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Everything posted by Stardaze

  1. How have you found the 30 Alan? I do think I'll try one before too long.
  2. It was a little odd in that the web page for translate couldn't translate the whole document, but loading up the PDF separately worked.
  3. You've managed for a fair few years, so I'm sure you don't absolutely need it. The 14 and 10 make a lot of sense for doubling up. How's the 28?
  4. I am still leaning towards the Delos after all of this I think..
  5. What translator are you using there John? Google can't translate all of that text for me? Ah ha - thanks! I think you've gone the clever route from memory, of a 14 and 10 with the x2 Barlow option to get you to the higher mags? I like the idea of getting the core EP's right.
  6. Thanks Don. Apologies up front, but what’s the of 1.4 decipher?
  7. I’m really not too fussed about the aesthetics Barry, as long as they deliver where needed. The Morpheus is a serious contender. I do like the overall specification and look of the front element, suggests they would give an immersive experience. I’ve probably read a couple of comments recently about the edges and field stops not being perfect, but I’m sure I could live with those. As I’ve said, I’d like to see how much of an improvement a TV delivers. I’m sure it’s marginal, but I am curious.
  8. It’s all meant in jest, I thought that came over in the manner it was meant 😉
  9. I was going to maybe see what comes up secondhand over the next 8 weeks. I haven’t seen many of the options come up recently, which says something.
  10. If you were buying now Mark, what would you lean towards?
  11. That’s easy to say when you have pockets as deep as yours John 🤣 You’re not wrong, of course..
  12. PS. for the gear tarts amongst us, must say that the Morpheus doesn't look the coolest kid on the block. But then I'll over look this aspect as they'll primarily be used in the dark..😂
  13. Thanks gents. I should have said that I'm not a glasses wearer so 12mm over 20mm isn't a deal breaker for me. How much extra is the FOV difference to you @Louis? A 9mm might negate two EP's later on, or could mean I'd round down with a 7mm and 5mm. I'd probably stick with whichever brand I plumb for with this purchase. I had thought about the Morpheus as it's the sensible option for the wallet, but I guess I do hanker after a TV 🙄 Probably the fact of the matter is that, none of them will disappoint.. I've noted that you really rate the 30 APM @Louis Deffo try one of those in the not-too-distant-future.
  14. Having already littered someone else's thread about my next EP purchase I thought I'd start one here. I did jump in early with a couple of EP purchases initially that I have since moved on and now have a clearer idea as to what I wish to add. Ultimately I'd rather buy to keep for many years to come. Although I may well add a small Mak to the armoury next year now, I am thinking more about what I have now which is a 10" dob. I currently have: APM 20 & 13 (100); Nirvana 16mm and ES 6.7 (82). The gap I want to plug is the 9mm area. 9mm seems to provide that nice in-between magnification of x137. At the moment I have 97x stepping up to 187x I have been thinking that the 10mm Delos is the route, sacrificing some FOV. Only issue maybe that an 8mm might be needed further down the line, providing 97x (13) / 127x (10) / 158x (8) / 187 (6.7) However, there is still the type 6 9mm Nagler, which I haven't looked atl. £30 cheaper; 10 degrees wider, but older design? That provides 141x? I'd like to think that in the medium-term I'll look at an APM 30 and maybe a better 6mm, possibly even an upgrade on the 16mm Nirvana, but the core 20/13/9ish/6 seems about right on a few of my own limited measures. Any views and opinions welcome.
  15. Have been meaning to buy one soon so thanks for the heads up.
  16. I might trade a camera lens in to downgrade to the lesser model, free up some cash for certainly a Delos 10mm and possibly an 8mm too. 🤔
  17. Had a read of a couple of your threads @alan potts so thanks for contributing those. I think I do hanker after a black and green addition to my collection. Planning the 'less is more' approach with maybe 5-6 EP's to cover me throughout, eventually and pay for keepers rather than trading up every now and again. I'll try stretch to a 10mm Delos next month and save a bit for an 8mm. If I could add a 2x power mate to those two, I don't think I'd need longer than the 8. That said, I'd maybe like to buy a 10mm and 6mm Ortho for a bit of fun. They're certainly not going to stretch the wallet too much.
  18. I kinda knew you’d say that. It’s not a comparative view I guess, given that you have got the very best 100 degree EP’s available. Swaying towards Delos. There’s something about the Pentax that I don’t like, and sadly, it’s probably a brand thing given my photography background. I know I shouldn’t, but..
  19. I’ll probably pop along to say hello whenever things start to happen again.
  20. What's your take on the 150x and above magnifications John? I know that you have the best of both worlds, but use the Ethos 8mm and 4.7mm presumably. What comparisons can you make against Delos at those magnifications? Would you miss the additional FOV in the dob?
  21. I think sharpness and transmission is definitely more beneficial over absolute FOV for me at higher magnifications, which is what got me thinking more about where to go. I haven't anything in-between 13mm and 6.7mm at the moment and often find myself needing something here, so I do need to plug the gap. I find myself drilling down to more detailed objects at those magnifications and mostly DSO. Thanks for your input.
  22. Interesting thanks. I'm thinking that from around 9mm, 141x in mine, I don't need 100 degrees and that other options around 75 degrees will be slightly better corrected? The Morpheus doesn't look the best but they do seem to get rave reviews. I was half tempted just to plug the gap with an ES 82 as I have the 6.7 version which has excelled better than I thought it might with planets. Also need a 5mm too? Or wait and gradually add them and spend that bit more? Going to order the 20 APM in the morning and dither some more over the 9...
  23. I like the ES range, the 6.7 is a great little EP.
  24. @Littleguy80 how's the Delos panning out for you? I'm about to order the APM 20 to go with the 13 but I'm still dithering over the 9. Not sure whether to go for a morpheus instead? It's that quandary of whether I need 100 degrees from 9mm down?
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