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Everything posted by M40

  1. Hello Vilius and welcome. For powering the mount, I have one of these..... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/batteries-powerpacks/skywatcher-powertank-7ah.html doesn't list it but a quick email to FLO will confirm whether it's included. The T2 adapter and the M48 adapter are one and the same. That ring fits to your camera, what you also need is the nosepiece to go with it. The nosepiece fits to the OTA. On the FLO link, they show the 2" nosepiece, ideally you want this. Note that there is only one supplied eyepiece, you may want to save a few pennies for at least one more. I would also get a moon filter, a red head torch and a warm set of gloves. πŸ‘
  2. I have one and must admit I love it. With the DOB you will have realised how fast things move so the ability to switch from low to high power very easily sold it to me. If you have a DSLR, you can also fit the DSLR directly onto the eyepiece using a few adapters.
  3. Hello Chris and welcome. Can't help with your questions I am afraid, but I am sure someone will be along soon. Looks to me like you have a very good starting point so what you could try is to carry out a search on here to see if it will uncover a few clues for you, I put in star adventurer and it returned lots of pointers. Enjoy.
  4. M40

    Hello all. I'm new

    Hello ugo76 and welcome πŸ‘
  5. Hello Bill and welcome, looking forward to seeing a few images πŸ‘
  6. Hello Angus and welcome. Quite a few on here with binoculars, should you have any questions you will find the answers here.
  7. Hang on, nobody told me anything about exercises. I thought I could just go and sit around for a few hours and watch the clouds go by. Took the dogs for a walk, thought yep this is happening tonight. By the time I got the mount out it had clouded over. By the time I had put it back to bed it had started raining..... πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
  8. M40


    Hope so, site goes down for a few hours at 9 tonight. Still 100% cloud here at the moment πŸ€”
  9. Hello Stargazer31, have a look at this thread.... Might be worth dropping him a line to see how he has got on with moving it around πŸ‘
  10. Wait till you have a good look at the moon πŸ‘ enjoy your new telescope
  11. M40


    Hello and welcome, looking forward to the images πŸ‘
  12. When I had my 200P I had a red dot finder and a right angle finder. I just set them up as best I could by centering Polaris rather than anything during the day. Worked fine for me.
  13. Hello and welcome, excellent pictures there πŸ‘
  14. M40

    Glad to be here!

    Hello stubeeef and welcome. You have given the game away with that word "almost" 🀣
  15. A HUNSN fanless industrial PC on amazon was mentioned on a topic here the other day, looked it up and it seems to be pretty useful. Another option to consider anyway.
  16. Hello Shahid, if you go to resources at the top of the page and select clear outside, it does say it shows sunrise and sunset times but I can't seem to find it on there. Have a look and hopefully you will find it.
  17. Hello and welcome Roy, thanks for accepting responsibility, we now have someone to blame..... I can hear it now.... "are you going outside tonight? no, it's a bit Roy tonight"....😜 With full time retirement looming and Daughter and family living near Exeter, we had plans for moving somewhere between Dartmoor and Exmoor, not so sure now as your weather down there has been more than slightly moist for some time now. All the best, Les
  18. Here's my little routine and it works on the basis that your finder is set as good as it can be, so set your finder on a star at night rather than a daytime object. Make sure your polar scope is aligned correctly with your mount. Set the mount to it's home position. Plonk your telescope on the mount and using the lowest value eyepiece you have, center polaris in your finder and your telescope using the polar alignment adjustments. Hopefully polaris will now at least be on your polar scope target area. It will be brighter than the other stars in your polar scope. Rotate the telescope the 90' so you can see through the polar scope and then just carry out the polar alignment as normal. There was a superb post on here recently and I kept this link, have a look as it works well and is easy to follow.... https://darkskies.space/easy-polar-alignment/ Hope it helps.
  19. Hello Martin, enjoy both your retirement and the site.
  20. What are the chances it's one of these.... https://www.telescopeadapters.com/digital-t-ring-adapters/120-digital-t-ring-1-fits-size-range-122-126.html
  21. What a superb adapter, if I understand it correctly, the adapter has a "T" ring outer thread and is held in place on the eyepiece by three grub screws? I'm searching for that so it's game on to see who finds that first....want one πŸ‘
  22. Hello and welcome to the site. Just a pointer, I don't know how tall your son is but Dobsonian's can be quite large and the eyepiece is at the top of the tube. When I had a 200P my wife at 5ft 3" had to stand on a short step ladder, not the safest method in the dark. The Heritage 130P stands at about 70cm so the eyepiece would be around that sort of height unless you put it on a table. Other options are refractors which have the eyepiece at the bottom of the tube, something like the startravel 120 or 102 then there is the slightly more expensive SCT or MAK, something like the skymax127, which also has the eyepiece at the bottom of the tube. HTH
  23. Hello MBErdogan, thought I would show you this topic... There is another topic that you may wish to search out where the OP has also bolted his mount to his balcony railings. These are options that you might not have considered that maybe your Father can help with as a first step? If you want portability have a think about the binoviewers Binoculars mentioned earlier if the telescope is to stay at your Fathers then the Skymax127 is a good choice particularly as the balcony is south facing. Nothing unfortunately ends at the telescope though you will need some other stuff, with the Skymax127 you will need a dew shield which may also help to reduce light pollution. If you choose to stick with the telescope, as far as eyepieces go, as mentioned earlier think about a single zoom eyepiece rather than a range of eyepieces. I have the Baader Hyperion Zoom which replaces a range of eyepieces between 8x and 24x magnification. Binocular's not binoviewers πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈsorry, thats trying to multi-task, not one of my few talents....
  24. Hello Oldtimer, you do realise that now the upgrades have started...... it never ends 😜 Couple of pointers for you on the new telescope. It works slightly differently to the 130 in that there is a piece of glass at the end of the tube, the corrector plate. This is very susceptible to dew, so you will need to buy a dew shield. When you get dew on the corrector plate, never use anything on the glass other than a lens cleaning solution or more specialised solution. You will also find that with the Skymax, because the optics are sealed, it will take a time to cool down compared to the 130 so unless you can keep it in the shed, if you take it from inside to outside give yourself time for it to acclimatise. Don't rush to put your 130 up for sale, you won't have a problem selling it but you never know, we might actually get a clear night between now and the time your new telescope arrives. 😎 All the best
  25. Hello Craig F and welcome to the forum. You will have plenty of questions, ask away there are some very knowledgeable people on here. Can I suggest that you do not buy anything for the telescope until you have it in your hands, instead buy yourself Turn left at Orion, a very good and informative book. This book provides a wealth of basic information into the telescope and types of eyepieces and Barlow lenses that you can get for your telescope. As you get into the hobby, the book also provides some very good targets for you to find. I also like and use a planisphere, plus get yourself a night sky app for your phone. A few clues for you with your new telescope, it's going to be bigger than you think, so find somewhere to keep it, preferably in a shed or somewhere dry and safe outside. You will probably need a cover for your DOB, there is a topic on here with some solutions, have a search to try to find it. Enjoy
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