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Everything posted by Stardaze

  1. Enjoy. I went with clear outside which forecast some cloud earlier on. It’s typically been perfect 😂 I have had too many Jobs to do though so it wasn’t really going to happen tonight.
  2. Had to be done 😀 One point Don mentioned is the soft cap on the bottom. As the bottom lens is quite bulbous, you could squash it in and touch it I guess. I happened to have a harder one in a drawer so have swapped mine. I’m careful anyway so probably wouldn’t have been an issue.
  3. It’s a no brainer 😉 Just been out using the 13/20 and they really are great EP’s. I think it depends if you’d hanker after the 21E still. I will probably swap the APM 13 for an Ethos at some point but I won’t swap the 20. Going to add the APM 30 so those two will work for me, with 13/8/6 Ethos. Can’t see that il need anything else. (apart from an XW 3.5 to go with the 5). At that point I won’t swap anything, which is the plan really.
  4. I really like it but haven’t compared against anything else similar. It can suffer with a little stray light if you’re not totally shielded but it’s comfortable in use, but I don’t wear glasses. Plenty of eye relief anyway. Bought mine directly from APM telescopes, had both of mine from them, about a week delivery. For the money I can’t see how there’s anything better.
  5. The forecast here in the Midlands has swung right around from being excellent this morning, to... well... you know 😂
  6. Should have added that I weighed it without caps.
  7. Looks like the Nagler is around 680g so more in line with the Ethos in weight that you have.
  8. FLO confirmed that the Stellar II’s don’t have filter threads 😂 Might have to save a bit for the Apollo’s unless maybe @BinocularSky could recommend a pair of 15x70’s for around £200 with filter threads?
  9. Do you tend to use tripod mounted most of the time? I have tripods and a monopod with ball heads to get me going but id probably add a trigger grip at some point.
  10. I have been looking at these: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/all-binoculars/helios-stellar-ii-70mm-wp-binoculars.html Looks like you have the bigger brother 😀 I still can't work out whether there's filter threads, but I'd presume so? I have a pair of 10x42's which I use quite a bit and so I'd like something with a little more mag, especially like to see the two nebs you mention above. The only filter I own at the moment is an Astonomik 2" O-III, but if it's for use for the binoculars I'd probably gamble with a cheap ES UHC. I'm still going to invest in the 2" Nebustar for the dob. Just not sure which is going to be my next purchase. The binoculars would give me something when I can't get the dob out, especially for those last minute quick sessions.
  11. Following this. Am planning on a set of 15x70’s and have read of a few using a singular UHC and blinking? I need a 2” version for my dob (definitely getting the TV one) and so another in 1.25” is going to break the bank. I do have relatives over in the states though, hadn’t looked at prices there..
  12. Must say, it’s not a great hobby for a morning person like me. Was going to get out tonight, but it’s not going to happen. Recharge for Thurs night, providing the forecast doesn’t change...
