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Neil H

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Everything posted by Neil H

  1. My biggest moan about the EQ1 is I point at a star lock the clutches let go of the scope and it moves an inch or so on its mount I can't see any way to stop this So will have to save up for a better scope can't change mount as this is 3x more than the cost of the telescope to start with just for top tripod so may go dobs next time
  2. Hi I am new to this and I wish I got the dobs telescope I find the telescope on the eq1 mount is hard to Work with you set it up to point North and then try and look South the telescope lands up at a strange angle with the balance weight high of just level but the whole this feel unstable may just be me, there is a lot of messing about moving the telescope in its mounts to get the eyepiece so you can see into it
  3. Hi everyone just a quick question is the Celestron Omni eyepieces any good
  4. Morning all merry Christmas to you all ,waiting for pims a clock lol
  5. Hi I had item with that type of crack the same way . What I was did was put a tiny cable the around the flat part so the crack was closed then hot glue on the cable tie to hold it in place it's worth a try
  6. Thanks guys for your time I will have to read it a few times for it to sink in but it has answered it
  7. Ok so in lay man terms a fast scope draw light in faster to the mirror then eyepiece , so this now makes me ask this If you have a fast telescope the eyepiece needs to be very good as well ?
  8. Ok so it's focal , but why it's called a fast scope of its focal length
  9. Hi guys I know this is going to get technical, a fast telescope is F6 or lower hope that's right What makes it a fast telescope? Why does it make it a fast telescope? Why buy a fast telescope over a medium? P!ease try and keep it easy to understand thank you
  10. Well guys ( sorry I know we have a young lady on here too) but I am learning a lot , I thought I had my scope set up right but I got a laser collimator I first checked the tool glad I did it was off a little , then did the telescope and what I thought was right was well out , so I hope next outing the image will be better
  11. Glad you said that I don't feel stupid now
  12. Hi Jim i did my friend I subscribed to your channel , as a newbie I am just starting to look up and see things , so what star cluster is the 7sisters ? The big dipper is what we call the plough ( I wish we all used the same names lol )
  13. Great video Jim have you done any more
  14. Get a bolt removal tool from a car spares p!ace they are hardened and made to remove bolts that the head has snapped off , you drill the bolt then insert tool and as it grips it unscrew bolt
  15. Thanks Robin this is my first scope and won't be my last
  16. Hi I got this eyepiece as the 4mm was missing this was before I found out I need plossl eyepiece is it any good or shall I replace it https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0749PC72L/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  17. Hi guys I found a compass on play store that gives you mag North or true north what ever you select it may be worth a look https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.smartcompass.procompass
  18. Hi guys it was me lol , I just could not get my head to work it out I watched video and read the right up I was linked to and now in the day light got it to look South , it's looks strange as the weight is level or above the telescope a little and telescope ends up lower than when I started, but if that sounds right to you guys then I go with that
  19. Hi Joe do me a favor tell me what eyepieces and Barlow to get please so I don't waste money on things I don't need , forget what I have as they are cheap and came with scope so are not plossl
  20. Thanks I just wonder if it's me being new and not knowing how to handle the telescope yet
  21. Guys I have the EQ1 mount I do the polar alignment then if I want to look at a star to my South I undo the locks but telescope will only move 60 degs and then gets stuck is this normal
  22. Hi guys I worked out I need 8mm 10mm 12mm 20mm plossl eyepieces 2x Barlow and poss a 3x Barlow using the eyepiece with and without the Barlow I won't go near max mag of 228
  23. Ok what I have done is used the maths to make sure I don't go over 224 when looking at plossl eyepieces and barlows
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