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Everything posted by CCD-Freak

  1. Most of the pieces came from my ham radio "Ye Olde Junque Box" and the Vixen style adapter "toe" I found on E-Bay. I got the belts and cog wheel from MPJA.com All I had to do was drill and tap some holes and then screw it all together. Hopefully this will give you some ideas. Looking at threads like this give me good ideas for solving how to mount things. John Love CCD-Freak WD5IKX
  2. This is a usually fun thread on the other side of the pond so I thought I would get it going here. Today I made a custom bracket to attach a ZWO EAF focus motor to an older Orion 10" F4.7 Newt I am fixing up for imaging. It uses the finder shoe for attachment. What did you do today ?????? John Love CCD-Freak WD5IKX
  3. This is a usually fun thread on the other side of the pond so I thought I would get it going here. Today I made a custom bracket to attach a ZWO EAF focus motor to an older Orion 10" F4.7 Newt I am fixing up for imaging. It uses the finder shoe for attachment. What did you do today ?????? John Love CCD-Freak WD5IKX
  4. As I understand it the Offset is used to keep the bottom end of the Histogram from going below 0 which would be clipped. The default in the ASCOM driver is 70 which seems a bit high to me. I want to try some lower Offset values but I don't want to spend too much of my hard to come by clear sky time. The default value works fine so I will use that for now. One thing to remember....If you change the offset value you will need to shoot your Darks and Flats at the same setting. After looking at a stacked image of 2 minute subs I think the 70 Offset is good. John Love CCD-Freak WD5IKX
  5. I build portable observatories called SkyBoxes but I am on the wrong side of the pond. )^8 John CCD-Freak WD5IKX
  6. Here is a screen grab from AA7 of a single sub of M3 John CCD-Freak WD5IKX
  7. So far I have not shot longer than 120 second subs with my ASI-533. At F3.8 many of the stars are saturated so I may try 60 second subs with that scope next time I have it out. I plan to use a 10" F4.7 Newt when I go out to New Mexico in October if it tests OK from my light polluted garden. I know what you mean about wasting "sky time". The ASI-533 is very sensitive.....This test image of M3 was only 10 second subs at F10 (60 x 10 seconds...10 minutes total) John CCD-Freak WD5IKX
  8. I, like you, think there will be little difference lowering the offset so I have not been in a rush to experiment with it. I will continue to run the gain at 100 since that is where the low noise mode kicks in and the dynamic range and well depth are the highest. I am really happy with the ASI-533MCP so far and look forward to more "quality dark sky time" with it. John CCD-Freak WD5IKX
  9. The default offset setting in the ASCOM driver is 70 which seems high to me and I plan to try going down to 50 or maybe as low as 20 but I will have to be careful not to clip the bottom of the histogram. Let us know how the 50 offset works. John CCD-Freak WD5IKX
  10. I just got to dark sky test my new ASI-533MCP which is one of the newer No amp glow cameras and I am really happy with how clean the data is. This image of NGC281 is 30 x 120 seconds (1 Hour) Gain=100, -5°C with an 8" F3.8 imaging Newt from Bortle 2 skies. Captured and processed with Astro Art 7. This camera produces much cleaner data than the ASI-1600MC-Cool I had before. These CMOS cameras just keep getting better. John Love CCD-Freak WD5IKX
  11. I was using the Sky Watcher Aplanatic coma corrector. the corners look good but I notice a circular halo on the brighter stars so I need to figure out where it is coming from. I have used this corrector on an 8" F5 and an ASI-1600MC and I did not notice it with that setup. I will be putting the ASI-533MCP on a 10" F4.7 Newt in the near future. Here is a pix of the setup for the NGC281 image. John CCD-Freak WD5IKX
  12. I usually use a UV-IR filter but I was shooting this with a Newt astrograph so I did not put it on for this test run. John CCD-Freak WD5IKX
  13. I finally got out to the dark site to try out my ASI-533MCP. This image of the Pac Man nebula NGC281 is 60 minutes total (30 x 120sec) Gain=100 @ -5°C I used an 8" F3.8 Newt at .98"/pixel. The ASI-533MCP is proving to be a sweet camera and I am looking forward to my imaging expedition to south west New Mexico this fall. John Love CCD-Freak WD5IKX
  14. I finally got a chance to image from one of my favorite dark sites (Bortle 2). While ironing out computer and equipment issues I managed to get some images. The M17 image is only 16 minutes total !!! (8 x 2m) and NGC281 was a total of 60 minutes (30 x 2m) Gain=100 at -5°C with an 8" F3.8 imaging Newt. I am looking forward to my expedition to western New Mexico this fall. The ASI-533MCP is proving to be a sweet camera. John Love CCD-Freak WD5IKX
  15. Try stacking the images without the flats and see if you still have the problem. I just downloaded the file you posted and it looks like a problem with your flats.
  16. Did you calibrate with Darks and Flats? Looks like "dust doughnuts".
  17. Where in Texas ???? I am way up in north Texas. John CCD-Freak WD5IKX
  18. This is from last night. The moon is beginning to be a problem. 130 x 30 seconds at ISO-800 55mm f4
  19. I got this image last night but the moon is starting to cause some problems and it not quite as bring as a few days ago. It will be interesting to see in a couple weeks after the moon rises late enough to not light up the sky. 130 x 30 seconds at ISO-800 55mm f4
  20. I got this image a few nights ago and it looks like I might get another chance tonight.
  21. Here is one from a couple nights earlier. 40 x 60 seconds at ISO-1600 and no clouds. Canon "Kit lens" at 85mm. Stacked and processed with Astro Art 7. The clear sky made a great deal of difference.
  22. With some clouds about I managed 40 x 60 seconds at ISO-800 with a 55mm prime lens on my Canon DSLR. I used a driven mount so I did not have to worry about guiding since my exposures were short. This was stacked and processed with Astro Art7. Tonight I plan to use about 100 x 30" at ISO-800 to reduce the noise some.
  23. Hey Steve Welcome to SGL They said the dark side has cookies....they will go well with the Blue Bell !!!!! 🤪 John "Fella Texan" CCD-Freak WD5IKX
  24. Hello from a fellow Texan. Where are you located in central Texas ???? I am up in north Texas almost at the Oklahoma border. John CCD-Freak WD5IKX
  25. I had a Meade ETX 125 with the Wegat mods and was very pleased with it. The lunar and planetary views were "most impressive". When placed on my CI-700 mount is was rock stable. I sold it in a fit of aperture fever and have regretted it ever since. 😪
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