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Ships and Stars

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Everything posted by Ships and Stars

  1. Given the gradual & more recent TV price increases, you may end up money ahead John! My first view of the Veil last year with the 21E and OIII made me a convert. Up to that point, I hadn't really viewed much with the 21E that justified the price, but after that, I got it!
  2. Thanks for that, I shall try that test next time I'm out. True, there are many overlapping optical/mechanical issues that can mask one another. Gently steering back onto Pentax, I was always a big Pentax camera/lens fan so kind of surprised that when I became interested in astronomy, I never picked up any XWs despite the great reviews overall. It was always a matter of what was on the second-hand market, and more TV Ethos, etc came up than XWs when I was doing most of my buying. I guess that says a lot for Pentax. I'd love to get my hands on the 30mm, but at this point will wait until I'm observing with someone who has one, or less likely, a used one comes up for a good price. As my eyes worsen, and presumably they will, I may have to give up the non-TV 100deg EPs some day and go for enough eye relief to accommodate eyeglasses, so Pentax will come back onto my radar then.
  3. Ah ok, not sure what scope issues you had, sorry. Going off piste a bit (more) here, but I think I've reached the point with careful collimation, mirror(s) very close to or at ambient temperature and a well-adjusted coma corrector with decent eyepieces for fast scopes, that any optical performance shortcomings are most likely due to my astigmatism, which I've read becomes more noticeable as exit pupil increases, i.e. longer focal length EPs. I never wear eyeglasses when observing, but will try contact lenses the next time I have a clear night to see if things are any sharper, but they're fairly good now. I should take a closer look (no pun intended) at dioptrx, but am in the process of switching to mainly Lunt/APM EPs so perhaps a bit late on that. Of course this is assuming mechanical things like the mirror cell, primary and secondary are all happy. I'm sure you know more about star tests and airy discs than I do, so won't bother mentioning that.
  4. Have you tried the permatrace drafting film trick for finding the right CC setting? I don't have the Paracorr, but with my ES HR CC instructions, you set the CC in the 'neutral' position with the helical mechanism rotated out at 13.5mm, tape drafting film (or frosted tape, but prefer drafting film) across the CC's EP opening, then use the focuser to move the CC in or out on the moon or a particularly bright star until sharp focus is reached on the film, kind of like a projector screen. Then lock focuser and don't move it. Next insert your (30mm, 12.5 EP etc) and screw helical top in or out until sharp focus is reached through the EP and note settings. That is the correct CC setting for that particular eyepiece. Sounds a bit complicated, but only needs to be done once. Having said all that, the P2 might be a totally different creature and only have click settings and not fine adjustment? Never used one, but thought the Paracorr and HR CCs were quite similar overall, as ES seems to copy TV a bit. Might work if there's no reliable setting info on the UFF/P2 combo? 23b024e8c3e70b64385a1713de38290d.pdf
  5. I checked astronomy tools FOV calculator as I like the APM EPs and was thinking about selling my 31mm Baader for the 30mm UFF after reading a bit about it, but noticed the 21E's working FOV is identical to the 30mm, so not really any gain for me, though perhaps nicer sometimes to have everything framed in a straight on 70deg view vs 100deg with a bit of head rolling to take it all in. I love the 21E but just picked up the 20mm Lunt UWA and can't decide which one to part with!
  6. I've never seen a live rocket launch, must be incredible. How frequently do they launch? Cape Canaveral probably? I've some friends that live on the gulf side.
  7. It's an interesting site, isn't it? I'd happened to do a search for Aristarchus and then went to lunar maps, and somehow stumbled onto to the Apollo 15 archive from NASA. By the way, I hope no one thinks I took those photos if scrolling through posts (I wish!). I think the moon bug is a good term, usually I complain a little about the moon (shhhh) because I'm a bit of a DSO junkie, but now I have some more things to do astro-related this summer when we don't quite get astronomical darkness at 57N. I like pushing the magnification was well and seeing what I can squeeze out of my scope and it's not something terribly affected by LP to boot.
  8. I was quite excited last night after my observing session, didn't realise I was commenting on the imaging thread and not this one, sorry about that! Fatigue had set in but I was buzzing, haha. Best lunar session I've had (still fairly new to astro and have mainly been concentrating on DSOs). The mountain chain or massive ridge I was trying to identify is Montes Agricola you photographed Paul, it kind of looked like a giant spear with the tip pointing northwards last night. I'd like to find out what the approximate elevation is, but can't find much data other than it's around 160km long! Brilliant stuff. PS I just downloaded the lunar app Stu, very nice.
