting, that is the S/N is good , are sufficent few frames. Generally i avoid to add to the stack algorithm frams not goos. So ...gnerally for my zone seeing, from 3 to 8 or 10 %
  12. I m planning to Buy a C11 (the max i can on the SXD2), with its limits. But i need a refractor mechanically and optically better for imaging planet, moon , sun... and all the rest (TS125, TS130, APM140, TSA 120....i m evaluating) or wouls be simply more transportable and of best quality (TSA120, TS115)
  13. Yes, But what i m thinking is that a Refractor can do Planetary imaging and can be a good substitutes of reflectoer....so a 140 APM probably can be the option The plus of the refractor is that i universal. NB: the Mewlon is in the fine collimation process (i m learn collimation )
  14. Mewlon 180c, ASI224 @ f12, IR PASS AsiStudio, AstroSurface
  15. Skywatcher 120ED PRO, Barlow 2x, ASi224, IR PASS Astrosurface
  16. Mewlon 180c Top @ f12 Skywatcher 120ED+ Barlow TV 2x ASI224 120.tif mewlon.tif
  17. Solar image take a great place now in my work. Like tiplet i m evaluate the TSA120. I think that doublet are best for solar observation and if triplet they should be of the best quality possibile (similar thermal coefficent of lenses etc). So i m not interested in triplet made inb china. I m interested anyway to diameter...so a large option can be an idea. for example now the choice is betwen: TSA120, TS 125 f 7 ED lanthanium FPL53, APM 140 ED f7. The second as cheap option to the first the third as best resolution I don t want to pay near 5000 euro and dont see great plus rspet the 120ED (that i like yes but i want more quality and contrast) also i don t want to pay 3000 for the GREAT finally APM and to remain with the doubt of the TSA120...."AND IF..." what i want first, is a sufficente disk dimensions for planets. and a good quality
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