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Roy Foreman

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Everything posted by Roy Foreman

  1. Using the F/3.4 reducer and ASI 294 the back spacing was 56mm. I think the 294 has a slightly smaller sensor than your 1600 but not by much. With the F/4 CC I used a full frame DSLR and the standard 55mm spacing. Hope this helps, back spacing can be a real pain !
  2. Not had a chance to use this scope since the images above but it seems a nice little scope and well put together. And very light. As a fast scope you will need to ensure that it is well collimated. The procedure is no more difficult than any other newt. One must have accessory is an upgraded eyepiece holder as the standard one is a bit wobbly ! It only covers APS-C and the focal reducer works with other newts as well which is a bonus. I am very pleased with the scope and hope to get lots more use out of it when the clouds finally go away. Hope this helps.
  3. Very nicely done. Agree about bad weather - I've been waiting since summer for a clear night and six months later I'm still waiting !
  4. Well done for such a short integration time. Agree about the weather. I've been waiting 3 months for a clear night !
  5. I haven't had skies clear enough for imaging in 3 months ! Its getting beyond a joke.
  6. Sadly no, I can't. The nebulosity is too, er, nebulous to see any mechanical straight lines hee hee hee.
  7. Love the panorama but struggling to see the frog. Must be because I'm an engineer not a biologist !!!
  8. Nice setup. I much prefer fork mounts to GEM's. No meridian flips well done on the image too.
  9. So did I . Nice image lots of depth and colour.
  10. This is part of my ongoing quest to image the outer shells of M27 given my limited clear skies. Still room for improvement I think but this is my best effort so far. Those with better processing skills than I could probably make a better job of it. I'm also doing the same for M57, but that's in the pipeline. Taken over two nights - 15th July and 18th Sept - using my 16" Reflector and ASI 6200 MC Pro. 66 x 60 sec at gain 400 with an IDAS NB1 filter. Processed in DSS and Photoshop. Thanks for looking.
  11. Yes I like the colours on this one as well. Very natural looking.
  12. Staying up till 3.30am for just one night would do me in ! Looks like it was well worth the effort though. Hopefully you can now sit back and relax and recover whilst waiting for the next batch of clear nights !!!
  13. I will check that out. Thanks for that Peter
  14. Excellent detail - well done ! And well done for getting up early - something I find very difficult to do !!
  15. Thank you Peter. Having just posted these I now need to figure out why the colour balance looks different to the originals !!
  16. My cooled astro camera is playing up, so when a rare clear night occurred recently I reverted to imaging with my trusty Nikon D810a - an amazing camera that is so much more than just a stock DSLR with a modified filter. Image details are as follows :- North America Nebula Stella Mira 90 EDT at f/4.8 - 20 x 30 sec at ISO 6400 plus IDAS NB1 Tri Band Filter Dumbell Nebula 16" Reflector at F/4.5 - 20 x 45 sec at ISO 1600, no filters Ring Nebula 16" Reflector at F/4.5 - 20 x 30 sec at ISO 1600, no filters For what its worth, I've imaged all of these objects with my ASI 6200 MC with total exposure times four times longer than these, but results hardly any better. Can't explain why, but food for thought. Hope these are of interest, especially to those who are imaging with a DSLR.
  17. Lots of stars indeed. Next time I image M11 I'll use a shorter focal length scope and see what turns out. Impressive image, well done.
  18. Love the first version. Monochrome has a certain appeal which we don't see all that often. Great result.
  19. Ha ha didnt know that. If I did manage to live to be 186 I would probably have forgotten the views from the first time around!
  20. That's great. Sheer coincidence that the illumination was favourable for my image. Even if I tried the same thing next month lunar libration would reveal different features at the terminator as you are probably aware. Thanks for pointing that out.
  21. Glad you like it. The thinnest crescent I have ever attempted. Bit of a long shot but it seems to have worked !
  22. I searched for Mercury as well but like you I never found it. The moon was visible through the telescopes finder but the magnification was too low to make out many details. Thanks for your response.
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