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Everything posted by Dantooine

  1. I quite understand where you are coming from. I like the views of planets anywhere up from 55x. Nice from 90x-120x. At 150x it’s a little bigger but it does not always give anything more in detail. Some people on here are saying 400x etc, I just can’t get my head around those magnifications and things would be moving too fast with my manual setup so I don’t even try.
  2. That’s interesting. What magnification do you find suits you for most observing?
  3. I thought I would give one of these a try on various eyepieces. I will start off with the pan 27. Not sure until I try if these fit ethos, if they do I’m trying for Delos comfort.
  4. I’ve been to 200x so maybe I’m being greedy then.
  5. That’s good to know. Another tv items twitching at my bank account then. Thanks John. 🤑
  6. What would be the highest magnification I could get on a good night with my 102ed f7 refractor? I’m asking as I’m considering a Barlow for those rare good conditions. Mainly for moon and planets. I normally max at 150x but have been up to 200x.
  7. Phone holder works well. I been trying to hold mine over the eyepiece........ it’s not very easy 🤪
  8. And I hear the writing on the side is illuminated 😎
  9. I don’t go as high magnification as most have put. I use 4.7 & 3.5 giving me 152x & 204x. Never pushed any higher than that. Does that make me boring 🧐
  10. Looks impressive, like a giant panoptic 27. I bet that’s nice in the hand.
  11. I will say once more “that new box is filling up quickly” 😎 but, you won’t be getting the 3.2mm will you ! Pretty sure that’s what you said.
  12. I can remember being forced to watch it by me dad. “Watch this, this is history” I remember it said LIVE FROM THE MOON on screen with very very low quality images.
  13. That looks good too. All the maps will come out of the woodwork now 👍
  14. I’ve been looking for a mirror image map for easier use with diagonals. Not as easy to find as you may think. Some people need the straight view, some upside down for dobsonians etc and those like me want it the right way up but in reverse. This app can display it however you want to see it. You may or may not already know of this but for those who don’t, I’ve found this in the Apple apps. I hope some of you can make use of it..
  15. What mag is the 8mm giving you in your scope?
  16. I have great trouble stacking my photos too much, the pile always slides and they go all over the place 🤣
  17. Must be nice through a 130. I’m getting my fix through a 102 and it’s amazing how little magnification you need to enjoy the views. At just 55x things look good. Mostly I like it between 90 & 120x. Things stay in place a long time on my az mount.
  18. Have you got the 5mm yet? Just thinking ... mars up around MDT now. Prepaid to be underwhelmed 😎
  19. Ha ha, I’m pleased just seeing a black smudged on mars!!!
  20. I did the binoculars (8x40) about MDT. Could just make out Jupiter moons for brief moments. Saturn was behind an oak tree but swung 90 degrees left and lower, there was mars! Binoculars are good if you have time limits. Your 150 will give you a nice view 👍
  21. Looks comfy in there. I always struggle finding a case that’s not too big and not too small.
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