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Roy Foreman

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Everything posted by Roy Foreman

  1. Thank you. Yes I think I prefer the last one as well.
  2. Processing was a bit tricky with these as conditions were quite hazy which seems to have an adverse effect on stacking. 16" f/4.5 Reflector Baader FFC at x3 giving EFL 5400mm F/13.5 ZWO ASI 183 MM Proplanet 807 IR filter 30% of 2000 frames. Hope you like them and thanks for looking
  3. Well, that is high praise indeed. So glad you are impressed, especially as it was daylight and thin cloud when the images were captured. Thank you !
  4. Finally manages to stitch the three images into one mosaic, plus a few selective enlargements from the main image.
  5. Thank you, I think they will. I intend to do some selective enlargements as well.
  6. I've always thought this to bs such a colorful part of the sky. If only it wasn't so low down from the UK. No chance of me imaging it from my location so I will just have to admire yours. Well done, very nice.
  7. Took a while to process this on as it was shot about an hour before sunset, so in daylight and through thin cloud and haze. Didn't have high hopes for it. Stacking and processing has taken much more effort than usual to get a decent dark background, but I think I've sort of cracked it ! Vital statistics :- 16" F/4.5 Reflector ZWO ASI 183MM Proplanet 807 IR filter 30% of 2000 frames at 19 fps (that's flat out for the 183) Processed in Autostakkert and Photoshop. Three panes cover the lunar disc, but I've not bothered to stitch them together yet. Thanks for looking and clear skies to all.
  8. Yes it is better, and really good for a single frame image. Well done.
  9. To capture such a slim crescent is not easy. Well done.
  10. Conditions were not that great, with skies becoming increasingly hazy, but I managed 60 minutes of integration before the clouds rolled in. Weather is so continuously bad these days that I have to make the most of whatever small opportunities nature deems fit to hand out, as I expect many of us do ! Better result than my one and only previous effort on this target. 16" f/4.5 Reflector ZWO ASI 6200 MC Pro IDAS NB1 Tri Band Filter 60 x 60 sec at Gain 400 Processed in DSS and Photoshop. Thanks for looking.
  11. Love the colours. Nice pastel shades, a sort of salmon pink on my screen. In fact it almost looks like a fish swimming, right to left, or do my eyes need testing. Well done, nice image.
  12. My first image of the galaxy season, and first posted image in quite a while due to extended rubbish weather. This is just 60 minutes of integration time and my best effort on these galaxies so far, although there is much room for improvement which I will endeavor to rectify weather permitting. 16" F/4.5 Reflector ZWO ASI 6200 MC Pro IDAS D2 LPR Filter 60 x 60 sec at gain 400 Processed in DSS and Photoshop. Hazy skies. SQM 20.70 Thanks for looking.
  13. That's a great result. Just shows what a small scope can do. I really like my Quattrp 150 but like you I am still ironing out some minor glitches. It works well with SW's F/4 coma corrector as well, covering a larger chip size.
  14. Thank you - I get plenty of cloud and rain here too. In fact these images we made in a short time of clear sky between clouds. And in daylight. We have to make the most of these small windows. Glad you like the images.
  15. Thank you Peter glad you like the images. The seeing at my location never seems to be brilliant, but when it happens I will be sure to post some images here !
  16. This month's lunar crescent has so far been clouded out for me, but managed to catch yesterday's fat crescent in a clear interlude during the late afternoon, in broad daylight. Rubbish seeing, but I think it turned out not too bad considering. 16" F/4.5 reflector and ASI 183MM with Proplanet 807 IR filter. 25% of 2000 frames. Three pane mosaic. Plus some selective enlargements from the main image. Thanks for looking.
  17. A few years ago I had a touring holiday in Morocco, North Africa, which included a couple of nights in the Sahara Desert one of which was in a luxury tent in the sand. The tents were in a fenced compound, so perfectly safe. I managed to do some simple astrophotography with a Star Adventurer mount on a photo tripod and DSLR. The lights were turned off at 10pm after which it was so dark you could not see an arms length in front of you, and needed a torch to walk anywhere, or set up the tripod and camera. The stars and milky way shone undiminished right down to the horizon. I struggled to identify Polaris, and even the five stars that make up the 'W' of Cassiopia were difficult to distinguish, such was the intensity of the starry background. Without a doubt the darkest conditions I could ever imagine. I never saw a solitary cloud, day or night, in the week I was there, just deep blue sky right down to the horizon. And an interesting conversation with a local 20 year old who had never seen rain and had difficulty understanding the concept of water falling from the sky ! I managed to take an photo of the waning moon just 19 hours from new skimming the tops of the sand dunes in the dawn sky. I estimate it was less than one degree in altitude. The whole experience left me feeling very sad at what I had been missing out on living in the UK. Highly recommended.
  18. Superb detail. Very nicely done.
  19. Just found this image of a very slim crescent from last June that I had never processed. Taken with a Skywatcher 150 ED and Baader red filter. Three pane mosaic. 50% of 1000 frames at 19 fps. Hope you like it and thanks for looking.
  20. No worries and thank you. Glad you like them - makes all the hard work worth it.
  21. Nice set of images and excellent detail. Well done.
  22. Thank you so much for your poetic descriptions of the various images, glad you like them. It seems different images appeal to different people for different reasons, proof if ever it was needed that we are all individuals. I have yet to decide which is my favourite part of the moon as it is all so stunning, but I do have a preference for very thin crescent and earthshine. Many thanks Roy
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