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Everything posted by AstroMuni

  1. Thats a great idea. I dont know about the weather in your part of the world, but here in the UK, that would be my biggest concern so would need to prepare backup images etc., incase the clouds roll in. The other thing to watch out for are the technical hitches that can happen when you are far away from the scope, so would be a good idea to get someone to stay around the scope while you are presenting, to fix any glitches.
  2. Have you had a look at this http://binocularsky.com/ The author @BinocularSky is on this forum
  3. Hi Manas, If you are trying to view planets and trying to get the largest image out of your scope then try the suggestion by @Louis D Sometimes the blurriness (even at lower maginifications) is also a result of atmospheric disturbances and can vary depending on your viewing location. City viewing is not always the best 😞
  4. Hi Ash, It will be a challenge to get material that only covers the facts that you are interested in, so you will need to adapt and learn to skip out sections that detail the science behind these facts 🙂 As mentioned earlier, join a local astro club where you can chat with others without getting too deep into the science. Have you tried this site from OU that was mentioned by @SpaceWatcher in your other post? https://www.telescope.org/
  5. You may have hit the nail on the head I recall that the calculation of max usable magnification is around twice the aperature in mm. That would indicate a maximum magnification of 150x.
  6. Great comeback. 👍 As already mentioned, try using Siril to process the image from original. The stars seem a bit on the fuzzy side in your posted image, but that could just be due to upload here. If original is fuzzy, applying deconvolution should help. It should also help in bringing out the star in the middle of the nebula. Good luck. EDIT: I have taken your image, applied Photometric calibration and done a Histogram transform in Siril followed by cropping the image. And I am no expert in photoprocessing, so there is a lot of good detail in your image 🙂
  7. Ofcourse! In my local society we have zoom sessions where we share screens both to view what others are imaging and to help resolve issues being faced by them.
  8. A lot of us in this hobby are here to do just that 🙂 So just enjoy the vastness and beauty of our universe! Along the way you will pick up small pieces of new info to build onto your knowledge and thats just part of the fun.
  9. Its all about taking this in perspective....how much of science do you need to understand anything that happens in our everyday lives 🙂 As an example do you need to fully know Newton's law and equations to understand that gravity pulls things down? So enjoy the hobby without worrying too much about understanding the full science behind it. We are all learning, including the research scientists at CERN etc. We are just at slightly different levels of understanding 😉
  10. Good point that was missed out. I do the same but forgot to mention Useful info for anyone new trying to establish similar connection.
  11. I use the ASI120mm mini on RPI (Astroberry). No issues so far.
  12. I would recommend geting used to your rig before adding guiding to the mix. Try out your rig w/o guiding to see the longest duration of images you can get without stars trailing. On the HEQ5 Pro with my scope, I can get anywhere between 30-60s unguided. I have the Astro essentials 30mm + ASI120mm mini btw for guiding and it works well. EDIT: I am hearing lots of successes using Lucky imaging (short exposures < 1sec) and that maybe something to consider as well. 🙂 https://www.astrobiscuit.com/lucky-imaging-theory
  13. Hi Ash, My advice would be to join your local astro group. That will certainly help you understand the art of the possible and you might be able to borrow books, make friends with someone who could let you remotely view through their scope from within the comfort of the home. The opportunities are endless! Good luck! Read this as well 🙂 https://www.rmg.co.uk/stories/topics/5-live-streams-help-you-explore-world-home
  14. Great work. Now you could call yourself a competitor of Astro Tuff-Truk showcased in recent AN magazine 🙂
  15. The graphics may not be perfectly accurate as the circles were just drawn by hand rather than to engineering precision .....I have edited my original post to add the explanation.
  16. Try out the capture software mentioned. They allow you to see the histogram whilst changing exposure and gain. Aim for around 70-75% and you should start seeing the blob clearing. Take a short video and then use the stacking software to pull out the individual images and stack them. The detail will pop out. Here is a helpful link for Firecapture https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/698787-official-firecapture-tutorials/
  17. That mount axis line is showing where the mount is pointing at present (in blue). The red circle is what the mount is rotating about and green circle is where it should be rotating about. Our aim should be to get red circle to line up as closely as possible with green.
  18. It is shown as pointing to NCP (white line). Polaris is shown as a separate marker.
  19. You are correct. Guide or main camera direction is not important 🙂
  20. As you can see from the diagram, visibility of Polaris is not a must. You could describe an arc that is further and further away from the pole, but the accuracy is going to be slightly less as you go further away.
  21. I have and do use the Bahtinov mask. I focus before doing a session, but its hard with the standard focuser on the Astromaster and its not an easy task (I'm no great DIY expert) to replace this one with a better focuser. And as Vlaiv has already said, I am dealing with a spherical mirror after all so I have those limitations But hey make the most of what I have is my policy, until I upgrade.
  22. Yes, there is lots of data in there for 30mins and I was amazed. Which software did you use for deconvolution and what settings. I had applied default deconvolution on this image in Siril.
  23. Here is my attempt on capturing M13 last weekend. Consists of just 30mins worth of data taken with the ASI224mc on the Celestron Astromaster 130EQ OTA mounted on HEQ5 pro. Stacked in SIRIL and processed using a combination of Siril & Gimp. Comments and suggestions welcome 🙂
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