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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Congrats on getting hold of the mount! It will deliver miracles on your hands. I am also in the hunt for the platform, looking into different options. Thanks for the heads up on registax . A mask would be a good way to overcome the rind as we know roughly where it pops. But as it is also getting bigger it should be less prominent. Excited to see what they will do.
  2. In my limited experience, when the data are good, a small wavelet sharpening is sufficient to bring out the details without messing around with noise reduction etc. I think this processing looks your best I have seen from this year IMHO especially for the edge rind. Super!
  3. I absolutely agree. Again stunning! I can clearly see light and dark colouration in Elysium.
  4. Stunning Mars! Loads of details coming through. It's been pouring down this morning.
  5. Thanks. Still a lot to learn but I have got great advice at sgl.
  6. Thanks. Not far from me then ... I am sure a similar event will happen again so you can capture it. I almost missed it as the weather was atrocious and I was in two minds. I am glad I got out. Looking forward to your captures.
  7. Nice sketches and the positions of the shadows and moons are very similar to the images I captured last night.
  8. Great images and nice details on Ganymede as well.
  9. That's very nice capture.Is that Titan at the top left corner?
  10. Thanks. Yes, the seeing was a lot better than I thought, the wind was the killer i think, and the shadows made it easy to get a focus.
  11. Thanks. I was expecting a mushy capture as jet stream map was 'red' above me; the wind did not help with the Dob vibrating crazy.
  12. Nice captures and Ganymede showing some nice details on the first image.
  13. I did not expect I would be able to capture the double transit from Europa and Ganymede as the winds were awful and jet stream on full blown. BUT surprisingly the captures were not bad and was ok to focus . First image is showing the double shadow and Ganymede; Europa is below the GRS. The second image is with the double shadow but with the two moons away from Jupiter. I quite like the mirror symmetry between the shadows and moons. Pretty happy with this result. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate.
  14. Thanks John. I am very pleased with the details on this one. I wish I did not have the fog/mist. But we should be having more opportunities as it is getting bigger.
  15. I was inspired to do something better from your excellent Mars last week.
  16. Thanks Neil. I think skipping the layers has allowed for the finer details to come through but also push the wavelets a bit more. There is room for improvement, as with all processing, but I have a good benchmark now.
  17. Thanks. Using this processing has allowed me to push the wavelets a bit more.
  18. Mars at 630am this morning. Mist and fog was not helping but fairly stable. I have played with the edge rind in Gimp and I think it looks tidy; no layers just an inverted selection, followed by brightness reduction and a mild gaussian blur. I am happy for feedback; is it good or is it looking not quite right etc?. Original size and resized 120%. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate. original size 120% image after registax
  19. Yes I timed to be out around 9-10 as when I looked at the map, 11 or so was going to be over me.
  20. Thanks. I think it was a combination of incoming Jetstream and air turbulence; it didn't go completely mushy but I couldn't get sharp focus either. That was around 930-10pm. This morning Mars was hard to focus as well, but we seem to have a lot of lingering mist/fog.
  21. I got a decent imaging window this evening before it became unstable. Jupiter and Callisto. I think Callisto is showing some details as well when I zoom in. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate.
  22. Kon

    Moon 1%

    Great captures. The first is great as it also has the earthshine!
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