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Craig a

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Everything posted by Craig a

  1. Awesome capture detail in the twins is excellent
  2. Yes it does look like a knock or a cable got caught and popped loose again
  3. Thanks for commenting, I like lots of colour in Astro images some may find it abit over the top but hey ho it’s all personal preference 🙂
  4. I don’t use Apt I use nebulously for capture control I believe if imaging with a dslr you need to move the main dslr image by about 15 pixels to smooth out colour mottling, in neb I use very high dither and dither scale of 3 in phd but that’s with a st80 guidescope guiding a 1000mm Newtonian, I would experiment with it until you see the image shift by a couple of star diameters just use short exposures to speed it up until you get the desired result, I hope this helps
  5. Wow that’s just incredible! It’s beautifully smooth, excellent
  6. That’s exacting what I did! I have got a qhy9 mono but I just prefer to use my dslr not as sensitive but easier to use and with our Uk weather the easier the better
  7. Hello everybody I’ve just joined this wonderful forum so I thought what better way to celebrate than post my first image on here😁 taken last week when we had our lovely run of clear moonless nights here on the wirral, I only image with a modded 1100d but it does ok for a entry level dslr, my scope is a skywatcher Quattro 10cf on a belt modded neq6 that I installed myself, this image is just over 9 hours of 3min subs totalling 187 subs making it the longest time I’ve spent on a single object, no filter was used I found lp filters mess up the colour of stars and galaxies so I ditched it, gradients are a problem as a consequence but carefull use of gradient xterminator gets rid of most of it, thanks for looking
  8. Hello everybody I’m Craig from the Wirral been lurking not registered for yonks but I do normally browse everyday and found this forum a wealth of knowledge of all Astro, my main thing is deep sky imaging and has been for quite a few years and I look forward to sharing my images with you all, I’m no expert but I do my best with the gear I have comprising of a 10 inch f4 Newtonian ontop of a belt modded neq6 that I installed myself my only downfall is I image with a dslr though it has been modded by filter removal that I didn’t do myself. Look forward to getting to know everybody
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