  13. I'll have to rush through this one, but last night was a great night of viewing. It seemed very steady from dusk, where I felt the need to see how Jupiter and Saturn looked briefly before they disappeared beyond next doors. Being so low in the sky, they are normally not so good suffering from atmospherics but were both very steady. I showed my daughter and even the wife. I started off with some doubles, literally flitting around. I took in most of the obvious ones to me initially, given that it was second light for the XW 5, where previously I struggled with eye placement. Not this time though, everything felt natural. So, in no particular order: Mizar, Alberio, Rasalgethi, Izar, Zeta CrB, Gamma Delphini (new one on me and very pretty) and Struve 2725.I finished on 61 Cygni too. Didn't actually look at Epsilon Lyrae for once, nor Zeta Herc, so maybe that's something for tonight. I flicked to globs from here. M5 is now too low in the sky and I could see the light pollution on the horizon. I struggled with M10 and M12 as a result too of this so I may try those a little earlier tonight.Ended up spending some time taking in M92 and then of course M13. So familiar to me but I can see that there's only another month with them and they still give a wow each time. I decided to have a look at M27 and M57. Again, very familiar but the latter really did pop last night under such good conditions. I added the O-III afterwards and decided to settle down with another brew to take in my favourite, The Veil. I must have spent 45 minutes trying to see just that bit more. By this time, Mars was just above next doors. I had a quick look at Andromeda, but then spent the last 45 minutes viewing Mars. There were little glimpses where the atmosphere steadied and I could see perfectly the polar cap and a distinct dark region. I'll have a look up later of what that was exactly when I have the time. But the XW 5 performed wonderfully well. I'm really pleased with my little journey into this hobby. If you had have said to me that I could take in all of these targets in less than 3 hours to me last year, I might not have believed you. Really have enjoyed this years late summer evenings when time and conditions allow. I felt relatively organised last night which I have learnt to be so important. I was away by midnight but had woken early the night previous around 3am and noticed Orion in the South at that time, so the winter months are fast approaching and I now feel that this year I should be far more ready than previously - can't wait!
  14. Happy to report that the XW eye placement seemed absolutely fine last night, it all fell in place? A great steady night I found, it was excellent viewing conditions throughout. If anything, having spent most of the night flitting between 5/8/13, the 20 towards the end didn't work so well for me. Ah well, the winter season is approaching quickly, where I don't have to burn the candle both ends.
  15. Yes that’s probably the biggest factor. I think by adding the 30 I’ll have the low power covered well enough for me. I reckon the 13 and 8 will be the most used so I’ll make sure they’re the best they can be. I kind of don’t want to be buying again, buy once and be done with it, and enjoy.
  16. I’m not even going to deny that that won’t happen 😆 The plan is to add the 6, then the APM 30. I will swap the APM 13 at some point no doubt but no rush at all, i’m pleased with the core EP’s. Probably won’t bother changing the 20 though, it’s a great EP.
  17. It’s physically impossible to create that depth of field given the distance of the subject. The closer to the subject, the less the depth of field, which is why you need to stop down as much as possible with macro. It’s an overlay which is popular in photography. Here's actually an example from a family Christmas card where I've used something similar. It's very easy to do in Photoshop..
  18. Nope, he’s added an overlay over the top of what is a great picture. Not for me, it’s a strong enough image without that.
  19. Pretty much that, 158x. Not yet, I have the APM 13 and 20 as my other 100 degree EP’s.
  20. Thanks Rob, I somehow missed your post, apologies. 5mm translates to a 1mm exit pupil so I’ll just have to find a method that works, I’m sure I will. It’s looking clear tomorrow night do I shall be out no doubt getting to grips with it.
  21. Had a thoroughly enjoyable half hour lying on the lawn studying Cygnus tonight with the bins (10x42) tonight. Keeping thinking about complementing them with a pair of 15x70's at some point but I do like small size of what I have.
  22. Yes I’m a sitter Don 😀 Of course it’s the small exit pupil. So should I be getting used to that with no relief? 🤔
  23. You could get by but.. I find a Telrad/Quikfinder to be great for obvious larger targets, but whilst star hopping with them they're a bit clunky for fine tuning. IMO A RACI drills into an area nicely. The supplied one will get you by, but a RACI is far more intuitive.
  24. I've definitely been spoilt with 100 degree vistas. I felt from 200x and greater, that that wouldn't be such an issue for planetary and doubles, it's just going to take some time to get used to. It was nice and sharp, the colour seemed crisp too so no qualms there. M13 looked pretty spectacular, but the 8mm Ethos is the sweet spot for me still with that target. I'm not a glasses wearer John, but it felt better twisted almost fully up, but even then I kept just 'blobbing' the front element. Best position seemed to be hovering well above the rubber, however high that was. Getting in close just seemed to black out, odd. Maybe I am used to just getting in close to take in the 100 degree views?
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