  9. That made my night, cheers! Your photos are excellent as well, plus I would have struggled to know where to look without those. I normally just view the moon without a great deal of context for what I'm seeing. The 300p has been an excellent all-round scope. I can't imagine what it must have been like to fly over then land within sight of some of these features. I'll have to check out more on where Apollo 15 landed. They got through a few rolls of film, couldn't believe how many photos are in the archives. Have a good evening!
  10. Thanks for pointing out Aristarchus, Paul as I don't know a lot about lunar features. I started off with the 300p and a 20mm EP at 75x through some passing cloud and worked up to 231x with a barlowed 13mm plossl once it cleared. Decent seeing, not terribly turbulent. Then swapped to the binoviewers and several sets of plossls, ending up with the WO 20mm EPs and a 1.6x GPC, which was the best of the entire lot between mag & sharpness. The oblique lighting was perfect to bring out the definition, there was what appeared to be a prominent linear mountain ridge that sits below the area that must be massive, trying to find out more info on that (still searching - see last Apollo 15 photo below). Schroter's Valley was equally impressive, I just read it was perhaps formed by volcanic activity, but there is no consensus! Another feature that must be absolutely colossal up close. Learned quite a lot this evening including a new word - 'rille'. Thanks again Paul! I found some images from the Apollo 15 mission below if anyone might not have seen these before.
  11. Admittedly the 3D printer idea is better, but no good at drafting CAD plans etc. Something for the future. With the JB Weld I think I can have them working with filters pretty quickly and will look ok if I mask off everything first and do a really tidy job. We'll see!!
  12. Okay, so after talking to FLO, it's pretty much a matter of like it or lump it. Or improve it. Considering what I have invested in these binoculars and what it would cost to upgrade, I decided to a.) live with the two pairs of 20x/40x eyepieces I have and forget using 1.25" EPs and most importantly, b.) just bought a four-piece set of cheap 1.25" colour filters for £10 that have internal threads (i.e. stackable). I'll carefully grind down the external threaded portion, then remove the actual filters so I'm left with an empty holder, then JB Weld those neatly onto the flat metal tops of all four EPs with a nice tiny, clean bead around the bases externally (minding the optics of course), give it a little tidy with a dremel once dry, clean away any dust with compressed air, and voila, the party goes on...with filters at last. If I remove the coloured planetary filters without breaking them, then I'll give those away if anyone's interested. Think the set I bought might actually be decent quality (?) but unused, so perhaps a shame to completely wreck them if someone needs a replacement glass. Anyway, think I'm on track, If I had a 3D printer I'd come up with something more elegant, but to be honest I couldn't even use Google Sketch to draw up something for a 3D printer to work from, just never got the hang of 3D drafting. 👍 PS - tried 2x barlow noses on the bottom of a pair of 32mm plossls this afternoon - still not enough inward travel to reach focus in case anyone was wondering...
  13. I'd just tape some cheap filters on and get on with my life, but that's too easy!🤣 (edit - I never answered your original question - yes I assume these are probably around 10-15 years old, but are pretty clean if they are? I should also be on the lookout for any Apogee spares, they might share some of the same parts)
  14. I'll try a draw up a design that works and ask around. Happy to pay for some of those babies! In lieu of that, I'm tempted to just neatly lay a fine bead of JB Weld around a threaded filter socket directly to the metal on top of the EPs for what I paid for these bins. Might work, might not! Oh dear... I'll see about 3D printing I think! Cheers Geof!
  15. I was just thinking the same! 3D print a clamping filter holder that fits the flange for the eyecup, then have a more standard flange on the outside that takes the winged Baader eyecups... ? I need a 3D printer! Haha.
  16. Hi all, a bit more detail and measurements/photos on the Q5s following my recent post regarding (my) general confusion on EPs and filters. Just getting the Quantum 5.1s (older version apparently) in shape, fine cleaning objective lenses, threads etc with a rocket blower and lens cloth etc, measuring EPs, etc and taking measurements. My first problem is a missing eyecup, not a huge deal in life, but a little complicated. The factory EPs have an odd retaining ring that slides over the rubber and locks it in place. Er, it sort of works. Needing an eyecup for one of the 40x occulars, imagine this will take a bit of searching and perhaps even phone calls (remember those?!). In the photos below, the inner rubber lip that attaches to the EP is 28mm, going over a 30mm flange that sits 2.5mm high from the EP body. In lieu of that, I might be able to find some aftermarket replacement eye cups, but all the replica ones online are just quoted for specific bins, usually collectable Zeiss models, etc The second bigger problem for me, and I wasn't aware the older Q5s were like this - the bins just plain don't accept 1.25" eyepieces although they are 1.25"dia tubes, they will only reach focus with the shorties included, and worse of all, they don't take filters unless I'm missing something! How can an observation binocular of this grade not take filters?? That's pretty much a deal breaker for me, so once I get the eyecup sorted, they might be going back online although I hate to sell them already. They are in excellent condition overall and seem perfectly collimated, so I really want to find a solution. There are big lock rings for the EP holders, I'd imagine the newer Q5.2s holders would fit right in, but highly, highly doubt OVL would sell me those or it would be cost effective... Really scratching my head here. Ideas where to source/solve any of this? I though about the 2x barlow on each 1.25 lens to reach focus, but decided that's not what I'm looking for I guess. Hmmm...
