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Everything posted by Pixies

  1. You'll need a bottle opener too! I'm more of a lambic man, myself.
  2. The clouds cleared briefly enough for me to find it. Visible to the naked eye, but hardly obvious with local light pollution. Looks great in 10x50 bins, though. Couldn't make out any structure to the tail but the nucleus is bright and distinct - more so than on Tuesday morning, but that was a bit later and nearer to dawn. I was going to get a camera/tripod and take it down to the beach, but the clouds don't look promising, and I've had a few beers by now, so time for bed. Still nowhere near as bright as Hale-Bopp, but great to see another with the naked eye.
  3. Luckily you didn't throw it away with the packaging, either! Not me - but someone I know of , did (not on this forum)!
  4. Bank of cloud in the North, from Edinburgh. I think tomorrow is looking better than tonight, though. But will keep checking....
  5. Which Baader barlow is that, John? They have several?
  6. Just reading up about that T-rex mount. It's immense!
  7. Here's one example, includes the erect image diagonal that John mentioned: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/maksutov/sky-watcher-skymax-102-az-pronto.html Or a good photo tripod. There are other options if you wanted a go-to mount, that also allows you to be able to use it manually too. (I've been looking at a similar config recently)
  8. You will need a mount and tripod for the scope that John has suggested. An alt-Az would be best, if you are wanting it for birdwatching.
  9. A second-hand flight-case, being sold on ebay as left-over part of some new lighting equipment and unused apart from the delivery of such. Much less than a new one, but the perfect size for my new finderscope and Telrad. After John's horror stories about the dangers of moving Dobs with their finders attached! Just need some suitable foam to fill it.
  10. Yep - as already stated, a non-magnifying finder: like a Telrad, Rigel or a simple RDF. With a RACI finderscope like you'll have, it will take a little practise getting the scope in the correct direction in the first place. Having a simple finder like a Telrad will get you close enough to the target, that you can then use the RACI to fine-tune or star-hop.
  11. I still think a 70s gold-glitter wrap would improve it!
  12. Hi, It's here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00X752FNA I had to raid my box of bolts to find something suitable. Most of the holes are threaded 1/4" and 3/8" - but some are plain flanged holes and slots
  13. For me, it was vanishing from binocular view (10x50), 90 minutes before sunrise. Sunrise here at 4:40am this morning
  14. I saw it at 3am when a low band of cloud lifted, but 5 minutes later it was fading in the lightening sky. I'm in Edinburgh, so will have lighter skies than you. My back garden has a limited view because of high stone walls, houses, trees, etc. So I spent a lot of last night wandering down to the beach to get a good unobstructed view of the North horizon. I walked down towards the sea (it was low tide) and it was sickening looking back to see Mars, Jupiter and Saturn - none of which I could see from the back garden.
  15. Saw it! Managed even from the front garden. Using bins. By the time I got my son out to look, it was fading in the rising light - but still there. Celebratory beer, then bed.
  16. I can see where it should be. But there's a bank of clouds just sitting there. Hopefully the breeze might disperse it eventually. I'll give it 20 minutes more then I'm going to bed.
  17. Hit 'search', then under 'brightest comets' it's the2nd one down for me
  18. Search under Brightest Comets. Perhaps you need the 'plus' version.
  19. When H-B was around back in 1997, I remember getting so awestruck one night on the way back to my flat from the pub (after quite a few too many drinks), I decided to ring everyone I knew to tell them how amazing it was! It took quite some effort back then - it's so much simpler with Facebook. When I staggered into work the next morning, I had earned the nick-name 'Cosmic'. 🤦‍♂️
  20. Mine is a little more basic! I'll get a good view from the beach, but that's obviously not a good location for a scope. I'll take the old 10x50 bins too.
  21. Have had no clear nights for 3 weeks, but ClearOutside has been 'green' for 00:00 - 03:00 tonight for the past week. I take out by dob just now (skies clearing) - come back in and have a look at ClearOutside: DOH!
  22. I'll check with them before bed whether they would be interested. My daughter is more likely - but the shot of the aurora in my profile pic was taken with my son after I got him out of bed to see it. They are on their summer hols (Scottish schools have different term times) and my son is rarely asleep before 2am! He is 15 now, though.
  23. My street ends at the prom and a North-facing beach. I'll be heading down there tonight, as it's hopefully going to be the first clear night in a few weeks. If it's visible to the naked eye, I might even waken the kids, if they are asleep already.
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