  17. I had a similar experience with both my SW dobs when changing to a RACI finder, give the finder a wiggle when tightening, it can get locked a few degrees off flush but feel secure until you bump it. I still have to give the tightening screw a good twist to get it secure. I agree it's not the most secure mounting in general. Tempted to remove my finder shoe and drill/tap both that and the finderscope base to a larger size retaining screw and use a star knob that has a nylon knurled thingy at the top to get more torque.
  18. Just saw it literally seconds ago! Was thinking to set up tripod for a photo but putting kids to bed. Not trying very hard admittedly...
  19. I buy nearly all of my scopes, binos and eyepieces second-hand, so am rarely out any money if I look after it, which I do. Sometimes I get a real bargain, get to use it for awhile, then find it a new home if I decide someday I can live without a certain bit of gear. Above all, I find with buying astronomy gear, it's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission* *Results may vary
  20. That's an impressive looking mount Geof! I'm used to seeing tiny stock photos with a white background, so not much scale. I bet that makes thing so much nicer!
  21. The APMs sound like a great experience! I'm looking around for smoothside plossls but will see what I can attach to the existing EPs, they are ok actually. My real problem at the moment as you mention is mounting them! They are serious binoculars. When I find a solution I will let you know, bound to be something out there that works. Hoping to have them out soon at any rate! 👍
  22. Hi Mark, thanks! I have three sets of Revelation plossls and one pair of WO 20mm that came with my binoviewer, they will all go in up to the shoulder of the EP, so think it's a focus issue, similar to binoviewers. I may try to add a 2x barlow to each EP as Peter Drew suggests and see if that works, but by them the mag will be quite high, but definitely worth a try. The 20x and 40x EP sets that came with the binoculars are actually fine by me, they just lack threads for filters which is a must-have for this nebula junkie. I'm sure there is a solution out there, but may involve buying another set of specialised EPs. I shall see if Steve@Binocularsky knows the story with these. Surely a binocular of this type can accept filters, hopefully I've missed something obvious! I've had a close look at the objective end (is that the right term?) of the EPs and there is definitely no thread for filters, in fact they are a strange design to me, but quite simple overall. Still, from the terrestrial views I saw today they are pretty impressive. A little CA, but to be expected in this price range and especially for what I paid for them, pretty happy!
  23. Thaks Geoff! I thought I'd missed these online, but the seller contacted me to say the original buyer had apparently changed their mind, so in the end I picked them up for a good price, took a couple of weeks to sort this so wasn't sure they actually existed🤣. I've mounted them on a tripod for some quick terrestrial views today, excellent sharpness through both sets of EPs, but no way the tripod is going to hold an angle for astro. The 20x EPs have tons of eye relief, while the 40x EPs are almost like using planetary EPs. I have a few mods to make regarding filters, as they don't take standard 1.25" EPs and there are no threads on the bino EPs either 🤔 but still very happy with them so far! As long as I can figure out how to attach filters, I'll be pretty happy (and a way to mount them solidly, the real crux!) 👍 7kg by the way! I'll be keeping the 15x70s for a bit of freedom, haha.
  24. Very good, I was thinking along those lines, having dealt with binoviewer focus issues before. It appears from my brief investigations that the newer Quantum 5.2s are set up to accept 1.25" EPs without any fuss. Didn't realise the older Q5s were like this, but the two sets of EPs that come with the Q5 seem okay actually. I think I have two 2x barlows rolling around in one of my desk drawers, shall dig those out and give it a bash 👍 Thanks Peter!
  25. My 'new to me' Helios Quantum 5 20/40x100mm Observation binoculars arrived today, well-used but in good overall nick and collimation is spot on much to my relief. I think these are the first generation Series 5, not the 5.2s but don't know how to tell the difference?? Will be welding up a stainless fork mount/dobson style mount this summer (haven't quite drawn it up yet, but will elaborate more on that soon), but in the meantime, will scrounge around for a second-hand AZ4 or similar. These are some seriously hefty binoculars! My main question please: has anyone been able to use their own 1.25" EPs in these? I have four pairs of plossls for my binoviewers (20mm, 25mm, 32mm and 40mm), but none will slot in far enough to reach focus. I seem to recall reading about some solution online. The current EPs are ok but don't accept filters from what I can tell. Any ideas how to fit standard 1.25" eyepieces? Many thanks.
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